The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Lily Tang Williams writing at National Review has a must read column entitled Guns Against Tyranny.  It has become almost amusing to watch as the collectivists hyperventilate over claims that we make about right to guns having nothing to do with hunting, and everything to do with ameliorating tyranny.  But what Ms. Williams has to say is sobering and gives existential and emotional import to what is for us sometimes all about doctrine.   Continue reading “Guns Against Tyranny”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Without a single shred of fabricated evidence Turkey along with their U.S. allies continue to pile up resources on the Syrian border. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry escalated the situation by stating, ‘Assad has one week to turn in his chemical weapons.’ That week may come and go but this situation is not going away. It is very Biblical my friends.   Continue reading “Turkey deploys jets, troops to Syrian border”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Your government thinks you are a complete idiot. Kerry says the United States is not going to war. Then he proceeds to explain exactly what steps of war they will take against Assad. In his mind, dropping bombs on nations and killing people is not considered war. In times of old the citizens would have marched to the capital with their pitch forks and ousted the clowns running the circus.   Continue reading “Syria Crisis Ultimatum: Kerry Tells Assad Turn in Chemical Weapons within One Week”

Protesters Rally Against Possible Syria StrikeThe Guardian – by Simon Tisdall and Josie Le Blond

President Bashar al-Assad did not personally order last month’s chemical weapons attack near Damascus that has triggered calls for US military intervention, and blocked numerous requests from his military commanders to use chemical weapons against regime opponents in recent months, a German newspaper has reported , citing unidentified, high-level national security sources.

The intelligence findings were based on phone calls intercepted by a German surveillance ship operated by the BND, the German intelligence service, and deployed off the Syrian coast, Bild am Sonntag said. The intercepted communications suggested Assad, who is accused of war crimes by the west, including foreign secretary William Hague, was not himself involved in last month’s attack or in other instances when government forces have allegedly used chemical weapons.   Continue reading “Assad did not order Syria chemical weapons attack, says German press”

Washington’s Blog

Obama Ramps Up War Pitch Even As Basic Arguments Fall by the Wayside

Obama is going on a whirlwind media blitz this week in an attempt to sell a very skeptical public on war with Syria.

Yet the Washington Post notes:   Continue reading “U.S. Admits No Imminent Threat from Syria, No Clear Evidence Assad Ordered Chemical Weapons Attack”

WIKI - Cannabis5Waking Times – by Marco Torres

More than a dozen U.S. states have now completely decriminalized the act of possessing marijuana and both Colorado and Washington have made it legal to possess, sell, transport and cultivate the plant. But soon it may be legalized across the entire country following a decision Thursday by the federal government.

In a historic and significant moment in American history, last November, Colorado became the first US state to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The impact of the decision could soon ripple across the entire country with vast opportunities to educate millions on the top health benefits of marijuana.   Continue reading “New Marijuana Ruling Shows The Age of Deception On The Most Medicinal Plant In The World Is Coming To An End”

WND – by Jerome R. Corsi

NEW YORK – Leftist political activist and University of Chicago professor Bill Ayers has turned on Barack Obama, characterizing the president’s determination to launch a military attack on the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria as a “dumb war.”

In a series of posts on his Internet website over the past few days, Ayers has come out swinging, attacking the presidential candidate he backed in 2004 for trying to justify a U.S. strike on Syria.   Continue reading “Bill Ayers Turns Against Obama On Syria”

Five years??? Guess this guy just came out of his cave. Been a helluva lot longer than that.

Freedom Outpost – by Richard Anthony

Every single day when I turn on the news, I am appalled and shocked beyond belief at the flagrant lawlessness of our elected officials. For some reason, they absolutely do not believe they are held to the same lawful standards as you or I. I’ll take it a step further and say that they do not feel compelled to obey the laws that they legislate.   Continue reading “It’s Time to Call for the Arrest of Criminal Politicians in Washington”

WND – by Aaron Klein

NEW YORK – On the eve of a critical Capitol Hill discussion on Syria and two days before his address to the nation, President Obama has offered Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a way out of any U.S. bombing campaign.

