Prophesies of the End Times

Later this year, Comet ISON will pass through the asteroid belt, enter the Inner Solar System and sidestep Mars on its way past Earth, putting on what scientists expect will be a spectacular heavenly show that is not to be missed.

Comets offer one of the most spectacular celestial scenes the unaided human eye can see. By November or December, ISON is expected to be brighter than a full moon. Some believe it will be up to 15 times brighter.   Continue reading “Comet ISON..Harbinger?”

Syrian TV

President Bashar al-Assad stressed that Syria is a sovereign country that will fight terrorism and will freely build relationships with countries in a way that best serves the interests of the Syrian people.

In an interview with the Russian newspaper of Izvestia, President al-Assad stressed that “the majority of those we are fighting are Takfiris, who adopt the al-Qaeda doctrine, in addition to a small number of outlaws.”   Continue reading “President al-Assad: Syria will never become a western puppet state, we will fight terrorism and freely build relationships that best serve the interests of the Syrians”

[Image: 51395896.jpg]Ye Old False Flag

The U.S. government may be considering military action in response to chemical strikes near Damascus. But a generation ago, America’s military and intelligence communities knew about and did nothing to stop a series of nerve gas attacks far more devastating than anything Syria has seen, Foreign Policy has learned.   Continue reading “CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran”

Canada Free Press – by John W. Whitehead

From George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World to the Wachowskis’ The Matrix, Stephen Spielberg’sMinority Report and most recently Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium, writers and filmmakers have used science fiction to both forecast the future while also holding up a mirror to the present. The best among these transcend what is largely escapist entertainment and engage their audiences in a critical dialogue about what happens when power, technology and militaristic governance converge.   Continue reading “Elysium: The Technological Side of the American Police State”

ScreenHunter_2023 Aug. 19 16.39Veterans Today

Thanks to the Tech Staff at Apple Computers

Police throughout the globe have been embarrassed to see online videos of their officers pepper spraying tied captives. In our age of mobile gadgets the pictures can be uploaded online in seconds, making supervisors to answer the questions.

But now the police may not need to fear scrutiny anymore, because Apple has recently patented a piece of technology that would allow the authorities and police to block data transmission, including video and photos, whenever they like. All they need to do is decide that a public gathering or venue is deemed “sensitive” and needs to be protected from externalities. Continue reading “Police Now Can Switch off iPhone Camera and Wi-Fi”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

In another clear sign that US backed Al-Qaeda was responsible for the recent ‘chemical attack’ upon Syria, a former member of the terrorist organization that is now being supported by Barack Obama has admitted that Jabhat al-Nusrah was not only in possession of chemical weapons but that he could even name the Al-Qaeda associate who created those chemical bombs.   Continue reading “Al-Qaeda Admits Chemical Attack In Syria”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Is Barack Obama in his completely insane move of attempting to start World War 3 TRYING to get America and our Navy destroyed? Russia has just sent their most advanced anti-ship missiles to Syria in a clear warning that any attack against Syria will not go unanswered.

The New York Times quotes unnamed US officials as saying the missiles could be used to counter any potential future foreign military intervention in Syria.   Continue reading “Russia Sends Obama A Message & Sends Syria Their MOST ADVANCED Anti-Ship Missile System To Destroy US Ships”

NDAA warnings coming true: Police arrest 8 citizens, refuse to identify the men they arrested, or say what crimes the suspects are accused of committing.

San Francisco Chronicle – by Will Kane

A week after Oakland police held a news conference to draw attention to Mayor Jean Quan‘s primary crime-fighting strategy, authorities refused to identify eight men they arrested as part of the program or say what crimes the suspects are accused of committing.   Continue reading “Secrecy in Oakland on crime-fighting strategy”

The War on America – by WarriorClass

This is the “TEA Party Conservative” Ted Cruz plan. While pounding the drum that he is opposed to Amnesty and wants a Secure Border, Ted hopes you don’t hear the next two amendments he wants to add to Senate Bill 744. Ted wants to more than double immigration to this country at a time when almost half of working age Americans are out of work.

