US President Joe Biden will officially ask Congress later on Thursday to grant him the authority to seize the assets of wealthy individuals believed to have links to the Kremlin and use them to help Ukraine, the White House has revealed in a statement.

Biden is expected to propose a “comprehensive legislative package that will enhance the United States Government’s authority to hold the Russian government and Russian oligarchs accountable for President Putin’s war against Ukraine.” The measures would result in the “forfeiture of property linked to Russian kleptocracy,” allowing the US government to “use the proceeds to support Ukraine.”  Continue reading “Biden wants new powers to seize Russian assets”

Daily Mail

Pentagon report reveals that billions of dollars in weapons and military equipment transferred to the Afghan government was left behind in Afghanistan after the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from the country.

In all, about $7 billion worth of hardware remained in the country after the Taliban seized control, according to the report prepared for Congress which was obtained by CNN. Continue reading “The US left $7 billion of military gear in Afghanistan”

Activist Post – by Corey Lynn

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week. The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the energy system over into systems they are all invested in, and have been taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running much of it under the radar. If they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food. While a rash of fires suddenly destroy food processing, meat, and fertilizer plants, during a time where farmers are hurting and supply chain issues are kicking in, an entire traceable food infrastructure system has already been built in multiple cities and is making its way across the globe.  Continue reading “NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place And They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate Their Control”

Epoch Times – by Zachary Stieber

Nearly 400 employees at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times.

Three hundred and 82 workers at the CDC are unvaccinated, Roger Andoh, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer at the agency, told The Epoch Times.  Continue reading “Hundreds of CDC Employees Haven’t Received a COVID-19 Vaccine”

The Guardian

Labourers at the one of the world’s largest egg factories arrived at the plant in Rembrandt, Iowa, early one morning in March to discover they were about to work themselves out of a job.

As they gathered at the huge barns housing stacks of caged hens, the workers were told to forget about their usual routine of collecting eggs and feeding the birds. Overnight, the factory had begun slaughtering more than 5 million chickens using a gruesome killing method after detecting a single case of avian influenza. Even supervisors were assigned to the arduous task of dragging dead hens out of packed cages as Rembrandt Enterprises raced to contain the spread of the virus, amid the largest bird flu outbreak in the US in seven years. Continue reading “US egg factory roasts alive 5.3m chickens in avian flu cull – then fires almost every worker”

CP 24

The Toronto Zoo has begun vaccinating some of its animals that are most susceptible to contracting COVID-19.

The zoo says that it has received 320 doses of the Zoetis vaccine, which has been developed specifically for use in animals. Continue reading “Toronto Zoo begins vaccinating some of its animals against COVID-19”


The long arm of Canadian law could extend way out onto the lunar surface as the government seeks to put Canadian astronauts on notice that if they commit crimes on the moon, they’ll still face criminal charges.

The proposed amendment to the code that would include crimes committed on the moon can be found deep inside the 443-page Budget Implementation Act that was tabled Tuesday in the House of Commons. Continue reading “Crimes on the moon could soon be added to Canada’s Criminal Code”

The Sun

VLADIMIR Putin has warned he will use nuclear weapons against the West if anyone interferes in Ukraine.

The threat comes as the Russian leader said the response to counterstrikes will be “lightning fast.” Continue reading “Vladimir Putin warns he WILL use nukes against West in ‘lightning fast’ strike if anyone interferes in Ukraine”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

In 2020, The Free Thought Project reported on the work of two groups, Food Not Bombs and the Sidewalk Project, who raised $16,000 and built 26 tiny homes in Las Vegas for the city’s homeless community. It was an amazing feat put together by a handful of caring people trying to better their community but it came to a chaotic and destructive end when police and city officials raided the camp and destroyed all the homes.  Continue reading “Charity Builds Dozens of Tiny Homes for Homeless on PRIVATE PROPERTY, Cops & Gov’t Destroy All Of It”


The world order created after the Second World War and the Cold War isn’t working anymore, so the West needs “a global NATO” to pursue geopolitics anew, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss argued, in a major foreign policy speech on Wednesday. Truss also urged the US-led bloc to send more “heavy weapons, tanks” and airplanes to Ukraine, and said China would face the same treatment as Russia if it doesn’t “play by the rules.”  Continue reading “UK calls for a ‘global NATO’”


Nurses across the state of California have gone on strike or voted to walk out over inadequate pay, exhausting work schedules and unsafe conditions.

On Monday, 5,000 nurses at Stanford Health Care and Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital struck against poor pay and understaffing after more than 90 percent of them voted to strike on April 8. More than 8,000 nurses at Sutter Health Care in Northern California launched a one-day strike against unsafe staffing levels, improper COVID-19 protocols and wages that do not keep up with inflation. Continue reading “California nurses press for statewide action”

USA Today

Fort Worth, Texas will become the first city government in the United States to mine bitcoin, with Mayor Mattie Parker implementing a tech pilot project that could catch on across the nation.

Approved unanimously by city council vote Tuesday morning, the small-scale program will be more experimental before determining whether to dedicate significant funding according to Parker. Bitcoin mining has major potential in the U.S., with a worldwide void after the Chinese government banned cryptocurrency mining in June 2021. Continue reading “Fort Worth, Texas becomes first in the US to mine bitcoin: ‘Where the future begins’”

Just the News

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has closed nearly half of Alaska’s Natural Petroleum Reserve (NPR), reversing a Trump administration decision.

The 91-page report is consistent with one introduced in 2013, according to a BLM news release. Continue reading “As gas prices hover at record highs, feds block portions of Alaska from drilling”

Reclaim the Net – by Ken Macon

Nigeria has blocked 73 million phone numbers because they were not linked to the National Identity Numbers (NINs).

In 2011, African countries including Kenya, Egypt, Ghana, and Nigeria, agreed to enforce SIM Registration laws to curb cybercrimes, identity theft, and scams. Nigeria rolled out a mandatory 11-digit digital identity number that requires citizens to register their personal details, photos, and biometrics. Continue reading “Nigeria blocks 73 million mobile numbers for not being tied to national ID system”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In the last several weeks, farmers in the Northern Plains have been battered by blizzards, winter storms, high winds, and extreme flooding. These weather phenomena have delayed farmers from plantings in high-producing crop regions. Every week plantings are delayed, the harvest yield shrinks, and this comes at a precarious time as the global food supply chain is fracturing.  Continue reading “Farm Crisis Hits Dakotas As Floods Delay Plantings, May Trigger US Food Shortage”