Mondoweiss – by Phillip Weiss

At the Forward, JJ Goldberg gets to the bottom of US policy: he says US aid to Egypt cannot be withheld because it’s “bad for the Jews.”

the course of action that seems self-evidently proper to right-minded Americans — punishing the Egyptian military, ending military cooperation, suspending aid — will almost certainly have a catastrophic impact on Israel’s peace with Egypt….   Continue reading “US aid to Egypt is not for Egypt but Israel, JJ Goldberg explains”

21st Century Wire

If you thought this one was dead and buried at the inquest stage, you can think again…

The fight for the truth about the death of Princess Diana took a surprising turn this weekend when a former SAS black-ops soldier let slip how his hit squad was behind the murder of Princess Diana. Expect this latest bombshell to be relegated to the annals of conspiracy theory lore, and for the said soldier’s testimony to written off by mainstream pundits as mere Walter Mitty nonsense.   Continue reading “Princess Diana taken out by SAS hit squad: Cops probing latest ‘sensational’ claim by black-ops soldier”

%name Large Cache Of Illegal Weapons And Explosives Found At Rio Linda HomeCBS Sacremento

LINDA (CBS13) – Detectives are investigating why local man had a large stockpile of illegal weapons and explosives at his Rio Linda home.

Late Thursday night, Placer County Sheriff’s deputies pulled over Andreas H. Koertel, 46, of Sacramento in a traffic stop. Deputies found Koertel in possession of meth and illegal weapons, according to Dena Erwin, a Placer County Sheriff’s Office public information officer. He was booked into jail on multiple charges.  Continue reading “Large Cache Of Illegal Weapons And Explosives Found At Rio Linda Home”


An American al-Qaeda terrorist has called for more attacks on Western diplomats in the Arab world, praising the killers of the US ambassador to Libya on Sept. 11 last year, a US-based monitoring group said on Sunday.

Western nations shut embassies across the Middle East and North Africa early this month, after a warning of a possible terror attack. Many have reopened, and Britain said its Yemen embassy would open on Sunday after being closed for 12 days.   Continue reading “American al-Qaeda terrorist urges attacks on US diplomats”

obama-mind-control-largeZen Garnder

Forward:  My name is Marquart (Mark) Ewing Phillips, born May 17, 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee. I have no criminal record and I have never been adjudged insane. I am not a scholar, professional writer, or mental health physician. While I lack the official published academic credentials, I am recognized internationally by mental health and law enforcement professionals as an authority on the secret science concerning external control of the mind.   Continue reading “Trance Formation of America – Excerpts”

Before It’s News – by Leda Ohio 9

It seems very clear to me that…
Syria has now been attacked with at least 4tactical nuclear weapons.

It is awfully ironic that an inhuman weapon such as nuclear weapons and chemical weapons could be used to promote human rights and freedom in the world.    Continue reading “Confirmed? Syria has been Nuked 4 Times now.”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

Global Internet traffic plunged by approximately 40 percent after Google services suffered a complete black-out Friday night, showing clearly just how much of grip Google holds on the internet worldwide.

According to Sky News Online, Google has refused to provide additional information on why their services, from Google Search to Gmail to YouTube, went dark, but web analytics firm GoSquared, confirms that the one-to-five minute outage occurred and caused the 40 percent plunge in worldwide Internet traffic.   Continue reading “Internet Traffic Plunges 40% After 5 Minute Google Outage (Video)- UPDATE- Microsoft Outage- Kill Switch Test?”

flock_sheep_ma264Farm to Consumer – by Pete Kennedy

Swarms Post: Sheep herder jailed for contempt faces second contempt charge.

Archuleta County, Colorado rancher Stephen (Steve) Keno, who has already served one week in jail and been fined $1,000 on a contempt of court charge related to allegedly grazing his sheep illegally, is now facing a second contempt of court action which could result in a 30-day sentence along with a $5,000 fine for the same offense. A hearing has been set for August 23 at the Archuleta County District Court in Pagosa Springs. FTCLDF General Counsel Gary Cox is now representing Keno.   Continue reading “Rancher Threatened with Second Jail Sentence”

use_your_milkman_Reitzig-HartkeIsOnlineFarm to Consumer – by Liz Reitzig

Swarms Post: Two farmers, Mike Hartmann and Alvin Schlangen, head to court this week. Just last Thursday, Hartman was stopped and his truck impounded.

The plight of two Minnesota raw milk providers and those families who depend on them seems to get worse by the minute. As the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) continues to prosecute the two main providers of raw milk in the state, the real story becomes clear: the state wants to completely shut down raw milk, criminalize those who provide it, and make a living hell for the two peaceful men who serve their community so lovingly and consistently.   Continue reading “Milkman Delivery Service Under Seige in Minnesota”

obama72Ventura County Tea Party – by George Miller

The world turned upside down. USA supporting Jihadists, Russia and Saudi Arabai trying to stop them. Dump Obama before he destroys us.

