alternative to refrigerationOff the Grid News – by Tanya A.

If you live in the United States and are reading this, chances are you have a good-sized refrigerator. This is where you store much of your food, putting it in the fridge because it’s convenient and you don’t have to think much about the food once it’s there. Most produce from the store, if you buy any quantity at all, is often tossed into the fridge. Leftovers go into the fridge and often scoot to the back, forgotten for a long while, if we’re honest.   Continue reading “How To Keep Your Food Cold Without A Refrigerator”

Post image for 600 Royal Marines from 30 and 42 Commando units deploy to JordanBefore It’s News – by Mort Amsel

More than 600 Royal Marines from 30 and 42 Commando units will arrive in Aqaba, Jordan, next week for planned war-games, kitted out with chemical warfare equipment.

Their numbers will include signalers from the Y Troop unit, mobile cyber war specialists attached to 3 Commando. Foreign Secretary William Hague was last night expected to meet resistance as he urged EU involvement at a meeting of European foreign ministers and US Secretary of State John Kerry in Vilnius, Lithuania.   Continue reading “UK Sends 600 Royal Marines To Jordan”

The Pantry Primer adding larger purchasesThe Organic Prepper

Weekly grocery shopping is not the way to quickly build  one-year food supply.  But now that I have built a base, over the past two weeks I was able to easily skip the weekly trips and save up for a larger purchase.

To be able to afford large purchases when you are on a regular, week-to-week budget, you have to figure out a strategy. For me, that is the best way to save up for bigger purchases – skip a week of shopping and then add the budgets of the two weeks together in order to  make some bulk purchases that I ordinarily couldn’t swing along with a week of regular grocery shopping.  Other strategies could include:   Continue reading “The Pantry Primer: Adding Larger Purchases to Your Stockpile”

Ye Olde False Flag

LOS ANGELES (AP) – In the backyard of his remote Southern California home, Bernie Jones is etching an unconventional blueprint: a construction plan to build his underground survival shelter. It won’t be the typical, cramped Cold War-era bunker. It will hold 20 people.

Part of a small but vocal group of survivalists in Menifee, some 80 miles east of Los Angeles, Jones, 46, has pushed for the right to build a bunker on his 1-acre property for nearly a year. He wants to be ready for anything, be it natural disaster or a nuclear attack.   Continue reading “Small California city welcomes doomsday bunkers #Preppers”

The Washington Post – by Michael Sallah, Debbie Cenziper, Steven Rich

On the day Bennie Coleman lost his house, the day armed U.S. marshals came to his door and ordered him off the property, he slumped in a folding chair across the street and watched the vestiges of his 76 years hauled to the curb.

Movers carted out his easy chair, his clothes, his television. Next came the things that were closest to his heart: his Marine Corps medals and photographs of his dead wife, Martha. The duplex in Northeast Washington that Coleman bought with cash two decades earlier was emptied and shuttered. By sundown, he had nowhere to go.   Continue reading “Left With Nothing”

How to Make ThermiteUS Crow

After reading How to disable MRAP Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Light Armored Vehicles, written by CMF Contributor Runik. I noticed the absence of TGs (thermite grenades) on the use of MRAPs. This caught my attention, and needed an explanation. According to CMF Contributor Runik, Thermite Grenades were not included because they are not entirely effective against MRAP LAVs. Effective thermite use on an MRAP relies on breaches in MRAP FK6 armor, which are few to say the least. Basically…EFPs are still your best bet on an MRAP.   Continue reading “How to make Thermite Grenades for Vehicle and Equipment Disabling”

Building-Clearing-Tactical-Raid-TechniquesUS Crow

In this guide we will review tactical building clearing techniques that will assist in the training of militia members and the survival minded individual. These techniques can be applied to present day scenarios and post-disaster scenarios when your objective requires your team to enter a building that could possibly house enemy combatants. Your unit will need to understand the differences between dynamic and deliberate building clearing techniques. Additionally you will need to think tactically for a ever increasingly dynamic situation, while training your unit to work together to effectively clear the building. This is an absolute necessity for any survival group and your unit should train diligently to prepare for these scenarios.   Continue reading “Building Clearing – Introduction to Tactical Raid Techniques”

10, chemical, weapons, attacks, washington, doesnt, want, you, to, talk, about, Policy Mic – by Wesley Messamore

Washington doesn’t merely lack the legal authority for a military intervention in Syria. It lacks the moral authority. We’re talking about a government with a history of using chemical weapons against innocent people far more prolific and deadly than the mere accusations Assad faces from a trigger-happy Western military-industrial complex, bent on stifling further investigation before striking.   Continue reading “10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn’t Want You to Talk About”

High River, RCMP, Alberta Floods 2013, flood recovCTV Calgary News – by Colleen Schmdit

Police in High River entered dozens of homes during the floods to ensure people and property were safe but some say their actions were inappropriate and an invasion of privacy.

Glenys Russell is still fixing the damage done to her house during the flood but she’s not focused on the water anymore.   Continue reading “High River residents angry over actions of RCMP during flood”

Video Rebel’s Blog

You can start a war, but it does not end until the other side says it does.

President Obama is delusional. He is advised by three dangerously incompetent National Security advisers: Susan Rice, Samantha Power and Ben Rhodes. He actually said at the G-20 Summit that he wanted No Boots on the Ground but did want a manageable but limited response. He has also said he does not need approval from the Congress, the UN and NATO. His spokesmen mentioned the need to degrade Syrian forces. This is insane.    Continue reading “Just A Few Unmanageable Steps From Syria To World War III”

Global EliteMilitia News – by Eric Blair

Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing.

Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over the world. It’s always been their plan like some evil villain in a comic book, but after 9/11 the plan went into overdrive and then turbo charged during the financial crisis of 2008.    Continue reading “10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control”

There Will Be A Nuclear ExchangeMilitia News

The profiteers within the military-industrial complex are manipulating everything and controlling most of the media.

This video from Russia Today explains the reasons why Barack Obama is getting ready to launch World War 3, based largely upon the mainstream media’s lies. It also warns of the eventual consequences of those actions by Obama and subsequent actions by other countries in the region: “If this happens, there will be a nuclear exchange in the Middle East.” With China, Russia and Iran threatening retaliation for any US strike upon Syria and a potential nuclear exchange being the result of Obama’s actions, WW3 is the only possible end result.   Continue reading “There Will Be A Nuclear Exchange If This Happens”

Canada Free Press – by Kelly O’Connell

One could call Founder John Jay a forgotten patriot. Yet, Jay led an extremely eventful and influential life, and the US Constitution might not have been drafted without his insistence on a stronger federal government. Further, he advocated relentlessly against slavery. Jay helped frame the argument for war against England, was President of the Continental Congress, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and held several important foreign ministry posts, and of course, helped compose the immortal Federalist Papers.   Continue reading “Why Founder John Jay’s Christian Statesmanship is Desperately Needed by America”

global coolingDaily Mail – by David Rose

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.   Continue reading “And now it’s global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year”

USA Today, January 21, 2013

Saudi Arabia has sent death-row inmates from several nations to fight against the Syrian government in exchange for commuting their sentences, the Assyrian International News Agencyreports.

Citing what it calls a “top secret memo” in April from the Ministry of Interior, AINA says the Saudi offered 1,239 inmates a pardon and a monthly stipend for their families, which were were allowed to stay in the Sunni Arab kingdom. Syrian President Bashar Assad is an Alawite, a minority Shiite sect.   Continue reading “April 2012 Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria”