It seems like every time there is a natural disaster happening in the U.S., coverage was blacked out and FEMA shows up a week late and a few water bottles short of a happy meal. Supply lines get cut off, people’s homes get invaded, guns confiscated, and no MSM coverage is available anywhere until weeks later.

This time it is happening in Colorado, where floods have swamped neighborhoods and disrupted their way of life and to make matters worse, there’s even cases of fracking involved and that toxic chemicals have been released during the crisis. (See here, here,  and here) In addition, people have even sent in pictures and video footage to the MSM, who have all but been mute on the subject, as if they have stand down orders from the government itself until FEMA arrives.   Continue reading “Belated FEMA: Rescuing People Through Fear”

Light Reading

BERNE, Switzerland — Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ was in possession of four data tapes that apparently originated from Swisscom’s data centres, the editorial office has informed the company. The records concerned are apparently backup files from 2008 to 2010 containing internal Swisscom data, including e-mails. It is still not clear to Swisscom whether customer data are also stored on these data carriers. Three tapes have already been returned to Swisscom and are in the process of being analysed. Data security takes top priority at Swisscom. As a result, the company immediately instigated legal proceedings against persons unknown and informed the Federal Data Protection Commissioner about the incident. Swisscom is doing its utmost to clarify the incident as fast as possible. It is currently assumed that it was motivated by criminal intent.   Continue reading “Swisscom Admits Data Security Breach”

organicNatural News – by Mike Adams

A new video from the group calling itself “Organic Spies” is once again rocking the organic food industry. In the video, a woman who identifies herself as a former employee of Whole Foods Market (WFM) testifies that she and other employees were deliberately trained by Whole Foods Market management to lie to store customers about whether the stores carry foods made with genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs).   Continue reading “Whole Foods Market whistleblower says employees were deliberately trained to lie about GMOs – new Organic Spies video”

MedPage Today – by Todd Neale

In a possible sign of things to come for major medical meetings, all paid registrants for the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) conference coming up next month in San Francisco will be given a Samsung tablet computer that they can keep when the meeting ends.

The device “will be loaded with the official TCT conference app and other interactive tools to deliver exceptional education, training, and high-quality content throughout the meeting,” according to an email announcing the initiative.  Continue reading “Free Tablets for All at Medical Conferences?”

MedPage Today – by David Pittman

WASHINGTON — A fight over whether to shut down the government unless the Affordable Care Act is defunded continued on Thursday, 1 day after Republicans released their plan for replacing the 2010 health law.

The Republican Study Committee (RSC) on Wednesday released the American Health Care Reform Act, which ties many GOP-fostered ideas into a 181-page bill. The Republican-controlled House is expected to vote Friday on a “stop-gap” measure that would fund the government for a few months but would also defund the ACA.   Continue reading “Healthcare Key to Government Shutdown”

** FILE ** The dome of the U.S. Capitol in Washington is pictured on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2011. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Whether the government does the right thing or not, by defunding and defeating this horrible and illegal law, American Patriots will not abide by it…for it’s nothing more than the fast road to tyranny.

Washington Times – by Stephen Dinan

House Republicans passed their stopgap funding bill Friday to keep government open while terminating the new health care law, setting up a final showdown next week with Senate Democrats and President Obama who have firmly rejected that.   Continue reading “House passes spending bill to defund Obamacare”

oppose091913USA Today – by Marlin Stutzman

Indiana’s largest school district is located in Fort Wayne, in the heart of the congressional district I have the privilege to represent in the U.S. House of Representatives. In May, Fort Wayne Community Schools announced it was cutting the hours of more than 600 part-time employees.

Medical device manufacturers located in my congressional district have been forced to forgo new investments and lay off hundreds of Hoosiers because of a 2.3% excise tax on medical device equipment. That’s on top of tax hikes on hospitals, small businesses and individual paychecks.   Continue reading “Rep. Marlin Stutzman: ObamaCare hurts all Americans”


And no one gives a sh@t. I guess that because it’s the model Dis-armed city that mass shootings in Chicago are swept under the table.

