Indian Bar Association

World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court. [Kiran Yadav Vs. State and ors.Criminal Writ Petition (St.) 18017 of 2021]

Petitioner has sought prosecution of AstraZeneca’s (Covishield) manufacturer Bill Gates, his partner Adar Poonawalla and other Government officials and leaders involved in the murder of a 23 year old man, who lost his life because of vaccination. The deceased took the Covishield vaccine by believing in the false narrative that the vaccine is completely safe and also owing to the compliance requirement set by the Railways that only double vaccinated people would be allowed to travel. Continue reading “World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court”

Gateway Pundit – by Joe Hoft

The National Pulse reports that the Gates Foundation has sent over $54 million to China since COVID, including to Wuhan collaborators.  What is going on?

National Pulse reports: Continue reading “Report: Gates Foundation Sent Over $54 Million to China Since COVID”

Gateway Pundit – by Joe Hoft

The wonders of modern medicine?

It seems like only yesterday we were reporting on the new COVID variant coming out of Africa. Continue reading “BIG PHARMA Received Emergency Use Approval a Couple of Weeks Ago for COVID Variant Discovered a Couple Days Ago?” – by Clint Richardson

The Corporation Nation is the United States of America, U.S. Incorporated.

The United States is comprised of over 185,000 incorporated state, county, city, town, municipality, district, councils, school district, pension fund, enterprise operation, lottery, alcohol monopoly, and many other private and for-profit corporations, which have mistakenly been called our “representative government”.  Continue reading “The Corporation Nation”

Breitbart – by Breccan F Thies

The Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) in Texas is using its own armed agents to arrest parents who speak out against the school board’s policies, according to Christopher Rufo in the City Journal.

Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, said: Continue reading “Armed Agents in Texas School District Arrest Concerned Parents in Their Own Homes”

Breitbart – by John Binder

President Joe Biden and Democrats are hoping to squeeze an extra $200 billion in tax revenue out of American taxpayers by mostly targeting working and middle class households with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits.

As part of Biden’s “Build Back Better Act,” which was already passed by House Democrats, nearly 600,000 more working and middle class Americans earning $75,000 or less a year would be audited by the IRS, an analysis by Republican lawmakers reveals. Continue reading “Biden’s Build Back Better: IRS Audits for Working Class, Tax Cuts for the Rich”

Center for Immigration Studies – by Todd Bensman

REYNOSA, Mexico – On a remote stretch of Rio Grande flood plain at the foot of this city of 600,000 within eyesight of McAllen, Texas, more than 1,200 migrants live in tents behind the tall cement walls of a 10-acre riverbank compound belonging to a Mexican non-profit organization that calls itself “Senda De Vida,” or Path of Life. Another 1,500 migrants aspiring to get inside fill a tent shanty town overflowing downtown Reynosa’s central plaza, with more coming every day, hoping to get in. Continue reading “Inside a Most Unusual Mexican Migrant Camp – Local officials, US Activists, the UN – and DHS – entice thousands by offering cash, food, and legal prep”

Daily Mail

The governor of New York on Friday declared a state of emergency as COVID transmission reached rates not seen since April 2020, while insisting that the troubling new variant of COVID that first emerged in Botswana is ‘coming’.

Her warning came as a leading epidemiologist told the new strain was deeply troubling, urging tougher travel restrictions and saying the virus could spark ‘pandemic 2.0’.  Continue reading “New York Gov. Kathy Hochul declares a state of emergency and cancels elective surgery in response to new Covid variant Omicron”

MedPage Today – by Ryan Basen

The first U.S. psychedelic research center at an academic institution came online when a foundation and select investors granted researchers at Johns Hopkins University $17 million in 2019. The funds have enabled them not only to enhance their study, but also to handle regulatory work and add key infrastructure. Continue reading “Is Psychedelic Research Funding Starting to Shift?”

New York Post – by Steven Nelson

President Biden said Friday that he delayed implementation of a new ban on travel from southern Africa on the advice of his medical advisers, who are led by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

A reporter asked Biden why the emergency precaution will take effect Monday, rather than immediately to contain the potentially more contagious Omicron version of COVID-19. Continue reading “Biden says he delayed Africa travel ban over Omicron variant on advice of advisers led by Fauci”


The World Health Organization’s (WHO) executive director for Europe has urged nations on the Covid-stricken continent to ponder compulsory vaccination.

Robb Butler told Sky News on Wednesday that it was “time to have that conversation from both an individual and a population-based perspective. It’s a healthy debate to have.” The WHO official said, however, that such “mandates have come at the expense of trust, social inclusion” in the past. Continue reading “Time to consider mandatory jabs in Europe, WHO official says”

Just the News

The Smithsonian Institution’s new FUTURES exhibit asks attendees when they think we will see a “single global government.”

The global government question appears on a screen inside the exhibit that allows visitors to wave their hands in front of a camera to select an answer to the questions that show up. Continue reading “Smithsonian’s new FUTURES exhibit asks visitors when we’ll see ‘single global government’”

CBN News – by Talia Wise

A leaked memo from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reveals plans by the Biden administration to make changes to Americans’ First Amendment rights and other religious liberty protections.

The internal memo describes plans to “sign delegation of authority on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and religion clause of the First Amendment” to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).  Continue reading “Leaked HHS Memo Reveals Biden Admin Seeks to Strip Americans of Religious Protections”

Investment Watch

The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station located in Plymouth, Massachusetts is in the process of being decommissioned; a potential plan to discharge 1 million gallons of radioactive waste into Cape Cod Bay as part of that decommissioning project is raising eyebrows and growing concerns about the possibility of radioactive nor’easters in the coming months. Continue reading “If a lot of people start dying en masse there, here is the perfect excuse…”

Anti-War – by Matthew Hoh

The US supports nearly 75% of the world’s dictators, autocracies, monarchies, military regimes, etc., with weapons, military training and money. Please remember this the next time someone tells you the US should do X or Y because such and such a nation is bad…

Comparing Freedom House’s list of Not Free nations* to FY 2020 US overseas weapons sales, military training and financial assistance**, we find that of the 57 nations considered undemocratic, 42 receive weapons, training and/or money for their military and security services. This means 74% of the non-democratic nations of the world are supported militarily by the US. Interestingly, the remaining 15 nations are nearly all sanctioned. The world’s countries can be divided into two parts: those who buy/receive weapons from the US and those sanctioned. It seems like it’s a pretty simple arrangement. Continue reading “Nearly 3/4 of the World’s Dictators Receive US Weapons and Military Assistance”

100% Fed Up – by Patty McMurray

Last week, we shared a stunning video taken with a home security camera that shows a team of four people who identify as employees of the Houston Health Department going door-to-door at an apartment complex to ask residents if they or any members of their family have received a COVID jab?

Four individuals wearing masks can be seen holding clipboards and taking notes as they knock on the doors of private citizens, shouting, “Houston Health Department,” as they attempt to check on the vaccination status of residents in an apartment complex. Continue reading “Houston Health Department Knocks On Random Doors…Asks Residents To Give Blood Samples For COVID Antibody Study”