Syria-Chemical-AttacksWND – by Jerome R. Corsi

NEW YORK – As the U.S. considers a response to what it calls a chemical weapon attack by Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime that killed hundreds of civilians, reliable Middle Eastern sources say they have evidence the culprits actually were the rebel forces trying to take over the government.

Secretary of State John Kerry accused the Assad government Monday of covering up the use of chemical weapons in “a cowardly crime” and a “moral obscenity” that shocked the world’s conscience. Kerry claimed the Obama administration had “undeniable” evidence “that the Assad government was culpable in the use of chemical weapons on civilians” in the Aug. 21 attack in Damascus suburbs.   Continue reading “Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies”

Max Velocity Tactical

The purpose of this post is to discuss the use of canteens and hydration bladders, to point out some advantages and disadvantages, and to make you think about how you plan to carry and use water.

What do I mean by canteens? For this post, I will consider an canteen any sort of solid water bottle. Anything from an actual military canteen to a sports hydration bottle, one of those solid Camelbak sports bottles that you sip from the top of with a straw going down inside, a plastic water-bottle that you are reusing (with a twist-off lid or one of those drinking caps), or anything similar. The key thing is that a canteen will sit in a pocket or pouch and be taken out, raised to your mouth, and drunk from.    Continue reading “Canteen Vs. Hydration Bladder”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Mike Krieger

The warning signs were all there. Long, long ago they were all right there. Reading this article from the New York Times, published when I was just five years old, brings forth emotions of frustration, disappointment and even a sense of resentment. Resentment that many of those that came before us knew about all of this and basically did nothing. While those were my initial reactions, those negative emotions have turned into a strong sense of resolve and purpose. Many of us that are faced with the challenge of changing this messed up world we live in had very little to do with its creation, but that’s ok. This is our destiny and it is our duty.   Continue reading “A Blockbuster Article on the Dangers of the NSA…From March 27, 1983”

Obama Behavior Team to “Nudge” U.S. Toward Government GoalsThe New American – by Alex Newman

In an effort to “nudge” Americans to support bigger and more intrusive government while changing behavior to suit the whims of the political class in Washington, D.C., the Obama administration is following the lead of U.K. authorities by building what the White House refers to as a “Behavioral Insights Team.” According to an official document about the scheme aimed at recruiting personnel, the controversial team will be charged with prodding the U.S. population to think and behave in ways that officials deem best on everything from “sustainability” to health and education.   Continue reading “Obama Behavior Team to “Nudge” U.S. Toward Government Goals”

Minnesota Attack WolfAmmoLand

Minnesota – -( A 16-year-old boy was injured in an apparent wolf bite early Saturday morning, Aug. 24th  2013, near the lakeshore of the West Winnie Campground on Lake Winnibigoshish in north-central Minnesota, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

The boy sustained multiple puncture wounds and a laceration to his head of about 11 centimeters long. The wolf ran into the woods after the boy kicked it.   Continue reading “Minnesota Teen Injured In An Apparent Wolf Attack”

World Events and the Bible

The West is continuing to move military assets into the general region of the Middle East. Reports from Russia Today are coming in of British movements to Cyprus which is 100 miles away from Syria. Reports are also stating a U.S. led strike on Syria is now imminent. That strike would last two-days and consist of cruise missile and long range bomber strikes according to the Washington Post.   Continue reading “U.S. Led Strike on Syria is Now Imminent”


California – A week after Oakland police held a news conference to draw attention to Mayor Jean Quan’s primary crime-fighting strategy, authorities refused to identify eight men they arrested as part of the program or say what crimes the suspects are accused of committing.

Police said that identifying the eight, arrested Aug. 14 and 15 as part of the Operation Ceasefire initiative to fight violence in Oakland, would harm their investigation and could put the suspects at risk of retaliation from rival groups. Operation Ceasefire seeks to curb violence by offering social services and support to members of gangs or cliques.   Continue reading “NDAA warnings coming true: Police arrest 8 citizens refuse to identify the men they arrested or say what crimes the suspects are accused of committing”


London, Ohio – Without informing the public and without first reviewing security rules for the system, Ohio law enforcement officers started using facial recognition technology more than two months ago, scanning databases of driver’s license photos and police mug shots to identify crime suspects, The Enquirer has learned.   Continue reading “What you’re not being told: 1/2 of the states have entered your DMV photo into a facial technology database”

Papers Please

California’s legislature is considering a bill to authorize adding radio tracking beacons to drivers licenses and state non-driver ID cards.

Each such card would broadcast a unique tracking number which could legally be intercepted by anyone with a suitable radio transceiver within range, and which would be linked to a national DHS database of drivers license, state ID card, and citizenship information.   Continue reading “California considers “enhancing” drivers licenses with radio tracking beacons”

Prison CampThe Truth – by Michael Snyder

Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner?  Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order?  Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)?  If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents.    Continue reading “72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents”

Common Dreams – by Abby Zimet

Days before Bradley – now Chelsea – Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for helping expose U.S. war crimes in Iraq, the Obama Department of Justice filed a petition in federal court arguing that the perpetrators of those crimes – Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al – enjoy “absolute immunity” against criminal charges or civil liability.   Continue reading “Obama Gives Bush “Absolute Immunity” For Everything”

Officer UnfriendlyEric Peters Autos – by Eric

In a word – don’t.

Not if you can help it.

Officer Friendly is a fiction – a vicious fable sold to schoolkids – who soon learn in one way or another that any interaction with a cop is a likely to be a bad interaction. You are dealing with perhaps the worst possible tag-team combination: Someone with legal power over you who is held to a different – and far more lenient – standard than you are. And therefore, you are dealing with a person who is much more likely to do things – not nice things – than you or I or any other person sans special costume and badge might be inclined to do. After all – why not? Especially if one is a bully – or an outright sadist – and the cop profession attracts exactly that type precisely because of the nature of the work. In its own way, giving a bully a badge is like giving a fat kid free reign at the candy store. Expecting him not to eat is almost silly.   Continue reading “Dealing with Cops These Days . . .”

Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops SyriaDisclose TV

August 27, 2013 – The revelations come amid high tension in the Middle East, with US, British, and French warship poised for missile strikes in Syria. Iran has threatened to retaliate.

The strategic jitters pushed Brent crude prices to a five-month high of $112 a barrel. “We are only one incident away from a serious oil spike. The market is a lot tighter than people think,” said Chris Skrebowski, editor of Petroleum Review.   Continue reading “Saudis Offer Russia Secret Oil Deal If It Drops Syria”

Information Clearing House – by Ellen Brown

Giant bank holding companies now own airports, toll roads, and ports; control power plants; and store and hoard vast quantities of commodities of all sorts. They are systematically buying up or gaining control of the essential lifelines of the economy. How have they pulled this off, and where have they gotten the money?

In a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke dated June 27, 2013, US Representative Alan Grayson and three co-signers expressed concern about the expansion of large banks into what have traditionally been non-financial commercial spheres. Specifically:   Continue reading “The Leveraged Buyout of America”

How many more of your sons and daughters are you willing to sacrifice for Israel?

Information Clearing House – by David Lev

A top Syrian official said Monday that if attacked, his country would react – against Israel

As talk and rumors of an impending Western attack against Syria mount, a top Syrian official said Monday that if attacked, his country would react – against Israel.   Continue reading “Syria: If US Attacks Us, We’ll Attack Israel”