Jeremy Hammond (AFP Photo)RT News

Just as a former member of Anonymous accuses the United States government of coercing hackers to do their dirty work in America’s cyberwars, the sentencing hearing for the group’s alleged ex-ringleader has been mysteriously delayed yet again.

One day after a statement was released by convicted Anonymous member Jeremy Hammond from behind bars, news has surfaced that the hacker-turned-informant who compromised the underground movement for the FBI and helped facilitate Hammond’s arrest will remain free for now.   Continue reading “Hacker accuses US government of tricking Anonymous into attacking foreign targets”

 This August 23, 2011 photograph obtained courtesy of the Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS) shows Staff Sgt. Robert Bales (L) at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California (AFP Photo)RT News

A military jury has sentenced the United States soldier responsible for the ambush on two Afghan villages last year that left 16 civilians dead to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

One day after Staff Sgt. Robert Bales apologized in court for the 2012 rampage, a jury said Friday that he’ll have to spend the rest of his life behind bars without the option of ever petition for his release.   Continue reading “US soldier gets life in prison without release for killing 16 Afghans”

Video Rebel’s Blog

This might be the fourth time I have re-blogged an article from another site. I am posting this because America already has one million homeless school children and all hell is about to hit the fan. I do appreciate the problems of homeowners in the UK with unreasonable squatters in occupied dwellings. This originally appeared with this title: “Dad, I’ve got me a really strange idea. I want you to talk me out of it….” The URL and author’s credits are in the notes below.   Continue reading “Young Couple Squatting On A Bank Owned House In A Depressed Area”

Before It’s News – by Deborah Dupre

Think your love interest details and romantic sexual activities are private, behind closed doors, perhaps even sacred? Think again.

National Security Agency officers “on several occasions” have channeled their agency’s enormous eavesdropping power to spy on love interests, said U.S. officials, according to the Wall Street Journal.    Continue reading “NSA Spies On Lovers, Czar Feinstein Defends LOVEINT”

Wedding PhotographerNational Organization of Marriage

We’ve heard a lot of stories recently about people of faith being forced to compromise their religious beliefs over same-sex marriage (bakery owners in Oregon, a florist in Washington state, innkeepers in Vermont…). But a new Rasmussen poll shows the vast majority of Americans are highly opposed to business owners being penalized or sued for running their business according to their own personal beliefs and values.   Continue reading “85% of Americans Say Christian Photographer Has Right to Refuse Same-Sex Ceremony”

04182011Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Washington Times – The Obama administration issued a new policy Friday that says immigration agents should try not to arrest and deport illegal immigrant parents of minor children. The move adds to the categories of people the administration is trying not to deport.

In a nine-page memo, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said agents should use “prosecutorial discretion” to try to avoid detaining parents and, if parents are detained, agents should make sure they have the ability to visit with their children or participate in family court proceedings.   Continue reading “New Obama Policy Warns Agents Not To Detain Illegal Immigrant Parents”

20130823 BP RGV-2Progress Times

EDINBURG—U.S. Border Patrol agents from the Rio Grande Valley Sector confiscated an estimated $14.3 million worth of marijuana in multiple seizures over Aug. 15-16.

Agents assigned to the Falfurrias Checkpoint made the largest seizure on Aug. 15. During an immigration inspection of the driver of a tractor-trailer, a Border Patrol K-9 detected the presence. Agents found more than 10,300 pounds of marijuana hidden inside the trailer.   Continue reading “Border Patrol agents seize nearly 9 tons of marijuana in 2 days” Monitor – by Ildefonso Ortiz

McALLEN — In response to the increase in drug trafficking and human smuggling in its Rio Grande Valley Sector, the U.S. Border Patrol has deployed a contingent of agents from other sectors, officials said.

The new agents have arrived in the area and are part of a flexible mobile workforce sent to the Valley to augment the agency’s current operations, said Border Patrol spokesman Enrique Mendiola.   Continue reading “More Border Patrol agents arrive in RGV Sector”


Meet ‘tough guy’ Kenan Adams-Kinard, killer of frail, defenseless, kind, 84 year-old men.

Adams-Kinard is the second ‘tough guy’ suspect, currently on the run after the fatal beating of Delbert Belton. Kenan Adams-Kinard has a criminal history, but the extent of it isn’t known yet.

The other suspect, 16-year-old Demetrius Glenn, who turned himself into police on Friday.   Continue reading “Second suspect identified in fatal beating of Delbert Belton”

World Events and the Bible

The United States military is now positioning its Navel Forces at Syrian shores in an escalation that could bring missile strikes upon Syrian forces. Before we dig into that, let us look at what is currently unfolding in order to have a better understanding of what is really taking place…

The entire “Syrian Crisis” has been fabricated from day one. It is widely known the West is funding and supporting the rebel cause. NATO has publicly stated, 70% of Syrians support President Assad. So we know this crisis is fabricated. Continue reading “The Destruction of Damascus Draws Nigh: U.S. War Ships En-Route for Possible Cruise Missile Attack on Syria Following False Flag Event and What It Means”

One more excuse for TSA perverts to sexually assault women.

