backpack21n-5-webPat Dollard

Excerpted from Washington Times – Students in select areas of the country are heading back to school with the likes of bulletproof backpacks and whiteboards that also work as shields — even though some are calling it overkill.

“It may be well-intended but it’s not well thought-out,” said Ken Trump, a Cleveland-based school safety consultant who is also the father of young children, on NBC. “I would ask this question: If you need a bulletproof backpack, wouldn’t the child also need a bulletproof front pack and a helmet and a Captain America shield?”   Continue reading “Bulletproof Backpacks Sales Surge As Kids Head Back To School”

Photo: Wikimedia CommonsIntelliHub – by Andrew Freeman

Since the NSA scandal broke months ago the US government has been searching for excuses to justify their insane practices.

Despite the fact that the US government has never stopped a terrorist attack that they didn’t actually facilitate themselves, they have continued to insist that they have intercepted multiple terrorist plots.    Continue reading “False Flag Alert: U.S. intelligence Warns of Al Qaeda Train Attack”

U.S. soldier Bradley Manning is escorted into court to receive his sentence at Fort Meade in Maryland August 21, 2013. REUTERS-Kevin LamarqueReuters – by Ian Simpson

Bradley Manning, the U.S. soldier convicted of the biggest breach of classified data in the nation’s history by providing files to Wikileaks, was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday.

Judge Colonel Denise Lind, who last month convicted Manning of 20 charges including espionage and theft, could have sentenced him to as many as 90 years in prison. Prosecutors had asked for 60 years.   Continue reading “U.S. soldier Manning gets 35-year prison sentence”

Aren’t the ‘Chosen Ones’ carrying this anti-Semitic thing a bit too far?

Sporting News

Looking for support to back his appeal against a positive drug test before the 2012 season, Ryan Braun told stars around baseball Dino Laurenzi Jr., the man who collected Braun’s urine sample, was anti-Semitic and a Chicago Cubs fan, sources told Yahoo! Sports’ Jeff Passan.   Continue reading “Ryan Braun told other players the urine collector was anti-Semitic Cubs fan”

A woman jogs past the Remington Arms Company in Ilion, N.Y., in January 2013. Residents in this blue-collar stretch of the Mohawk Valley defended Remington after New York lawmakers banned the sale of semiautomatic assault-style rifles.Tennessean – by Getahn Ward

One of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers, Remington Arms, has looked at sites around Nashville for a potential corporate relocation or expansion that would likely include hundreds of manufacturing jobs.

The Madison, N.C.-based company, which is part of the nation’s largest firearms company and has its largest plant in Ilion, N.Y., has scouted sites near Nashville’s airport, Lebanon and in Clarksville, Tenn.   Continue reading “Remington Arms scouts Middle TN after N.Y. bans its rifle”

The Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

They might as well remind parents that their kids don’t belong to them; they belong to the “community.”

When I was a little kid, some of my brothers and I went to a small Christian school, and my dad would drop us off on his way to work. He’d leave us at the curb, and a schoolteacher would make sure we got in safely. That’s what most parents did. But for some others, especially the parents of little kids, they’d park and walk them in themselves and make sure they got settled in their classroom before leaving. No one cared or thought anything about it.   Continue reading “Texas Schools To Parents: No More Walking Your Kids To Classrooms”

Improved RFID Technology in Smart Guns Threatens Second AmendmentThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

The development of RFID (radio frequency identification) chips (here shown next to a grain of rice) has advanced to the point where gun makers will shortly be offering “smart guns” for sale in the United States, according to Anthony Gucciardi, who has been watching the movement with increasing concern for years.

