Before It’s News – by BuzzHUD

Spying on your friends and neighbors was never so easy or fun as with the advent of Remote Control Drones with Real Working Spy Cameras.

Seriously, this tech already exists and is pretty cheap for anyone to own. So whether you are looking to beef up your Neighborhood Watch with your own Fleet of Drones or just want check out your neighbors from afar for some good clean fun, this could be your reality!   Continue reading “Spy on Your Neighbors! (Remote Control Spy Drones)”

Steven Lendman

They’re in various forms. They repeat with disturbing regularity. America’s war on terror targets Islam. At issue is duplicitous scaremongering. It advances Washington’s imperium.

Wars of aggression follow. False arrests target innocent victims. Terror threats repeat. They’re strategically timed. They change the subject. They divert attention.

They fool most Americans. They do so most of the time. Here we go again. Media scoundrels march in lockstep. They regurgitate Big Lies.    Continue reading “Fake Washington Terror Threat”

GMONatural News – by Mike Adams

Her name is Rachel Parent, and she’s suddenly an internet sensation for her cool-headed debate about GMOs on a popular Canadian TV show. (She’s also the founder of the Kids Right to Know GMO Walk.) As you’ll see in the video below, Rachel calmly argues for the basic human right to know what’s in our food, even as the condescending bully of a host named Kevin O’Leary verbally assaults the girl and practically accuses her of murdering children.   Continue reading “14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling”

Before It’s News – by N. Morgon

This is amazing! A local newspaper, The Greensburg Daily News, reported that the lorry driver and his seven-year-old son, who was traveling with him at the time of the accident, escaped the incident with only minor injuries.

Footage from a dashboard camera of a driver in the US state of Indiana captures the incredible moment an articulated lorry is launched into the air, flies over a two lane highway before exploding in a fireball.   Continue reading “Truck Jumps Over Highway And Explodes- Caught On Camera”

kid rock blackThe Daily Sheeple – by Kimberly Paxton

Finally … a celebrity who thinks the way we do!

After the all of the glamorous celebrities seriously gazing into the camera “demanding a plan” for gun control, it’s a refreshing change when a 5 time Grammy nominee has no problem letting the world know that he is a personal supporter of the 2nd amendment through his very lifestyle.     Continue reading “Kid Rock: “I will not hesitate to shoot anyone who has myself or family in fear for our lives””

Russian cruiser "Moskva" arrives at Havana Harbor in Cuba August 3, 2013.(Reuters / Enrique De La Osa)RT News

A surface combatant squadron of the Russian Navy arrived in Cuba on Saturday for the first time in four years. The Cuban government announced the fleet was there for a “friendly visit.”

The unit consists of the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, missile cruiser ‘Moscow’, the large anti-submarine ship ‘Vice Admiral Kulakov’ of the Northern Fleet and a number of supply and service ships. The squadron visited the port of Havana to replenish supplies.    Continue reading “‘Friendly visit’: Russian warships dock in Cuba”

Investment Watchblog

Is this the end of the American dream? How families are choosing city living over suburbs for the first time in 100 years

New book, The End of the Suburbs, explains how changing economic trends are making a suburban lifestyle less desirable

Rising energy costs are making commutes unaffordable   Continue reading “The Collapse of The American Dream? For The First Time In A Century, People In The U.S. Are Leaving The Suburbs For Cities. Rising Energy Costs Are Making Commutes Unaffordable, And 40% of Americans Now Make Less than the 1968 Minimum Wage!”

objectETF Guide – by Ron DeLegge

The yield on 10-year U.S. Treasuries (^TNX) has surged 66% over the past three months. And bond investors, especially those with jumbo-sized positions, are getting hammered. How much money has the Federal Reserve lost?

At the end of July, the Federal Reserve held $1.98 trillion in U.S. Treasuries. (See chart below) That figure represents just over half of the Fed’s $3.6 trillion balance sheet.    Continue reading “Bond Losses at Federal Reserve Top $192 Billion”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Earlier, we reported the personal narrative of Michele Catalano who recounted how one day she found herself face to face with six agents from the joint terrorism task force. The reason? “Our seemingly innocent, if curious to a fault, Googling of certain things was creating a perfect storm of terrorism profiling. Because somewhere out there, someone was watching. Someone whose job it is to piece together the things people do on the internet raised the red flag when they saw our search history.”   Continue reading “What Google Knows About You”

MI Stupid

We’ve all been there but don’t like to admit it. We’ve all kicked back in our cubicles and suddenly felt something brew down below. As much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the WORK POOP is inevitable. For those who hate pooping at work, following is the Survival Guide for taking a dump at work. Memorize these definitions and pooping at work will become a pure pleasure.   Continue reading “How to Poop at Work”

Washington Times – by Lisa Ruth

In warning about possible al Qaeda attacks against Americans overseas, U.S. officials may have provided too much detail about intercepted chatter and the source of the information, and that may make it more difficult to get such tips next time, former and current intelligence officials say.

On Friday, the U.S. State Department issued a worldwide travel alert for Americans, citing an unspecified al Qaeda threat. The bulletin said that the highest threat levels are the Middle East and North Africa, “and possibly occurring in or emanating from the Arab Peninsula.”   Continue reading “Intel community worried Obama administration disclosed too much about latest al Qaeda threat”

Monsanto Stock in Danger, Investor WarnsCare 2 – by Michelle Schoffro Cook

I was shocked to read a story in Canada’s highly conservative national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, a couple of days ago in which well-known investor and columnist Chris Umiastowski, P.Eng., MBA, warned of the risk in holding Monsanto stock.  It was refreshing to read the views of an investor who is not just concerned about the bottom line but also the potential health and environmental risks in such a conservative paper. I knew that this was a victory-of-sorts for all of us who share a concern over the increasingly genetically-modified nature of our food supply.   Continue reading “Monsanto Stock in Danger, Investor Warns”

The Hill – by Carlo Muñoz

The Obama administration was forced into damage control on Thursday as officials attempted to walk back Secretary of State John Kerry’s pledge to end armed drone operations in Pakistan.

During a diplomatic visit to Pakistan on Thursday, Kerry told Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that Washington plans to severely curtail and eventually end armed drone operations in the country.    Continue reading “White House backpedals on Kerry’s pledge to end drone strikes in Pakistan”

Canada Free Press – by Doug Hagmann

There is one thing certain about the publicized threat to our embassies; it is not what it is presented to be. To accept the official explanation of a nebulous threat from al Qaeda as the reason for closing our embassies across the Middle East and North Africa is being dangerously naive and simplistic.   Continue reading “Unmasking the embassy threat”