By: Wim Grommen (with Lorimer Wilson)

Beware: The Dow 30’s Performance is Being Manipulated!

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Index – the oldest stock exchange in the U.S. and most influential in the world – consists of 30 companies and has an extremely interesting and distressing history regarding its beginnings, transformation and structural development which has all the trappings of what is commonly referred to as pyramid or Ponzi scheme.   Continue reading “The Dow 30 is the Greatest of All Ponzi Schemes”


Plan would ban ‘virtually any part used to build a semi-automatic weapon

A few months back, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama had Democrats bring into Congress a long list of new gun laws, restrictions and regulations, only to see them slapped down.   Continue reading “Henry Waxman Leads Newest Attack on Guns”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The following talk on runaway healthcare costs is from a lecture given by Dr David Belk. The 54 minute video is below.

Example One. Amlodopine is used to treat high blood pressure. It costs the patient $10 a month to buy through his insurance carrier. Without insurance Walgreens sells a 90 day supply for  $12  and Costco charges $28.95 for a year. Most brand name medications are 100 times more expensive than their generic counterparts.    Continue reading “The True Cost of Healthcare. Ripping Off A Nation”

Screenshot from AP videoRT News

Multiple shots were fired at an elementary school in DeKalb County, Georgia, prompting the evacuation of children and staff. A sole suspect was taken into custody.

While no injuries have been reported, a 20-year-old white male dressed in black and armed with an AK-47 entered Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy outside of Atlanta and fired several dozen shots from inside the building. The suspect was identified Tuesday evening by WSBTV as Michael Brandon Hill, 20.    Continue reading “Gunfire in Georgia elementary school: Children and staff evacuated, suspect in custody”

Despite the light weight of only 6.5 pounds, Akdal MKA1919 has mild recoil. It's gas=operated mechanism is similar to Remington 1100. In customized form, that allows for folding stocks.All Outdoor – by Oleg Volk

Like most of us, I don’t get enough training even with my primary rifle. Shotgun, a secondary weapon for me, gets even less range and class time. As a result, my efforts to operate a Remington 870 or an 1100 efficiently run into the basic lack of familiarity born of insufficient training or practice. This is why I took such a keen interest in the MKA1919, a shotgun was designed with the AR15 users in mind. The right hand charging handle actually makes its manual of arms closer to Sig556, but the rest of the design, including sights, safety and stock all favor the most common sporting and defensive rifle in America. Continue reading “MKA1919, the Rifleman’s Shotgun it’s like a piston AR15 in 12 gauge”

Marion Doss (CC)United Liberty – by Liz Harrison

From the beginning of the first Obama campaign for the presidency, conservatives have been screaming that the press was going too easy on him. The mainstream media has been referred to as his instrument for years, and only recently has started to wake up. But, in the wake of the Edward Snowden affair, there is still the possibility that the administration can keep the traditional media controlled, if through no other means, then through intimidation – of either journalists, their government sources, or both.     Continue reading “Dianne Feinstein targets citizen journalism”

vaccineNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) When it comes to people smoking cigarettes, we all know how the federal government feels about this particular freedom — the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for example, has been pushing for graphic new warning labels on cigarette packs in the U.S. that remind users they could die from lighting up. But untold thousands of people die or become seriously injured every year from getting vaccinated as well, and yet the government provides no warnings whatsoever about the dangers of common vaccines.    Continue reading “If cigarette packs carry warnings about death, why don’t vaccines?”

mohamed_badie_arrest_082013.jpgFox News

Egypt on Tuesday announced the arrest of the supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, dealing another blow to the group as it struggles to maintain order amid a tough crackdown by authorities, who are looking to quell protests in the wake of President Mohamed Morsi’s ouster.   Continue reading “Egypt arrests supreme leader of Muslim Brotherhood amid crackdown on protests”

peachesThe Organic Prepper

Nothing says summer like taking nibble from a peach, still warm from the sun, that is so juicy it runs down your chin when you bite into it.  If you aren’t lucky enough to have a tree in your own back yard, the farmer’s markets are bursting with peaches this time of year.  (Find a local farmer’s market HERE).

Peach trivia: Peaches were first cultivated in China, where their consumption was documented as early as the 10th century.  Peaches were planted in North America in the 17th century, but not grown commercially until the 19th century. Peaches are a member of the rose family. There are over 200 varieties of peaches.   Continue reading “This Week’s Harvest: Peaches”

Shenandoah – by Walter White

Tonight, the AMC channel on cable begins the finale of a program based on the fictional character known as “Walter White,” a persona that this author has adopted for the purpose of reminding the American public how pathetically pussified and weak they have become. Is the character on the television show honorable or worthy of worship? Hell no, and neither am I. I just wish to thank the owners of for allowing me to present this one time rant about how pitiful America as a nation has become, and the resistance to tyranny evolved into a political sideshow instead of a true 3% movement.   Continue reading “State of the United States by a Pissed Off American”

INDIA_PAK_LOC_CONFLICTShenandoah – by John Galt

While the world is watching in horror and silence the genocide of Christians by radical Islamists in Egypt and Syria, another group has decided to stir up a half century old conflict along the LOC (Line of Control) in Jammu and Kashmir along the Indian and Pakistani border. The Press Trust of India reports the following:   Continue reading “India and Pakistan Exchange Fire – Conflict Escalating”

HSLDA – by William A. Estrada, Esq.

In 2010, Congress passed a health care reform bill, and President Obama signed it into law. You may have recently heard a rumor that the health care law includes a provision mandating home visits by government social workers. While HSLDA strongly opposed passage of the health care law, urges Congress to repeal the law and continues to fight against its provisions which threaten religious freedom, we must point out that this particular rumor is not true.   Continue reading “Will Health Care Reform Mean Government Bureaucrats Can Invade My Home?”

Press TV

You’d think the exceptionally low minimum-wage – $7.25 an hour – would be the shame of a country like the United States that prides itself on its economic leadership. Half of minimum-wage jobs are held by adults over 25 years old, and asking adults to live on $7.25, or $14,500 a year, doesn’t leave them with enough to rent an apartment, commute to work, raise a child and participate in society in any meaningful way.   Continue reading “How low can you get: The minimum wage scam”