Informed Middle Eastern intelligence officials tell WND the U.S. passed a message to Assad through Russia offering a deal that would ensure against U.S. military action if the Syrian leader agrees to the following terms:   Continue reading “Obama Offers Assad Secret Deal – Sets 4 Conditions to Avert U.S. Attack On Syria”

Techworld – by John E. Dunn

The German Government is now deeply suspicious that the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology built into a growing number of Windows 8 PCs and tablets is creating a gigantic back door for NSA surveillance, leaked documents have suggested.

Documents from the German Ministry of Economic Affairs obtained by German title Zeit Online uncover the alleged unease of officials at the direction of version 2.0 of the standard being developed under the auspices of the multi-vendor Trusted Computing Group (TCG).   Continue reading “Is Windows 8 a Trojan horse for the NSA? The German Government thinks so”

The Washington Post – by Ellen Nakashima

The Obama administration secretly won permission from a surveillance court in 2011 to reverse restrictions on the National Security Agency’s use of intercepted phone calls and e-mails, permitting the agency to search deliberately for Americans’ communications in its massive databases, according to interviews with government officials and recently declassified material.

In addition, the court extended the length of time that the NSA is allowed to retain intercepted U.S. communications from five years to six years — and more under special circumstances, according to the documents, which include a recently released 2011 opinion by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates, then chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.   Continue reading “Obama administration had restrictions on NSA reversed in 2011”

The Asia Shimbun – by SHUNSUKE KIMURA

Highly radioactive water that leaked from a storage tank and was not discovered until last month is spreading underground at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sept. 5.

The utility said 650 becquerels per liter of radioactive materials, which emit beta rays such as radioactive strontium, were found in water samples from an observation well near the tank, from which an estimated 300 tons of highly radioactive water were found to have leaked.   Continue reading “TEPCO confirms highly radioactive water spread underground”

Washington Examiner -by PAUL BEDARD

Washington police are operating under orders to arrest tourists and other non-residents traveling with spent bullet or shotgun casings, a crime that carries a $1,000 fine, a year in jail and a criminal record, according to a new book about the city’s confusing gun laws.

“Empty shell casings are considered ammunition in Washington, D.C., so they are illegal to possess unless you are a resident and have a gun registration certificate,” pens Emily Miller in her investigative book, “Emily Gets Her Gun: … But Obama Wants to Take Yours.”   Continue reading “Warning: D.C. cops under orders to arrest tourists with empty bullet casings”

ImageLas Vegas Sun – by Ana Ley

A cacophony of honks rang out along Interstate 15 to the delight of protesters who gathered along the Tropicana Avenue overpass early Saturday to shun President Barack Obama’s push to launch a military strike against Syria.

The group, whose numbers peaked at about 50 late in the morning, chatted and cheered in unison as reggae music bellowed from a portable radio whose sound was mostly drowned out by the noise of highway traffic below.   Continue reading “Dozens gather along I-15 to protest possible military strike on Syria”

netnuts2Zen Gardner

The whole world is seeing more clearly by the day the reality of what’s unfolding. Those who felt they had a semblance of say so with their governments are finally realizing it’s really in effect non-existent. People can put up a stink and they’ll get some lip service but it won’t change the course of things.

Not the big stuff the rulers have in mind and have planned for so long and have been executing incrementally.   Continue reading “Psychopathic Zionism – Itchy Finger on a Deadly Hair-trigger”

Before It’s News – by Joseph Zrnchik

The US Senate, supposedly America’s more deliberative body, has proven to be the quickest to jump on the war bandwagon.  In the case of voting for the bombing of Syria, it has instead proven to be the most isolated, knee-jerk, warmongering, war-profiteering and least accountable political institution consisting of elected officials.

With US Representatives’ terms being two year and senators’ term being six years, we can all now see how the additional length of a senator’s term can isolate him or her from representing the people and instead allow them to serve the interests of the warfare state, the surveillance state and the police state.    Continue reading “McCain All In and Doubled Down On Stupidity of the American People”

FindLaw – by Aditi Mukherji

Illicit drug use by Americans over 50 has dramatically increased, while illicit drug use among young people has declined, according to the latest survey on drug use by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The data was gleaned from 70,000 Americans who were surveyed about their “past month use” of a variety of drugs, including marijuana, heroin, cocaine and prescription drugs (used in “nonmedical” contexts).   Continue reading “Illicit Drug Use Over 50 On the Rise: Survey”