If that’s isn’t enough, he wants to increase the H1B visa FIVE HUNDRED PERCENT. These are the visas for highly skilled workers, you know, the jobs you send your kids to college for so they can get one of those good jobs. But Ted Cruz wants those jobs to go to foreigners, not Americans.   Continue reading “Ted Cruz – The Controlled Opposition – How Another Foreign National Plans to be President of the United States”

These are firearms seized in Armed & Prohibited Persons Systems sweeps.Police State USA – by Josh B.

CALIFORNIA — Recent increases in budget and staff are enabling California cops to escalate their efforts to confiscate guns from people the state has deemed to be “Prohibited Persons” — people living amongst the public whom the state has decided, for one reason for another, are not deserving of exercising all of the inalienable rights enumerated in the Constitution.  Victims of these disturbing raids describe how residents are met with overwhelming numbers of cops, frightened into letting the cops into their homes, and in at least some cases, are forced to the ground with guns pointed in their faces while police seize their property.   Continue reading “California doubles its number of full-time gun-seizure agents raiding homes of “prohibited persons””

Secessao[1]The Liberty Beacon – by Chaplain Robert Poynter

Beware of those who claim that the Constitution is a living instrument because they are seeking justification for its violation. They claim that it evolves or changes as the peoples’ wants or needs change. They will call it outmoded, old-fashioned, antiquated, archaic, etc., trying to convince you that the Founders could not have foreseen the peoples’ needs so long ago. These people will support Constitutional changes resulting from Amendments, Supreme Court decisions, Presidential Proclamations or Voter Referendums.   Continue reading “The Constitution is Not a Living Breathing Document to Be Changed: It Is The Supreme Law of the Land”

World Events and the Bible

Reports are swirling around that bombs will be falling on Damascus this week. Yesterday, Syria said, ‘it would allow United Nations inspectors currently present in Damascus immediate access to areas around the capital where the opposition accused the regime of using chemical weapons against fighters and civilians five days ago. But the U.S. rebuffed Syria’s decision, saying the offer came too late to be credible,‘ –ZeroHedge.   Continue reading “Biblical Elements: Russia, China and Iran Nearly Silent as West States it Will Bomb Damascus This Week”

United Nations (U.N.) vehicles transport a team of U.N. chemical weapons experts to the scene of a poison gas attack outside the Syrian capital last week, in Damascus August 26, 2013. (Reuters /  Khaled Al Hariri)RT News

A UN inspection team vehicle in Syria has been shot at by snipers, a UN spokesman says. The team has currently come back to the government checkpoint to replace the damaged vehicle. There have been no reports of casualties so far.

The inspectors’ car “was deliberately shot at multiple times by unidentified snipers in the buffer zone area,” the spokesman for the UN secretary-general, Martin Nesirky, said.    Continue reading “Snipers shoot at UN chemical inspectors in Syria – UN spokesman”

Men carry the body of a Palestinian shot dead by Israeli troops during his funeral at Qalandiya Refugee Camp near the West Bank city of Ramallah August 26, 2013. (Reuters / Darren Whiteside)RT News

Scheduled peace talks will not go ahead with Israel after IDF officers shot dead 3 Palestinians in a border clash, Palestinian officials have said. Negotiations have come under threat recently in light of Israeli plans to expand their settlements.

“The meeting that was to take place in Jericho…today was cancelled because of the Israeli crime committed in Kalandiya today,” an official from the Palestinian Authority told AFP, adding that there would be “repercussions” for the incident.  Representatives of the Palestinian Authority were due to meet with Israeli negotiators on Monday in Jericho before the talks were shelved.    Continue reading “Israeli-Palestinian peace talks meeting called off over protest deaths”

Press TV

The US Air Force has removed the commander of a major nuclear weapons unit at a base in the US state of Montana over a failed security inspection earlier this month.

Colonel David Lynch, commander of Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, will transition into retirement due to a loss of confidence following a failed safety and security inspection which was reported by the Associated Press on August 13, said military leaders.    Continue reading “US military removes commander of nuclear weapons unit over loss of confidence”