Patriot Rising

This is a refreshing change of pace from the city councils and county boards in Democratic-dominated parts of the country that are regularly banning lawfully possessed firearms from government property. In the tiny town of Estancia, New Mexico outside of Albuquerque, the town council recently voted to require that all those attending future meetings be armed.

Mayor Nathan Dial says the vote was meant to send a message to Democrats in Santa Fe, who’ve been busy passing gun control laws like universal background checks and extreme risk protection orders over the past few years while ignoring the voices of rural residents. Continue reading “New Mexico Town Wants Everyone Armed At City Council Meetings”

Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson

The media has responded to the recent spate of high profile football players suddenly collapsing with heart problems in the middle of games by concluding that it is just a “coincidence.”

Yes, really. Continue reading “Media Says Rise in Football Players Suddenly Collapsing is a “Coincidence””

Global Research – by Jens Bernert

Those who warned that Corona “vaccinations“ were the first step towards the genetic manipulation of humans faced harsh attacks from quality media, politicians and activists who denied this and ridiculed the corresponding fears.

But all that is now moot: on 12 July 2021, the WHO itself let the cat out of the bag and published recommendations – available to everyone on the WHO website – on the genetic manipulation of humans “to promote public health“ (1).  Continue reading “The WHO Recommends Genetic Manipulation and Gene Editing of Humans “To Promote Public Health””

Daily Mail

Dozens of looters descended on a mall in Minnesota and brazenly marched through two Best Buy locations, taking whatever they liked with them off the shelves.

One incident occurred near the Burnsville mall in suburban Minneapolis with about 12 people rushing in to steal items, while a second incident occurred in Maplewood – about 25 miles northeast – on Friday night with a larger group of 30 people looting electronics. Continue reading “‘Flash mob’ of 30 looters rampage through two Minnesota Best Buys”


The leader of the Taliban has delivered his first televised address since the group took power in Afghanistan in mid-August. He vowed not to interfere in other countries, and asked for international aid.

“We assure all the countries that we will not interfere in their internal affairs and we want to have good economic relations with them,” Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, the co-founder of the Taliban and now the prime minister of its government, promised on Saturday.  Continue reading “Taliban leader pleads for help in first address”

Epoch Times – by Tom Ozimek

Mexican authorities have laid out a series of conditions for reviving the “Remain in Mexico” program, the Trump-era framework under which asylum-seekers were returned to Mexico to await the processing of their claims, with the development coming in context of the Biden administration’s plans to reinstate the policy following a court order.  Continue reading “Mexican Authorities List Conditions to Reboot ‘Remain in Mexico’ Program”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

If you’ve been to the grocery store in 2021, you’ve likely noticed that all grocery prices have skyrocketed while portion sizes have declined. While much of this is due to the government stealing value from the dollar by printing money to finance their blunders — also known as taxation through inflation — beef prices have shot up far higher than most everything else thanks to the industry’s government-enabled monopoly. Continue reading “As Beef Prices Skyrocket, Ranchers Raise $300m to Fight Gov’t-Corporate Control, Create a Sustainable System”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The Omicron variant was identified six days ago, initially in Botswana. Infections have been detected in South Africa, Israel, Hong Kong, Belgium, and the UK. So far, the spreading of the heavily mutated variant of the Coronavirus has resulted in a stark warning from one top medical official.

On Saturday, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, chairman of the global physicians’ society of the World Medical Association (WMA), told German reporters that he believes Omicron could become as dangerous as the Ebola virus. Continue reading “World Medical Association Chair Demands National Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs, Fears COVID “Variant As Dangerous As Ebola””

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON, Nov 28 (Reuters) – Americans should be prepared to fight the spread of the new COVID-19 variant Omicron, but it is too soon to say what actions are needed, including possible mandates or lockdowns, top U.S. infectious disease official Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday.

The United States must do “anything and everything” amid likely cases of the variant, but it is “too early to say” whether we need new lockdowns or mandates, Fauci told ABC News.  Continue reading “U.S. readies fight against Omicron but too soon for lockdowns -Fauci”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Todd Bensman, a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies recently traveled to Mexico where he is reporting on the tens of thousands of illegal aliens heading to the open US Southern Border.

In Reynosa, Mexico, at a migrant camp, Bensman witnessed the United Nations IOM handing out free debit cards to aspiring US border crossers. Continue reading “United Nations Is Handing Out $800 Debit Cards to Illegal Migrant Families in Mexico Heading to US”

Continue reading “Two Mothers Arrested Due To Opposing Mask Mandates At GA School Board Meeting”