Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

When Detroit filed for bankruptcy, the city’s demands for a Federal bailout promptly rose to the surface and then just as promptly dissipated following a polite but stern rejection by the president, almost too fast and without any fight, according to some. Or maybe that is only how it appeared. According to the NYT, Detroit’s advisors may be looking at a completely different source of Federal “assistance” – a much more indirect one, even if at the end of the day, it is taxpayers who end up footing the bill. Obamacare.   Continue reading “Detroit’s Bailout “Plan B”: Obamacare”

Kenny’s Sideshow

In a real world in which you and I must live
fairy tales are dangerous
dangerous because they are untrue
anything which is untrue is dangerous
and it is all the more dangerous when the fairy tale is accepted as reality
simply because it has an official seal of approval
or because ‘honorable’ men announce you must believe it
or because powerful elements of the press tell you the fairy tale is true
Jim Garrison   Continue reading “Fairy Tales Are Dangerous”

Wholesome Wave


Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program Launches in New York City Public Hospitals, Targets Those at Risk of Obesity   Continue reading “Wholesome Wave Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program Launches in New York City Public Hospitals, Targets Those at Risk of Obesity”

AFP Photo / Marwan NaamaniRT News

Some 1,117 detainees have escaped from a prison in eastern Libya. It comes as hundreds of Libyans protest against the killing of a prominent anti-Brotherhood activist, blaming Islamists for his death.

The mass jailbreak occurred at Koyfiya prison in the eastern city of Benghazi on Saturday, according to security official Mohammed Hejazi.    Continue reading “Benghazi jailbreak: Over 1,000 prisoners escape in Libya amid protests”

gmo answersThe Organic Prepper

If you had a question about how to protect yourself from a criminal known to break into houses in your neighborhood, would you ask him how to protect your home and then take his suggestions, or would you be suspicious he might be answering them in a way that would make your home even easier to encroach?

If you had a question about the honesty and integrity of a person in an authority position, would you ask that person to investigate himself and then accept his findings? (I mean, if you were a normal person, not if your name is Barack or Eric.)   Continue reading “GMO Re-Education: Monsanto, Dow and Biotech Firms Unite to Launch Disinformation Site”

AlterNet – by Max Blumenthal

Seated on a stool before an audience packed with spooks, lawmakers, lawyers and mercenaries, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer introduced recently retired CENTCOM chief General James Mattis. “I’ve worked with him and I’ve worked with his predecessors,” Blitzer said of Mattis. “I know how hard it is to run an operation like this.”

Reminding the crowd that CENTCOM is “really, really important,” Blitzer urged them to celebrate Mattis: “Let’s give the general a round of applause.”   Continue reading “Shocking ‘Extermination’ Fantasies By the People Running America’s Empire on Full Display at Aspen Summit”

Press TV

Google has prevented Press TV from accessing its Youtube page since Thursday, causing a large number of viewers and subscribers to contact the channel to find out what has happened.

“We have not been able to upload any new videos since early Thursday,” said Press TV newsroom director, Hamid Reza Emadi, adding that Google has disabled the channel’s account without giving any explanation.    Continue reading “Google disables Press TV Youtube account”

Toronto police chief promises answers after streetcar killingMSN News

Toronto police Chief Bill Blair says people “have every right to be concerned” after an 18-year-old man armed with a knife on a downtown streetcar was shot repeatedly and killed by police this weekend — an incident captured by amateur video.

Blair said he has seen the video, which was posted online.   Continue reading “Toronto police chief promises answers after streetcar killing”

livingston county man police standoffLivingston Daily – by Lisa Roose-Church

3:50 p.m. UPDATE –– An Oceola Township man was arraigned this afternoon after a more than seven-hour police standoff and the alleged choking of his girlfriend.

Michael George Porr, 43, is charged with assault with intent to commit great bodily harm less than murder, interfering with electronic communication, interfering with a crime report, and animal cruelty.     Continue reading “Livingston County, Michigan man arraigned after 7-hour police standoff” North Carolina – by Old Sarge

Many of you have claimed, stated, and otherwise mentioned the idea that there are so-called “oathkeepers” in the ranks of the military, who will eventually “wake up”, and throw off the shackles of the regime, and America and the Constitution will be restored complete with rainbows, chocolate rivers and children playing with gumdrop smiles.   Continue reading “Oathkeepers in the ranks of the military will eventually wake up and throw off the shackles of the regime?”

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

Thousands of fast food workers went on strike in branches across seven U.S. cities on Monday in what could be the largest strike of its kind in U.S. history.

The workers are protesting unlivable wages and are calling for a nationwide living wage of $15 dollars an hour.

“A lot of the workers are living in poverty, you know, not being able to afford to put food on the table or take the train to work,” said Jonathan Westin, director of Fast Food Forward, who has been organizing fast-food workers in New York City.   Continue reading “Largest Fast Food Workers Strike Hits Seven Cities Across US”

Victor Ruiz tow truckHuffington Post – by David Moye

It’s hard enough being a parent these days without having your kids taken by a tow truck driver.