The advancement will allow the manufacturer and the federal government to “turn off” the firearm and render the weapon useless at any time, a tactic that will be used “to take away legal firearms from the hands of law-abiding citizens,” according to Gucciardi.   Continue reading “Improved RFID Technology in Smart Guns Threatens Second Amendment”

The EU: Regionalization Trumps SovereigntyThe New American – by Alex Newman

It all began as a simple “Coal and Steel Community” between six European nations after World War II. The scheme was supposed to help prevent further war, or at least that is what its proponents claimed. In the decades since 1952, however, the first real supranational body has morphed into an emerging super-state that will eventually obliterate national sovereignty, and inevitably individual liberty, if left unchecked.   Continue reading “The EU: Regionalization Trumps Sovereignty”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: If we cannot contain nuclear power during an accident we have no business trying to harness its power.

(RT) – I recently pointed out, this operation has to go on forever – a long sickness, but at least not a sudden death. However, this week begins a new development in the potential sudden death department.   Continue reading “Worse than Chernobyl: The inner threat of Fukushima crisis”

sunNatural News- by Ethan A. Huff

Major changes are about to take place with regards to the sun, and the effects of these changes will reportedly impact our entire solar system. It is known systematically as a solar magnetic flip, or a reversal of the sun’s magnetic field, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) says this incredible phenomenon is set to occur as soon as within the next three-to-four months.

A recent NASA announcement explains that this unusual magnetic field reversal is part of a polarity change event that occurs every 11 years at the peak of each individual solar cycle. When this next magnetic flip eventually takes place, it will mark the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24, or the half point of what is known as the current “Solar Max.” And you and I will notice it, say experts, in the form of increased space weather and other space events around planet Earth.   Continue reading “Sun will flip its magnetic field in 3-4 months, warns NASA”

Seacoast Online

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just a quarter of this year’s high school graduates who took the ACT tests have the reading, math, English and science skills they need to succeed in college or a career, according to data the testing company released Wednesday.   Continue reading “ACT: Only 25% of high school graduates ready for all college subjects”

EU/U.S. — Transatlantic ConvergenceThe News American – by William F. Jasper

Flying largely under the radar, the first round of negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) took off July 8 through 12 in Washington, D.C. Although most Americans have barely heard of TTIP — if they’ve heard of it at all — this plan for economic and political merger of the United States and the European Union will assume ever greater urgency over the next year as the negotiation process concludes and we move closer and closer to a vote in Congress.   Continue reading “EU/U.S. — Transatlantic Convergence”

Buzz Feed – by Steve Freiss

WASHINGTON — The National Rifle Association has rallied gun-owners — and raised tens of millions of dollars — campaigning against the threat of a national database of firearms or their owners.

But in fact, the sort of vast, secret database the NRA often warns of already exists, despite having been assembled largely without the knowledge or consent of gun owners. It is housed in the Virginia offices of the NRA itself. The country’s largest privately held database of current, former, and prospective gun owners is one of the powerful lobby’s secret weapons, expanding its influence well beyond its estimated 3 million members and bolstering its political supremacy.   Continue reading “How The NRA Built A Massive Secret Database Of Gun Owners”

4USA Watch Dog – by Greg Hunter

James Rickards wrote the best-seller titled “Currency Wars-The Making of the Next Financial Crisis.”  What’s going to cause the next crisis?  Rickards says, “The problem in 2008 was too-big-to-fail banks.  Well, those banks are now bigger.  Their derivative books are bigger. In other words, everything that was wrong in 2008 is worse today.” Rickards goes on to warn, “The last time, in 2008 when the crisis started, the Fed’s balance sheet was $800 billion.  Continue reading “Everything Wrong in 2008 is Worse Today-James Rickards”

Jonathan PollardIntel News – by JOSEPH FITSANAKIS

A convicted American spy, who is serving a life sentence for betraying American secrets to Israel in the 1980s, has broken his 28-year-long silence by penning an article in an Israeli newspaper.

Jonathan Jay Pollard was a United States Navy intelligence analyst who spied for Israel in exchange for money from 1984 until his arrest in 1986. Many in US counterintelligence consider him one of the most damaging double spies in American history. But he is widely viewed as a hero in Israel, where many conservative Israelis, as well as pro-Israel Americans, are actively pressuring the US administration of President Barack Obama to release him.   Continue reading “Analyst who spied on US for Israel speaks out for first time”