Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

The sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan and the picture below has been called a viral photo of the day by Coolbuster. Check out the picture, what is that all about? It certainly can’t be good for any plant or animal life left off of the coast of Japan… if this radiation keeps leaking, and there’s no way to stop it, will boiling seas spread all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the United States? If so, what happens then? We are so ‘fuked’. Three brand new video reports below share the Fukushima news that you’re not getting from our government or the mainstream media.   Continue reading “‘Boiling Sea’ Off Fukushima Viral Photo Of The Day”

The Intelligence Briefings – by Tom Heneghan

UNITED STATES of America –   It can now be reported that major de-leveraging involving U.S. Citibank, HSBC, the Bank of Israel and the German Deutsche Bank is now occurring as derivative ratios continue to expand at an alarming rate.

As we have reported in previous intelligence briefings, the derivative spreads are now ass backwards involving foreign currency positions tied to the Japanese yen, the euro currency, the Chinese yuan and crude oil futures traded on the NYMEX exchange in New York.   Continue reading “It is Still the Derivatives, They Remain Toxic”

potBen Swann – by Michael Lotfi

As states continue to nullify federal laws against marijuana and hemp, the federal government has been faced with an important question. It’s been more than 75 years, and marijuana and hemp  still remain illegal. Never mind the total lack of reasoning  behind the federal government’s ban. Is it time to end the law?

Less than 24 hours ago, it all came crashing down. According to the Associated Press, the justice department said that states can allow citizens to use the drug, license people to grow it and allow them to purchase it in stores. As long as the drug is kept away from the black market, children and federal property– It’s a go!   Continue reading “Did The Federal Government Just Legalize Marijuana?”

Photo: TheMuslim.OrgInfowars – by Julie Wilson

Secretary of State John Kerry opened his speech Friday by describing the horrors victims of the chemical weapon attack suffered, including twitching, spasms and difficulty breathing.

Attempting to drive the point home, Kerry referenced a photograph used by the BBC illustrating a child jumping over hundreds of dead bodies covered in white shrouds. The photo was meant to depict victims who allegedly succumbed to the effects of chemical weapons via Assad’s regime.   Continue reading “Kerry Caught Using Fake Photos to Fuel Syrian War”

Hot Air – by JAZZ SHAW

There was what could prove to be an instructive moment for the Deplorable Nanny State Mayor this week, provided courtesy of the citizens of Ohio. The group Mayors Against Illegal Guns hosted a “rally” in Columbus, Ohio to build support for additional gun control legislation, but as the intro to the local news report asked (video below), “what happens when you throw a political rally, but nobody shows up except your opposition?”   Continue reading “Gun control rally turns into gun rights rally”

Breitbart – by CHRISS W. STREET

As President Barack Obama has outwardly attempted to curtail Americans’ Constitutional Second Amendment right to bear arms, his Administration has approved huge increases in defense spending and export sales. The Administration is now seeking to eliminate stringent State Department controls on exports and foreign licensing of dozens of categories of weapons and technology from the United States Munitions List (USML) by transferring control to the pro-business Commerce Department.    Continue reading “Obama Disarms Americans While Arming the World”

Painkillers including OxyContin (pictured) claim more lives than illicit drugs such as cocaine, according to new study.Al Jazeera – by Amel Ahmed

Prescriptions for painkillers in the United States have nearly tripled in the past two decades and fatal overdoses reached epidemic levels, exceeding those from heroin and cocaine combined, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

At the same time, the first-ever global analysis of illicit drug abuse, published this month in the British medical journal The Lancet, found that addictions to heroin and popular painkillers, including Vicodin and OxyContin, kill the most people and cause the greatest health burden, compared with illicit drugs such as marijuana and cocaine.   Continue reading “Painkiller addictions worst drug epidemic in US history”


[This is a long post, on something I’ve been kicking around in my head for quite some time…  so please bear with me.  If nothing else, pull up the chair, pour a glass of wine, and I’ll hopefully give you some useful food for thought.]

