TribLive – by Associated Press

TRIPOLI, Libya — Libya’s prime minister heard increasing calls for his ouster on Saturday as strikes by government employees at oil export terminals cost the North African country more than $5 billion.

Bilqasim Shindeer el-Shibany, a board member of Libya’s National Oil Corp., said oil exports almost entirely have stopped. Late last month, officials said exports were about 300,000 barrels per day, down dramatically from pre-war levels in early 2011.   Continue reading “Libyan leader under pressure to step down”

Max Velocity Tactical

There was a recent article published on WRSA (HERE), a guest article from the Mountain Guerrilla blog. Reading it along with the original article that explains the concept of Leaderless Resistance (LR) (HERE), I am moved to comment.

It is not that the linked article is wrong; it is more a question of relevance and tone. In basic terms, it explains how U.S. Special Forces doctrine for Unconventional Warfare (UW) does not chime with the concept of LR. That is fine; clearly UW doctrine is superior and offers up the concept of a disciplined, led, resistance.   Continue reading “Prodding gently at sacred cows – Pineland & Leaderless Resistance”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: In reality the target has always been Iran. Remember George W’s “Axis of Evil” in 2001? Make no mistake about it, these plans were made far before even that moment in time. The goal is a complete one world government system. Syria and Iran stand in the way of that. They will be taken down and it is very Biblical. Syria will be first, then it will then escalate and bring in Iran.     Continue reading “Obama’s Syria War Is Really About Iran and Israel”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The UK has admitted to selling chemical weapons to Syria. How timely is that information? With that admission, nothing will happen to the UK for their deed, on the other hand, the world can point their finger at Assad’s Syria. The Syrian Conflict is a manufactured crisis, we have documented this fact over and over again. This is not going away, this is going to continue and drag in Iran as well. Have you read? The U.N. itself has estimated 100,000 people have been killed. Even if Assad used chemical weapons that killed a few hundred people. No one cares about the 100,000 who died from bullets? Where is the logic here? Do not forget Putin said, he would back action against Syria if the U.N. shows proof Assad used chemical weapons against his own people.   Continue reading “EU to US: Assad guilty of Syria gas attack, but no military backing before UN report”

Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest as they try to approach a military parade on Brazil's Independence Day in Rio de Janeiro September 7, 2013. (Reuters/Ricardo Moraes)RT News

Brazil’s Independence Day celebrations turned violent after protesters disrupted a military parade in Rio de Janeiro. Police fired tear gas at the crowd as it shouted anti-government slogans. Over 100 protests took place across the nation on Saturday.

Demonstrators staged the Rio rally on the downtown avenue where the military was holding its Seventh of September parade. The protesters, many of whom wore masks, invaded stands in the parade area, prompting police to act.    Continue reading “‘Sept 7 Op’: Brazil protests turn violent as police fire tear gas, rubber bullets”

Reuters / Finbarr O'ReillyRT

From Mexico to Qatar, obesity rates are soaring to unprecedented levels. The alarming trend is damaging economic performance, as well as the health of millions of consumers worldwide.

Take our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, mix in a generous portion of American fast-food and dubious agricultural practices, add a dash of corporate duplicity and you have a recipe for high obesity rates across the planet.    Continue reading “‘Globesity’: US junk food industry tips global scales”

ReutersRT News

A polygraph instructor has been sentenced to eight months in prison for teaching federal job applicants how to deceive a lie detector test. The case has raised concerns over the First Amendment and the legitimacy of polygraph results.

Chad Dixon of Marion, Indiana pleaded guilty last year to wire fraud and obstructing a government proceeding with his business, Polygraph Consultants of America. Prosecutors initially sought a two-year sentence for Dixon, whom they said should be sent a “strong message” for knowingly teaching polygraph counter-measures to federal job applicants and criminal suspects.    Continue reading “Indiana man sentenced to 8 months in prison for teaching polygraph-beating methods”

Truth Jihad

The alternative media has raised John Kerry’s membership in Skull and Bones as a possible reason for his enthusiasm for war with Syria.

Skull and Bones is a satan-worshipping secret society formed in the 19th century by the most ruthless members of America’s slaving, opium-trading WASP organized crime families. Skull and Bones members are selected for their cunning and sociopathy. They are inducted in a bizarre ceremony that occurs every year in “the Crypt” – an underground bunker beneath a building near Yale University in New Haven, Connnecticut.   Continue reading “Will Kerry masturbate naked in a coffin to launch Syria war?”

My Name is Joe Cortina

Once more it is time to remind Boobus Amerikanus of the TRUTH ( there’s that pesky TRUTH word again) and the jews don’t like it. As matter of fact their whole lives are built on lies since the time of Moses and King David.