Homeland Security Newswire

Security checks at Heathrow Airport have been beefed up this past week following “credible” intelligence that al Qaeda operatives may use a new method to attack airlines flying out of London: explosives concealed in breast implants. This would not the first time Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP) chief bomb maker, Ibrahim al-Asiri, has sought to use the human body as a hiding place for explosives. Continue reading “Boob bombs: breast implants suicide bomb a threat to aviation”

Greg Palast

When a little birdie dropped the End Game memo through my window, its content was so explosive, so sick and plain evil, I just couldn’t believe it.

The Memo confirmed every conspiracy freak’s fantasy:  that in the late 1990s, the top US Treasury officials secretly conspired with a small cabal of banker big-shots to rip apart financial regulation across the planet.  When you see 26.3%unemployment in Spain, desperation and hunger in Greece, riots in Indonesia and Detroit in bankruptcy, go back to this End Game memo, the genesis of the blood and tears.   Continue reading “Larry Summers and the Secret “End-Game” Memo”

Common Dreams – by Abby Zimet

In what critics say is the most comprehensive anti-homeless measure ever passed, Columbia SC’s City Council has unanimously approved an “Emergency Homeless Response” plan under which patrolling police will remove unsightly homeless people from downtown under the aegis of the city’s “quality of life” laws – complete with a hotline so business owners can report the presence of any aforementioned unsightly etc – and take them to a shelter on the outskirts of town where more patrolling police will ensure they don’t up and wander back downtown. If they refuse to be taken, they will be arrested and taken to jail. If they try to leave the shelter, they will be returned to pseudo-jail.   Continue reading “Poverty Prison: Columbia SC Demands Homeless People Go Away or Go To Jail, Police Not So Sure”

Ahmed Kamel, 12-year old Iraqi, victim of US cluster bombAnti-War – by John Glaser

Even as they condemn the Syrian regime’s use of cluster munitions, the U.S. is selling Saudi Arabia $640 million worth of American-made cluster bombs. Cluster munitions have been banned in 83 countries on account of their indiscriminate nature and their record of killing children.

John Reed at Foreign Policy:

These weapons are loathed because in addition to killing enemy combatants, their fairly indiscriminate nature means they can kill plenty of civilians. And not just in the heat of battle. The little ball-shaped bomblets dispersed by cluster munitions don’t always detonate on first impact. Often, they will just sit there on the ground until someone, often a child, picks them up and causes them to explode.   Continue reading “US Sending Saudi Arabia Thousands of Cluster Bombs, Despite International Ban”

Empty Wheel

ABC reports that, along with former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell, former Homeland Security Czar Richard Clarke, and former Obama special assistant for economic policy Peter Swire, the White House (or James Clapper — who knows at this point) has picked Cass Sunstein for its Review Committee on NSA programs.

Frankly, a lot of people are investing misplaced confidence that Richard Clarke will make this committee useful. While he’s good on a lot of issues, he’s as hawkish on cybersecurity as anyone else in this country. And as I keep pointing out, these programs are really about cybersecurity. Richard Clarke is not going to do a damned thing to rein in a program that increasingly serves to surveil US Internet data to protect against cyberthreats.   Continue reading “Advocate of Secret Infiltration, Cass Sunstein, on Obama’s “Committee To Make Us Trust the Dragnet””

Activist Post – by Sigmund Fraud

While many adults would prefer to ignore it, a police state has already risen amongst the once free nations of the West. The legal framework and technology for this advanced big brother nightmare has been developing for decades, and as such, it is unlikely that the trend towards even greater surveillance, control and injustice will slow much in the coming years, even though the public is slowly awakening to what is happening.   Continue reading “How to Talk to Kids About the Police State”

‘Barry Sotero’ will kill any and all Gentiles when ordered by his Yid Masters.

Information Clearinghouse

Video Report By CBS News

The Pentagon is making the initial preparations for a cruise missile attack on Syrian government forces. We say “initial preparations” because such an attack won’t happen until the president gives the green light. And it was clear during an interview on CNN Friday that he is not there yet.   Continue reading “U S Preps For Possible Cruise Missile Attack An Syrian Gov’t Forces”

American Free Press – by Ronald L. Ray

Hungary is making history of the first order.

Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny.

Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold the nation’s people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state of Israel. Those earlier administrations were riddled with Israelis in high places, to the fury of the masses, who finally elected Orbán’s Fidesz party in response.   Continue reading “Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles”