AlterNet – by Cameron Langford, Courthouse News

A former Harris County jailer must face claims that his rape of a 15-year-old detainee was caught on videotape, a federal judge ruled.

In a November 2012  complaint on behalf of their daughter M.S.H., Michelle and Danny Hall sued Harris County; the executive director of its juvenile probation department, Thomas Brooks; and former correctional officer Robert Robinson.     Continue reading “Caught: 15-Year-Old Texas Female Inmate Has Video Evidence of Jailer Raping Her”

bank failureSaving Advice – by Patrick Russo

A bank failure regularly occurs when a bank’s assets become less valuable than its liabilities. The value of an institution’s assets can diminish for a number of reasons, including an increase of noncurrent loans, a decrease in deposits, or a decrease in the loan loss allowance amount on its books. Some banks are able to recover before the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) boards up the windows, but on many occasions the government regulatory agency quickly steps in and closes down operations in an attempt to minimize economic damages. The FDIC has closed 16 banks down so far this year, and so as not to waste an opportunity to learn from these failures, here are 25 lessons you, as a consumer, should take in stride:    Continue reading “Bank Failures: 25 Things Everyone with a Bank Account Needs to Know”

Activist Post – by Mark DeNicola

We all know it by now, cell phones emit radio-frequency energy. The one thing still up for debate is whether or not this radio-frequency energy is harmful to the human body, and if it is to what extent.

Here is what we do know, radio-frequency is a form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). EMR is a wave-like energy that is emitted and absorbed by charged particles. In the case of a cell phone, the phone emits the EMR (in the form of radio-frequency) and the human operating it absorbs it. EMR can be classified into one of two categories: (1) Ionizing – the more powerful of the two, (2) Non-Ionizing – the less powerful and lower frequency.   Continue reading “The Harmful Effects of Cell Phones and How to Reduce It”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

I am a little late to the game on this one, but it is well worth making sure everyone that can see this, does.

New technology would allow cable companies to look directly into users’  homes to monitor their viewing habits and reactions to advertisements shown on TV, via cameras and microphones in your cable box.    Continue reading “Cameras in the Cable Box to Monitor Viewing Habits And Reactions To Ads”

Photo: Wikimedia CommonsIntelliHub – by Shepard Ambellas

Recently my friend Matt, the owner of was contacted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by way of email, leading on that something is ready to pop off.

Matt being the patriot he is immediately contacted me with this disturbing news. He even provided screenshots of the actual email sent by a FEMA representative. The names and revealing information have been blurred out.   Continue reading “Survival Food Company Urgently Contacted By FEMA – Is a War Or Disaster Looming?”

a_4x-horizontal.jpgAll Alabama – by George Talbot

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, fielded a doozy of a question during a town hall meeting co-hosted by the Wetumpka Tea Party on Monday in Elmore County.

Roby was asked by a constituent what she and her “non-communist colleagues” in the House might do to stop President Barack Obama.    Continue reading “Is Barack Obama an ‘America-hating, communist despot’? Rep. Martha Roby responds”

Ben Bernanke, Mario Draghi, and Tim GeithnerBusiness Insider – by AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD

The US Federal Reserve has launched a blistering attack on the European Central Bank, calling for quantitative easing across the board to lift the eurozone fully out of its slump.

In a rare breach of central bank etiquette, a paper by the Richmond Fed said the ECB is hamstrung by institutional problems and acts on the mistaken premise that excess debt is the cause of the eurozone crisis when the real cause is the collapse of growth, which has, in turn, spawned a debt crisis that could have been avoided.   Continue reading “Federal Reserve Launches Blistering Attack On The ECB In New Paper”

eWeek- by Wayne Rash

NEWS ANALYSIS: A remedy proposal submitted by the Justice Department would force Apple to end publisher agreements, puts new limits on book, music and video sales and appoint a court monitor.

The U.S. Department of Justice is proposing to come down hard on Apple after the company was found guilty of price fixing charges in July after a trial in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.   Continue reading “DOJ Wants to Slam Apple With Antitrust Restrictions After Trial Verdict”

CBS News

WASHINGTON (CBSDC) — A record number of young adults are living with their parents.

A new study from Pew Research finds that 36 percent of Millennials – young adults ages 18 to 31 – are living at their parents’ homes, the highest number in four decades. A record 21.6 million young adults were still living at home last year.   Continue reading “Study: Record Number 21 Million Young Adults Living With Parents”

Freedom Outpost- by Suzanne Hamner

It becomes harder and harder each day to control the anger that reverberates within my being at the continued audacity of this administration. If you ever wondered what medieval England was like, you have to look no further than the perks and exemptions given to the ruling class – Obama administration and Congress. According to Market Watch and reiterated on the Gateway Pundit, Barack Obama has approved a plan to exempt Congress and their staff from Obamacare.   Continue reading “White House Approves Deal: Congress And Staff Exempt From Obamacare”