And it’s even worse when you’re slapped with child abandonment charges as a result.

That’s the parental predicament being faced by Victor Ruiz, who cops say parked his car in a no-parking zone outside his Houston apartment Thursday and left his two young daughters in the car while he took his groceries inside.   Continue reading “Victor Ruiz Arrested After Tow Truck Tows Away Kids”

fema-truckSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

It’s no secret that the U.S. government has been domestically stockpiling unimaginable amounts of ammunition and weapons. So much ammunition, in fact, that it surpasses even what the military uses on a yearly basis in the mid east theaters of war.

All of these arms and ammunition are being transported within the borders of the United States by third-party truck drivers contracted by the Department of Homeland Security, and some of these drivers are reportedly foreign born originating from countries like Russia and Poland.   Continue reading “FEMA Insider: A Large Number of Truck Drivers Have Vanished While Delivering Weapons, Grenades, Ammo”

206031.jpgHenry Makow

Here is proof that the Rothschild-controlled central banking cartel is behind Communism and world government tyranny.

“Which is more plausible? One of the richest men in the world, Victor Rothschild espoused Communist ideals so that his own fabulous wealth and position could be taken away?  Or that Communism in fact was a deception designed to take away our wealth and freedom in the name of “equality” and “brotherhood”?  ”   Continue reading “Victor Rothschild was a “Soviet” Agent”

English: The School of Athens (detail). Fresco...Citizen Tom

What is the greatest danger we pose to each other? Some fear axe murderers. Others fear  thieves.  While others find themselves horrified by rapists. And each of these villains do commit foul crimes, but the expert, amoral sophists commit the greatest evils. With worm tongued ease, they plant the germs of falsehoods into our beliefs; they persuade us that it is both right and proper to murder, steal, and rape.

We tend to consider the worm tongued obsequious, and perhaps that defines the character of many, but history suggests the worm tongued more often provide a haughty display.   Continue reading “When Will We Defend Ourselves from Sophistry?”

revolution2We have acquired and programmed the listen button for Patriot Broadcast From the Trenches.  You will see it located beneath the menu bar under our header.

It would be nice if as many of you as possible would click on the button from as many different places and at as many different times of the day as possible to make sure it is working correctly.   Continue reading “A Message to our Brothers and Sisters in the Trenches”

Never in all of history has a world event with such reaching consequences to human life as those represented by the meltdown of the reactors at Fukushima been so thoroughly and absolutely covered up.  By now the effects of the radioactive pollution from the plant have encompassed our planet and, as higher radiation levels for the aquatic life in the Pacific Ocean are scantly reported, life, or more probably death goes on as if nothing of any real consequence has actually occurred.

After the meltdown of a single reactor in Chernobyl in 1986, there seemed to be a constant vigil to track the spread of the radiation and the consequences to human life in the Soviet Union and around the world.  But back then, the coverage served a political purpose.  We weren’t to look at the failure of Chernobyl as a consequence of the bad decision in building these death plants, but rather the inferior system of government in the Soviet Union that allowed the failure to occur.    Continue reading “Fukushima – Cover It Up”

There is a lot of conjecture in reference to the upcoming peace talks between Palestine and Israel.  Some are of the opinion that Israel is acquiescing due to pressure coming from the Obama Administration.  Israel does not acquiesce to anyone, especially the meat puppet Obama, and in the end these so called peace negotiations will only serve to bolster the position of the Israelis in this conflict that will not end until Israel is eliminated as the one world terrorist cabal it represents.

The fact is, in order to have negotiations, both sides must have something to bring to the table and unfortunately for the Palestinians, at this point in the ball game they have nothing except their status as victims of genocide to bolster their position.  So what shall be the Palestinians offer?  We will leave, if you will let us, in order that our people will not be exterminated from the planet?    Continue reading “Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks … Again?”

The United Soviet States Premier Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the South Side of Chicago back alley teleprompter reading con man is now attempting to push the reset button as the past high crimes of his regime have revealed him as the Fabian Socialist he is and has always been.

The POTUS has been touring the United States, asserting duplicity among his political enemies as the cause for the rejection of his communist agendas.  In his prefab speech, Obama refers to the latest attacks upon our people’s rights and the sovereignty of our Republic as “phony scandals”.   Continue reading “Obama and his Phony Scandals”

SolarSunMaybe this is why the push to move agencies to Denver and other places.


WASHINGTON – Lloyd’s of London, the world’s specialist insurance company providing services to companies in more than 200 countries, has issued a dire warning of the potential consequences of an electromagnetic pulse event from a solar storm, according to report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.   Continue reading “Now Lloyd’s of London warns of EMP”