War is a Crime – by Inder Comar

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., (Aug. 20, 2013) — In court papers filed today (PDF), the United States Department of Justice requested that George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz be granted procedural immunity in a case alleging that they planned and waged the Iraq War in violation of international law.

Plaintiff Sundus Shaker Saleh, an Iraqi single mother and refugee now living in Jordan, filed a complaint in March 2013 in San Francisco federal court alleging that the planning and waging of the war constituted a “crime of aggression” against Iraq, a legal theory that was used by the Nuremberg Tribunal to convict Nazi war criminals after World War II.   Continue reading “Obama DOJ Asks Court to Grant Immunity to George W. Bush For Iraq War”

Officials said they are seeking an order to exhume the body buried at the New Jersey cemetery where a woman believed to be Sharolyn Jackson was buried.CenturyLink – by MICHAEL RUBINKAM – Associated Press

Carrie Minney could have sworn the woman in the casket was her 50-year-old daughter.

When Minney and the rest of Sharolyn Jackson’s family attended her viewing, funeral and burial in New Jersey on Aug. 3, they noted that Jackson’s nose looked thinner. But they figured something had happened to it during the embalming process.   Continue reading “Pa. woman turns up alive after her own NJ funeral”

Gore may have an uphill climb in persuading the public global warming should be a top concern. Only 34% of Americans  believe global warming poses a “serious threat,” according to a Gallup poll from April. New York Daily News- by Leslie Larson

Al Gore dished out some harsh words for global warming skeptics, likening the deniers of the environmental issue to the perpetrators of history’s most egregious events including apartheid and slavery.

Gore told Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein that “we’re winning” the conversation on racism, homophobia and prejudice.   Continue reading “Al Gore likens global warming deniers to slavery, apartheid perpetrators”

MonsantoNatural News – by Mike Adams

Monsanto executives and insiders are dumping Monsanto stock in record volumes, sending the stock price spiraling downward. CEO Hugh Grant just sold off 40,000 shares at $97.74, and both Janet Holloway and Gerald Steiner — both high-level Monsanto executives — recently ditched more than 10,000 shares each. Tom Hartley also bailed on another 6,000 shares at $100.15. (See sources below.)   Continue reading “Hedge funds, insider traders begin dumping Monsanto stock as reality of GMOs sinks in across Wall Street”

The Forbidden Knowledge

Do you believe in a GRAND CONSPIRACY ? Do you believe Oswald acted alone ? Do you believe that government is corrupt ? If so, then to what DEGREE ? That may depend on how willing you are to open your eyes and mind to SEE. Why is it that the more things change, the more they stay the same ? Why doesn’t society ever seem to grow up ? Most people grow up thinking that the world is very big and we believe the world exists the way it does today because this is the direction humanity has taken and chosen.   Continue reading “The Secret History of America – The Greatest Conspiracy On Earth”

ObamaCare Will Lead to Insurance “Death Spiral,” Study SaysThe New American – by Michael Tennant

Is the health insurance market headed for a “death spiral” of increasing premiums, fewer beneficiaries, and less competition under ObamaCare? A recent study from the National Center for Public Policy Research answers that question in the affirmative.

The study, by healthcare policy analyst David Hogberg, finds that the individual mandate’s carrots and sticks will probably be insufficient to induce large numbers of currently uninsured “young invincibles” — healthy, childless 18- to 34-year-olds — to buy coverage. Yet these people are the ones who must enter the market en masseif the healthcare law’s mandates on insurers are not to overwhelm them with older, more sickly — and therefore much more costly — beneficiaries.   Continue reading “ObamaCare Will Lead to Insurance “Death Spiral,” Study Says”

Fox News

LAS VEGAS –  A couple spent hundreds of hours over four months plotting to abduct, torture and kill Las Vegas police officers as a way to attract attention to their anti-authority “sovereign citizens” movement, police said.

David Allen Brutsche and Devon Campbell Newman attended training sessions about sovereign citizen philosophy, shopped for guns, found a vacant house and rigged it to bind captives to cross beams during interrogation, and recorded videos to explain their actions and why officers had to die.   Continue reading “Police in Vegas say ‘sovereign citizen’ plot to kill officers thwarted”

The Press Democrat – by Clark Mason

Gun-control advocates failed this week to convince the Windsor Town Council to support a federal ban on assault weapons when a majority of council members abstained from voting on the matter.