“There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a liege lord.” Yoshi Toranaga   Continue reading “The ONE Mitigating Circumstance…”

Ofek 7 spy satelliteOsnet Daily

Israel National News

A rocket carrying an Israeli communications satellite has been successfully launched from a Russian facility in Kazakhstan, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) said in a statement on Sunday, the AFP news agency reports.

It said that the AMOS-4 satellite lifted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome atop a Russian Zenit rocket on Saturday night.   Continue reading “Israeli Satellite Launches from Kazakhstan”

Breitbart – by WILLIAM BIGELOW

As Kathleen Fox with The Paducah Sun reported, an art teacher at a Kentucky High Schoolset up an exhibit where students were supposed to stand on an American flag while they wrote how they felt about it. Art teacher Shand Stamper at McCracken High School in Paducah set a music stand with paper to write on on top of the flag so that students could contemplate their feelings and then note them.

The exhibit was a re-creation of “Dread” Scott Tyler’s 1989 “artwork”  titled “The Proper Way to Display an American Flag.”   Continue reading “Kentucky High School Art Teacher Has Students Stand on American Flag”

Hackers News Bulletin – by Said Al-Khalaki 

The situation in Syria is still in the focus of world media. Experts predict another U.S. aggression for “human rights”. Washington regularly declares its readiness to attack Syria. The official version – to punish al-Assad and Syrian army for the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population.

Meanwhile, the media has spread new proofs of the U.S. intelligence involvement to chemical attack near Damascus. Hacker got access to U.S. intelligence correspondence and published U.S. Army Col. ANTHONY J. MACDONALD’s mail. Macdonald is General Staff Director, Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence the Army Staff. It’s about chemical attack in Syria.   Continue reading “Pentagon may be involved in chemical attack in Syria, US intelligence colonel hacked mail reflect”

Japan's Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Toshimitsu Motegi (R), wearing a protective suit and a mask, inspects contaminated water tanks at the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture August 26, 2013, in this photo released by Kyodo.  (Reuters/Kyodo)RT News

Several new hotspots reading potentially lethal doses of radiation have been detected near the tanks storing the radioactive water, forcing the operator to admit there might be even more leaks at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

The high radiation readings were detected during the daily inspection on Saturday near three water tanks and one pipe stretched between the tanks and the plant, Kyodo news agency reported.    Continue reading “New radioactive hotspots suggest more leaks at Fukushima”

Washington Post – by Sarah Kliff

If you want to understand where Obamacare stands to have the most significant impact, check out these new maps from the Census. They show uninsured levels for every county in the United States, broken down by income level:   Continue reading “These two maps are incredibly important to Obamacare”

Morgellons Exposed

These banded motile strands can be a variety of colorations but always shades of brown to brown/black and clear to white.  These fibers were named “sugar snakes” by a researcher who determined they were polysaccharide strands from tests he  performed in the lab at SUNY at Stony Brook.  He found that the fibers would quickly bubble and melt when heated with a laser light.  These strands can be found in the bodies of Morgellons sufferers and also have been found in the environment  on heavy chemtrail days. (Photos 1 & 2)  I suppose that some would say they look more like filarial worms but there does seem to be a difference.   Continue reading “Morgellons Photos ~ Motile Sugar Snakes”

Now the End Begins

A cozy dinner for four

At the moment, US Secretary of State John Kerry has nothing but threats and ire for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. But it wasn’t all that long ago that Kerry, Assad and their wives were huddled together and sharing an intimate dinner for four.   Continue reading “The Picture That John Kerry Really Doesn’t Want You To See”


LA PAZ, Bolivia — The thieves tunneled under the thick walls of the colonial-era Roman Catholic church in the tiny southern Bolivian town of San Miguel de Tomave, emerged through the floor and made off with five 18th-century oil paintings of inestimable value.

It was the third time the highlands church had been plundered of sacred art since 2007. Most of the finely-etched silver that once graced its altar was already gone.   Continue reading “Rural Andean churches plagued by sacred art theft”