Chicago Tribune

At least 18 people were shot, one fatally, in less than four hours in attacks in Chicago Thursday evening, police said.   Continue reading “18 shot in 4 hours in attacks across city”

Before It’s News – by LynLeahz

When you think you’ve had a bad day, listen to this man’s story!

He’s standing there waiting when he notices another guy waiting, but with a gun sticking out of his shirt.  Thinking he is being low-key, Robert whispers into the teller’s ear, “Gun..” as he writes a note that says the same thing. He’s only trying to warn her that a fellow patron of the bank might be up to something shady.  But it backfires, and Robert is arrested instead.   Continue reading “Bank Arrest Gone Bad: Guy Walks Into A Bank With A Gun, But Hes Not the One Who Ends Up Arrested”

Keys to Liberty – by eowyndbh

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Excerpt from the “Declaration Of Independence”.   Continue reading “Is Revolution Needed?”

Photo: Wikimedia CommonsIntelliHub – by Andrew Pontbriand

The FBI is once again circulating documents to local police departments about Potential Terrorist behaviors. Such infamous documents include ones like the MIAC Report, and the Modern Militia Movement. These documents are called circulars, and the FBI is using them to federalize State, City, and Local Police Departments.   Continue reading “FBI: 9/11 Truth is Terrorism”

Washington's Farewell Address: Beware of "Tools and Dupes"The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

As he prepared to leave office, President George Washington was concerned about the increasingly partisan and militaristic path the young Republic he helped found was heading down.

Even the “Father of His Country” was not above criticism, and the military-industrial complex of the time pilloried him in the press. Although the recently retired general whom the Indians believed could not be killed suffered from the shots taken at him by these “infamous newspapers,” he refused to make any response that would deny his countrymen of “the infinite blessings resulting from a free press.”   Continue reading “Washington’s Farewell Address: Beware of “Tools and Dupes””

china-flagJust one more small victory for the Republic!

The next victory will be to REMOVE them from office.

WND – by Bob Unruh

The mayor of San Leandro, Calif., on Thursday, just hours after WND reported on a city council vote to fly the flag of communist China over city hall, decided to suspend that decision.

In a statement delivered to WND by city officials late Thursday, Mayor Stephen Cassidy commented on the controversial decision to fly the flag of the People’s Republic of China at the San Leandro City Hall on Oct. 1.   Continue reading “Mayor torpedoes plans to fly China’s flag”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: We were very close to war on a large scale just weeks ago, but the show was called off. If you are paying attention you will notice the cries for peace are continuing to escalate. At some point we will get very close to world peace, but as Revelation 13states there will be a deadly wound. The wars in Syria (Isaiah 17:1) and Iran (Daniel 8) will still occur.

By Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s President   Continue reading “Peace: Iran, “Gone is the Age of Blood Feuds””

Common Dreams -by Harvey Wasserman

We are now within two months of what may be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

There is no excuse for not acting. All the resources our species can muster must be focused on the fuel pool at Fukushima Unit 4.

Fukushima’s owner, Tokyo Electric (Tepco), says that within as few as 60 days it may begin trying to remove more than 1300 spent fuel rods from a badly damaged pool perched 100 feet in the air. The pool rests on a badly damaged building that is tilting, sinking and could easily come down in the next earthquake, if not on its own.   Continue reading “The Crisis at Fukushima’s Unit 4 Demands a Global Take-Over”


NEW YORK – The Department of Homeland Security under President Obama is demonstrating troubling signs the agency is shifting the balance of power away from local and state municipalities toward a centralized federal authority, charges a recently released book.

In “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office,” New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott document the DHS has likely violated the Posse Comitatus Act.   Continue reading “Obama’s DHS Seizing Local Power”