Washington’s Blog

The Obama administration tried to prevent UN inspections of the chemical attack. It failed, although the weapons inspectors were forced to leave a day early.

The real question is whether the U.S. will wait for the results of the tests, which could take weeks.

As can be seen below, the rockets used in the attacks are certainly non-standard, and much less sophisticated even then a Scud missile.   Continue reading “Actual Video of UN Weapons Inspectors Examining Syrian Chemical Weapon Rockets”


A “terrorist” staged an unsuccessful attack on a container ship passing through the Suez Canal on Saturday, in an attempt to disrupt the flow of ships through the waterway, the head of the Suez Canal Authority Mohab Memish said.

The Suez Canal is a key global shipping line which is secured by the armed forces.   Continue reading “Suez Canal Authority says attack attempted on container ship”

National Journal – by Patrick Reis

President Obama said Saturday he’ll go to Congress for approval before launching a strike against Syria, but he also made it clear that he doesn’t believe he needs anyone else’s permission.

“While I believe I have the authority to carry out this military action without specific congressional authorization, I know that the country will be stronger … and our actions will be even more effective” if the strike is authorized by Congress, Obama said Saturday in a televised address from the Rose Garden.   Continue reading “Obama Says He Doesn’t Need Congress’ Permission to Strike Syria, So Why is He Asking for It?”

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Aleksey Nikolskyi)RT News

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared ‘utter nonsense’ the idea that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its own people and called on the US to present its supposed evidence to the UN Security Council.

Putin has further called the Western tactic a ‘provocation.’   Continue reading “Putin: US should present Syria evidence to Security Council”

President Barack Obama talks about the crisis in Syria to media gathered in the Rose Garden of the White House as Vice President Joe Biden looks on from behind, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013, in Washington. Delaying what had loomed as an imminent strike on Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons, Obama announced Saturday that he wanted to put the matter before Congress first. He said, "I know that the country will be stronger if we take this course and our actions will be even more effective." His remarks were televised live in the United States as well as on Syrian state television with translation. Photo: Evan VucciImpeach Obama? How could Americans get by without HRM Michelle telling Americans what to do?

Information Clearinghouse – by John Walsh

“Mr. President, in the case of military operations in Libya you stated that authorization from Congress was not required because our military was not engaged in “hostilities.” In addition, an April 1, 2011, memorandum to you from your Office of Legal Counsel concluded:…”President Obama could rely on his constitutional power to safeguard the national interest by directing the anticipated military operations in Libya—which were limited in their nature, scope, and duration—without prior congressional authorization.’”   Continue reading “Impeachment: Congress Fires Opening Shot Across Obama’s Bow.”

AlterNet – by Rod Bastanmehr

Earlier this week, a video surfaced online showing a Rochester police officer attacking a young Rochester woman, even though she repeatedly told the officer that she was pregnant.  While details surrounding the arrest remain unclear, the video shows the officer using  brutal and excessive force while arresting the woman on residential property.

The video shows the officer throwing the woman against a banister and hitting her head as she cries hysterically and screams, “I’m pregnant! Get off me. You’re going to kill my baby.”    Continue reading “Police Brutally Attack Pregnant Woman in Rochester, NY”

Officials Say Mexican Train Derailment Caused by Theft of Track PartsLatino Daily News

The theft of a metal bar used to link two rails caused the train crash last weekend in the southeastern Mexican state of Tabasco that left 12 dead, the Communications and Transportation Secretariat said.

The secretariat said in a statement Friday that specialized technicians with Ferrocarril del Istmo de Tehuantepec, the operator of the railway line, made that determination.   Continue reading “Officials Say Mexican Train Derailment Caused by Theft of Track Parts”

The Telegraph – by Nile Gardiner

One voice in Washington that has been remarkably absent from this week’s Syria debate has been that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, Mrs. Clinton hasn’t said anything at all about President Obama’s plans for military strikes against the dictatorship in Damascus. As someone who dominated the US foreign policy landscape over the past four years, Clinton’s silence on Syria is striking. What explains this?   Continue reading “Why a nervous Hillary Clinton is remarkably silent on Syria”

File - Tunnel Detonated - Palinfo Press TV

Egyptian security forces have destroyed a number of tunnels connecting the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

Video footage showed explosions and then clouds of smoke rising up in the town of Rafah, on the border between the Palestinian territory and Egypt on Saturday.

About 80 percent of the tunnels, which are used to transfer goods and medicines into Gaza from Egypt, are no longer functional due to similar incidents carried out by the Egyptian security forces.    Continue reading “Egypt destroys tunnels into Gaza”

How Poverty Taxes the BrainThe Atlantic Cities – by EMILY BADGER

Human mental bandwidth is finite. You’ve probably experienced this before (though maybe not in those terms): When you’re lost in concentration trying to solve a problem like a broken computer, you’re more likely to neglect other tasks, things like remembering to take the dog for a walk, or picking your kid up from school. This is why people who use cell phones behind the wheel actually perform worse as drivers. It’s why air traffic controllers focused on averting a mid-air collision are less likely to pay attention to other planes in the sky.   Continue reading “How Poverty Taxes the Brain”

First Lady of SnotFellowship of the Minds – by Eowyn

This is a screenshot I took of the snot (red arrow) dribbling from M.O.’s left nostril at the 14:20 mark of a White House video of her speech at the National Governors Association Meeting on Feb. 28, 2011. Click here for the video.

Public school students across America are saying the healthy school lunches that are a signature issue promoted by “First Lady of Snot” Moochie Obama taste like regurgitated food.   Continue reading “Kids say Michelle’s school lunch tastes like vomit”

87582757Pat Dollard

Excerpted from THE BLAZE: Fourth-grade students in Illinois are learning that “government is like a nation’s family” because it sets rules and takes care of needs such as health care and education.

So says a worksheet for social studies homework that was distributed to students at East Prairie School in Skokie, Ill, complete with a drawing of Uncle Same cradling a baby that represents the citizens.   Continue reading “‘What Is Government?’: 4th Grade Students Taught It’s Your ‘Family’”

Document A: New York Journal (ORIGINAL)


Assistant Secretary Roosevelt Convinced the Explosion of the War Ship Was Not an Accident.

The Journal Offers $50,000 Reward for the Conviction of the Criminals Who Sent 258 American Sailors to Their Death. Naval Officers Unanimous That the Ship Was Destroyed on Purpose.   Continue reading “Even in 1898 – Explosion of the Maine”