Pascrell.jpgFox News

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are proposing steep new taxes on handguns and ammunition, and tying the revenues to programs aimed at preventing gun violence.

Called the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.     Continue reading “Dem bill would trigger huge new taxes on guns, ammo”

The Siasat Daily

Britain could bomb Syria over last week’s suspected chemical weapons atrocity, which killed hundreds of children.

British Prime Minister David Cameron held talks with French President Francois Hollande after consulting President Barack Obama on Saturday to agree ‘a firm response’ following the suspected gas attack, which killed thousands.    Continue reading “Britain poised to bomb Syria over suspected chemical weapons use”

ATLANTA (AP) — Coca-Cola keeps the recipe for its 127-year-old soda inside an imposing steel vault that’s bathed in red security lights. Several cameras monitor the area to make sure the fizzy formula stays a secret.

But in one of the many signs that the surveillance is as much about theater as reality, the images that pop up on video screens are of smiling tourists waving at themselves. “It’s a little bit for show,” concedes a guard at the World of Coca-Cola museum in downtown Atlanta, where the vault is revealed at the end of an exhibit in a puff of smoke.   Continue reading “Is Coke’s 127-year-old recipe the same? Not quite”

Former Citadel Investment Employee Ari Schochet Bloomberg – by Sophia Pearson

Ari Schochet has grown so accustomed to being sent to jail for missing alimony payments that he goes into a routine.

Before his family-court hearing, Schochet, 41, sticks on a nicotine patch to cope with jailhouse smoking bans, sends an “Ari Off the Grid” e-mail to friends and family, and scrawls key phone numbers in permanent ink on his forearm.   Continue reading “Jail Becomes Home for Husband Stuck With Lifetime Alimony”

The Captain’s Journal – by HERSCHEL SMITH

Business Insider:

A recent poll suggests Americans will consider the gun debate a pivotal point in the 2014 elections. So we wanted to explore how Americans kept the right to bear arms in the first place. As it turns out, grammar is the culprit.   Continue reading “Does A Comma Stand Between You And Loss Of Your Guns?”

A screen capture from a video purporting to show the Syrian Army firing a Scud missile (image capture: YouTube)Times of Israel – by STUART WINER

senior Syrian official on Monday issued a first direct warning that if attacked, his country would retaliate against Israel. Khalaf Muftah, a senior Baath Party official who used to serve as Syria’s assistant information minister, said in a radio interview that Damascus would consider Israel “behind the [Western] aggression and [it] will therefore come under fire.”

“We have strategic weapons and we’re capable of responding,” he said. “Normally the strategic weapons are aimed at Israel.”   Continue reading “Syria, Iran issue first explicit warning to Israel if US attacks”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Remember what the 2012 leaked Stratfor memo said about the focal point of western airborne power? Here it is again: “Syrian air defenses are a lot more robust and are much denser, esp around Damascus and on the borders with Israel, Turkey. THey are most worried about mobile air defenses, particularly the SA-17s that they’ve been getting recently. It’s still a doable mission, it’s just not an easy one. The main base they would use is Cyprus, hands down. Brits and FRench would fly out of there.  Continue reading “Western Warplanes Begin Arriving In Cyprus”

obama the communistCommon Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

United States has not been attacked on the home front for 200 years dating back to the War of 1812. There exists a plethora of confirming information to support the fact that America’s days may be numbered and that we are totally unprepared for what is coming.

Russia, through the traitorous cooperation and complicity of President Obama, is positioning its assets in order to attack Alaska.  Before I piece together the many elements of the planned Russian “surprise attack”, it is important for America to understand that it takes a communist to bring communism to America. Obama was bred by communists, raised by communists, educated at the finest schools with communist money, his political career was launched by communists and his controllers in the White House are communists. Continue reading “Russia Is Preparing To Attack America”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The planting and harvesting of false flags in Syria will soon need a full crop rotation following the latest “revelation” by Germany’s Focus magazine (on Saturday), subsequently reported by the Times of Israel today, that Israeli Defense Forces had listened in on senior Syrian officials discussing a chemical attack last Wednesday in real-time. TOI reports that “according to the report Saturday in Focus magazine, a squad specializing in wire-tapping within the IDF’s prestigious 8200 intelligence unit intercepted a conversation between high-ranking regime officials regarding the use of chemical agents at the time of the attack. The report, which cited an ex-Mossad official who insisted on remaining anonymous, said the intercepted conversation proved that Bashar Assad’s regime was responsible for the use of nonconventional weapons.”   Continue reading “Israel Claims To Have Intercepted “Syrian Regime Chatter” Confirming Assad Behind Attack”

The Organic Prepper

UPDATE: I’m delighted to follow up on this morning’s article. I received an email in reply from the principal at my daughter’s school. He stated that after reading my strong feelings about the matter, he can assure me the practice will no longer be continued at the school. Resistance works.