Windsor so far is the only municipality in Sonoma County to break ranks on the issue. Seven cities have endorsed a ban while Rohnert Park is yet to take up the issue.   Continue reading “Windsor council won’t back assault weapons ban”

To call what is happening to our beloved Republic anything less than a tragedy would be nothing short of denial.  Here at From the Trenches, we work tirelessly at getting out the information necessary to evaluate the situation and formulate solutions.  We have always promoted other patriot sites as we would have every voice of every true patriot heard by every other patriot.  In our attempt to keep this site pure to its intent, the purity itself has become a problem.  Like anything else in this country, if there is something pure there arises a group of pimps who would whore it for material profit.

The following is a series of comments and emails chronicling one such situation:   Continue reading “Dittos Rush and the Pimping of the Cause of Liberty”


In a move that’s being described as chasing “the whims of political correctness,” the Disney Channel reportedly will feature a “married” lesbian couple on a popular kids sitcom in the coming season.

“It’s a disappointment to millions of Americans that Disney would choose to become a groundbreaker in immorality,” commented Movieguide, the organization headed by Christian media critic Ted Baehr. “New concepts of morality have had a very negative impact on marriage, families, and children.”   Continue reading “Disney brings lesbian moms to TV”

Janet Napolitano / APThe Washington Free Beacon – by Bill Gertz

Obama administration and Mexican government officials recently discussed creating a three-tier security system designed to protect Mexico’s southern border from drug and human traffickers, according to U.S. officials.

The border control plan calls for U.S. funding and technical support of three security lines extending more than 100 miles north of Mexico’s border with Guatemala and Belize. The border security system would use sensors and intelligence-gathering to counter human trafficking and drug running from the region, a major source of illegal immigration into the United States.   Continue reading “Obama Administration Considers Plan to Bolster Mexico’s Southern Border”

UnknownSHTF Plan – by Survival Pulse

This informative article has been contributed by Survival Pulse.

The signs that a SHTF event is headed to the U.S. have become so overwhelming that I felt a responsibility to write this. In this article, I will talk about economic warning signs that are signaling a collapse. I will touch on the recent government activity that hints they are preparing for something big. I’ll talk about the reality of what might happen in a true crash, and finally provide some basic steps you can take to quickly prepare for what is coming.   Continue reading “Preparing for What is Coming”


BEIRUT (AP) — Israeli warplanes struck a target south of Beirut early Friday, a day after militants fired four rockets into northern Israel, the Israeli military and a Palestinian official said.

The Israeli military said that the aircraft targeted “a terror site located between Beirut and Sidon in response” to the rocket attack. It was the first air raid on the area since the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group.   Continue reading “Israeli warplanes strike area near Beirut”


TOKYO (AP) — Deep beneath Fukushima’s crippled nuclear power station, a massive underground reservoir of contaminated water that began spilling from the plant’s reactors after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami has been creeping slowly toward the Pacific.

Now, 2 1/2 years later, experts fear it is about to reach the ocean and greatly worsen what is fast becoming a new crisis at Fukushima: the inability to contain vast quantities of radioactive water. The looming crisis is potentially far greater than the discovery earlier this week of a leak from a tank that stores contaminated water used to cool the reactor cores. That 300-ton (80,000-gallon) leak is the fifth and most serious from a tank since the March 2011 disaster, when three of the plant’s reactors melted down after a huge earthquake and tsunami knocked out the plant’s power and cooling functions.   Continue reading “Radioactive groundwater at Fukushima nears Pacific”


EL ALTO, Bolivia (AP) — A sinister warning dangles above the burned-out hulk of a minibus in this sprawling sister city to Bolivia’s capital: A faded effigy tied to a power line as if it had been hanged.

“Death dolls,” made of old clothes stuffed with rags, have become a common sight in this impoverished city plagued by crime. They are often accompanied by hand-scrawled signs. “The thief who is caught will be burned,” say many.   Continue reading “Bolivians dangle ‘death dolls’ to warn off thieves”

Press TV

More than 30 towns in West Texas will soon be out of water as a direct result of diverting their underground water supplies for use in hydraulic fracking.

Largely unregulated fracking, it should be said. Largely unregulated fracking that is definitely putting arsenic into the ground it happens to be drying out. Before you start acting horrified, though, consider: this is exactly what Texas’ mental-midget teabillies voted for.   Continue reading “Texas towns to be out of water due to fracking”