Moses the self admitted war criminal was a murderer in Egypt but he lied and even hid the corpse of his murdered victim – a man who had never done him any harm. Then there was lustful King David who couldn’t keep his dick in his robes. Had his best friend murdered so he could screw his wife – then made her pregnant with his adultery and lied about it. What putrid role models for our kids – who see these horrid criminals portrayed as heroes – of the jews – of course   Continue reading “It wasn’t the Arabs, Stupid, It was always the Jews”

clayNatural News – by Sue Woledge

The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011 and left the Fukushima power plant damaged and leaking radiation into the environment seems to have faded into the past, but the dangers to the environment and human health are far from over, with the latest leak of highly radioactive water being described by the plant operators, TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co), as a serious radiation incident.    Continue reading “As Fukushima continues to leak radiation, protect yourself with Bentonite Clay”

President Barack Obama sits across from France’s President Francois Hollande, right, during the Group of 20 Summit of world leaders in St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 6, 2013. The Group of 20 countries agreed to share tax records by 2015 as part of a pledge to crack down on tax evasion. (STEPHEN CROWLEY/NYT)The Globe and Mail – by BILL CURRY JANET MCFARLAND

Leaders of the world’s major economies are planning a co-ordinated crackdown on people and corporations that evade taxes and shortchange public coffers.

The Group of 20 countries agreed to share tax records by 2015 as part of a pledge to crack down on individual tax cheats and global corporations that use complicated arrangements aimed at paying as little tax as possible.   Continue reading “G20 nations to crack down on tax cheats, agree to share records by 2015”

Darren McCollester / Getty Images / AFP Fox News

Police in Pine Bluff, Arkansas say a 107-year-old man was killed in a shootout with a SWAT team Saturday afternoon.

Investigators say that local police responded to a complaint of aggravated assault against Monroe Isadore, who allegedly pointed a gun at two people at a home on West 16th Street in Pine Bluff. When police approached the bedroom door where Isadore was holed up, he fired one shot through the door. No one was hit.   Continue reading “107-year-old man killed by SWAT team in Arkansas”

Breitbart – by Stephen Wilson

Tokyo was awarded the 2020 Olympics on Saturday, capitalizing on its reputation as a “safe pair of hands” and defying concerns about the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

Tokyo defeated Istanbul 60-36 in the final round of secret voting by the International Olympic Committee. Madrid was eliminated earlier after an initial tie with Istanbul.    Continue reading “Tokyo will host 2020 Olympics”

Gen. Ray OdiernoWired – by Allen Mcduffee

Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis doesn’t have faith in Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno.

Or the rest of the U.S. Army’s generals, for that matter.

Writing in the August issues of The Armed Forces Journal (“Purge the generals“), Davis argues that it’s high time to sack the Army’s senior leaders for what he sees as an institutionalized epidemic of astonishing failures that not only go unreported, but are typically rewarded. All of it, he says, is creating a self-perpetuating culture of abysmal performance that won’t go away until the generals do.    Continue reading “How to Fix the Army: Sack All the Generals”

President Barack ObamaCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffery

( – The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation’s labor force has pushed past 90,000,000 for the first time, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS counts a person as participating in the labor force if they are 16 years or older and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. A person is not participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and have not sought a job in the last four weeks.   Continue reading “90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force–Up Almost 10M Under Obama”

U.S. President Barack Obama answers questions during a press conference in the East Room of the White House August 9, 2013 in Washington, DC.Intelli Hub – by JG Vibes

Obama recognizes that a war with Syria will be unpopular with the American people, but says that it is not their decision to make

The popular myth in America and most modern democracies is that the general population decides on important issues that effect their lives.  However the reality is very different from this myth.  In reality the general population has no say at all, their only options are to be persuaded by the politicians and get in line, or shut up and deal with it.   Continue reading “Obama Admits Public Doesn’t Want War, But Says He Knows Whats Best”

Cop Block – by Chris Ponte

A man has died after being shot by Lynn police in a struggle.

The Essex County District Attorney’s office announced the man’s death and identified him as 30-year-old Denis Reynoso of Lynn. The DA’s office said it is investigating the shooting as is protocol.

Police Chief Kevin Coppinger said at a news conference earlier the man was shot late Thursday morning after three officers went to an apartment at the Kings Lynne complex on Newcastle Street for a report of disorderly conduct.   Continue reading “Disabled National Guard Vet Murdered by Police Who Entered Apartment Without a Warrant in Lynn, Massachusetts”

Backwoods Home Magazine – by Len McDougall

Issue #128 • March/April, 2011

Whether it’s home to animals or humans, every habitat must contain a source of drinking water. And because most homes in most places are not sited on the bank of a stream or lake, it has been a practice since biblical times to obtain the water needed by creating an access to aquifers concealed below the earth’s surface. Before the industrial era made pumps and pipes common hardware items, wells were created by simply digging a narrow hole down to the water table, then drawing the water that seeped into its bottom upward in a bucket attached to a rope.   Continue reading “Drive your own freshwater well”