Back to school sure isn’t the same as it used to be.   Continue reading “Is Your Child a Student or a Slave?”

reichstagThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

All historians are familiar with how Hitler was able to seize and consolidate power within the German Reichstag. He simply had his henchmen burn the German legislative building to the ground and then blame the Communists, one of the Nazi’s chief rivals. Subsequently, Hitler assumed total dictatorial power, as a pretense to protect the German people, and he was able to eliminate the Communists and the rest, as they say, was history.   Continue reading “Syria’s Reichstag Moment”

Wall Street Journal – by MARIA ABI-HABIB in Beirut, SAM DAGHER in Damascus and JOE LAURIA

BEIRUT—United Nations weapons inspectors arrived at one of the sites of last week’s presumed chemical weapons attacks outside Damascus, spurning U.S. calls for the team to stop their mission as American officials said they are inching closer to a decision for a military strike.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rebuffed the U.S. request to withdraw the inspectors and “stood firm on principle,” according to a person familiar with the matter, ordering his team to continue their work establishing whether chemical weapons or toxins were responsible for the estimated hundreds of deaths of Syrian civilians.   Continue reading “U.N. Pushes Back at U.S. Calls to Abort Syria Inspection Mission”

obama-worriedWND – by Jerome R. Corsi

The evidence is mounting that the military government currently ruling Egypt has decided to embarrass the Obama administration as part of a strategy to suppress Muslim Brotherhood activity in Egypt.

Last week, WND reported that Tehani al-Gebali, the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, gave a speech and participated in an interview broadcast on Egyptian television that identified Malik Obama, the Kenyan half-brother of President Obama, as “a major architect” managing investments for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.  Continue reading “Now Egypt looks to ‘Expose’ Obama”

It was recently revealed that foreign nationals entering the United States as guest workers will not be subject the mandates and penalties to be implemented through Obamacare, which is to say businesses cannot be forced to provide coverage and individuals cannot be fined for refusing to purchase healthcare insurance.

This revelation comes on the heels of a rash of exemptions for big labor unions and huge international corporations based in the United States.  It has also been revealed that the Native American population, consisting of 11 million individuals, is also exempt from the dictates contained in the socialist Obamacare.  Our legislators and their staff are exempt.  And one last aspect, the impoverished have also been declared exempt.   Continue reading “Obamacare Revealed as Exclusive Tax on the Middle Class”

The Obama Administration has declared that it is “very likely” that Assad’s Syrian forces have used chemical weapons against the Syrian people.  “Very likely”, well I guess that should be sufficient for an invasion.  And it is indeed interesting how the Syrian military and the majority of the Syrian civilians that support Assad have somehow been transformed from the native population to what we are supposed to believe is a force foreign to the actual Syrian people who are in revolt.

If this were a true civil war, at minimum you would have to say that Syrians are killing Syrians.  But the truth is, just like all the other communist propaganda flooding the airwaves, the more outrageous the lie, the quicker it is believed, in spite of the obvious reality.   Continue reading “Syrian Gas Attacks ‘Very Likely’ Secret Op to Instigate US Attacks”

ICIJ's offshore tax havens investigationICIJ – by Gerard Ryle, Marina Walker Guevara, Michael Hudson, Nicky Hager, Duncan Campbell and Stefan Candea

Dozens of journalists sifted through millions of leaked records and thousands of names to produce ICIJ’s investigation into offshore secrecy ­

A cache of 2.5 million files has cracked open the secrets of more than 120,000 offshore companies and trusts, exposing hidden dealings of politicians, con men and the mega-rich the world over.   Continue reading “Secret Files Expose Offshore’s Global Impact”