In case you don’t remember, the Saudi King refused to even talk to Obama for a long time after the overthrow of his friend Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, supported and funded in part by Obama. Now, not only are the King and the Russian President vowing to back General Sisi against the Brotherhood, they are putting their money where their mouths are, more than making up for Obama’s threat to cut off $1.3 billion.   Continue reading “First, Vladimir Putin of Russia, now, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, both offer support for the Egyptian Army against the Muslim Brotherhood…and against Barack Hussein Obama”

Screenshot from pirateproxy.seRT News

The Pirate Bay has released a self-configured browser package, which allows users to skate around the anti-piracy censorship of certain governments. Now one can access TPB and other file-sharing websites blocked by internet providers in ‘one click’.

The team running the Pirate Bay (TPB) – one of the web’s largest file-sharing sites – has launched a special PirateBrowser that allows users “to circumvent censorship that certain countries impose onto their citizens.”    Continue reading “Pirate Bay launches easy anti-censorship browser”

Xinhua News

WELLINGTON, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) — Dozens of aftershocks have rattled central New Zealand overnight following Saturday’s 6.6 magnitude quake, as the capital of Wellington got back to business and South Island town of Seddon, where most of the quakes were centered, started its clean up.

There have been 44 quakes over magnitude 4.0 since Friday’s 6.6- magnitude quake, New Zealand government geological website GeoNet said.   Continue reading “Aftershocks continue to rattle central New Zealand”

Photo - Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., said the latest revelations in the NSA controversy came because "this is what happens when you have secret laws." (AP/Carlos Osorio)Washington Examiner – by ASHE SCHOW 

Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., an ardent opponent of the National Security Agency’s bulk private-data collection program, said the latest revelations in the controversy came because “this is what happens when you have secret laws.”

Amash’s comment appeared on his Facebook page and Twitter, condemning the NSA for, as reported by the Washington Post, violating privacy rules thousands of times and “accidentally” targeted Americans, something supporters of the program claim didn’t happen.   Continue reading “Justin Amash on latest NSA scandal: ‘This is what happens when you have secret laws’”

meth lab cleanupMother Jones – by Jonah Engle

With big profits on the line, the drug industry is pulling out campaign-style dirty tricks to keep selling the meds that cooks turn into crank.

THE FIRST TIME she saw her mother passed out on the living room floor, Amanda thought she was dead. There were muddy tracks on the carpet and the room looked like it had been ransacked. Mary wouldn’t wake up. When she finally came to, she insisted nothing was wrong. But as the weeks passed, her 15-year-old daughter’s sense of foreboding grew. Amanda’s parents stopped sleeping and eating. Her once heavy mother turned gaunt and her father, Barry, stopped going to work. She was embarrassed to go into town with him; he was covered in open sores. A musty stink gripped their increasingly chaotic trailer. The driveway filled up with cars as strangers came to the house and partied all night.   Continue reading “Merchants of Meth: How Big Pharma Keeps the Cooks in Business”

Dan from Squirrel Hill’s Blog

I ask you to please show this list to as many people as possible – and especially, to please show it to as many Obama supporters as possible. Sunshine really is the best disinfectant. I can’t stop Obama from doing any of these horrible things, but I can tell people about what he is doing. So please share this list with others on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you. The short link for this is     Continue reading “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.”

A legislative change taking effect in Germany this November allows parents to opt out of determining their baby's gender. The law is the first of its kind in Europe.Spiegel Online – by Friederike Heine

Germany is set to become the first country in Europe to introduce a third, “indeterminate” gender designation on birth certificates. The European Union, which is attempting to coordinate anti-discrimination efforts across member states, is lagging behind on the issue.

The option of selecting “blank”, in addition to the standard choices of “male” or female” on birth certificates will become available in Germany from November 1. The legislative change allows parents to opt out of determining their baby’s gender, thereby allowing those born with characteristics of both sexes to choose whether to become male or female in later life. Under the new law, individuals can also opt to remain outside the gender binary altogether.   Continue reading “M, F or Blank: ‘Third Gender’ Official in Germany from November”


Via: United States Patent 8,254,902:

As wireless devices such as cellular telephones, pagers, personal media devices and smartphones become ubiquitous, more and more people are carrying these devices in various social and professional settings. The result is that these wireless devices can often annoy, frustrate, and even threaten people in sensitive venues.   Continue reading “Apple Patents Kill Switch for Mobile Devices Because: “Covert Police or Government Operations May Require Complete ‘Blackout’ Conditions.””