Colombian Armed Forces Kill Pablo EscobarShark Tank – by JAVIER MANJARRES

One of the last remaining, and original ‘Cocaine Cowboys’ has died as result of a heart attack in Medellin, Colombia.  Juan David Ochoa, who along side his two brothers and Pablo Escobar, were the ‘founding fathers’ of the Medellin Drug Cartel.

The Ochoa brothers surrendered to Colombian authorities, giving up their drug trade in the early 1990′s. While the Ochoa’s were supposedly out of the drug racket, Escobar started a murderous war against the government, which ended in his own death at the hands of government officials years later.     Continue reading “Murderous Colombian Drug Cartel’s Founding Father Dies”

Proof of Zionist cover-up – Explosion occurred “before” train crashNoDisInfo

No wonder the conductor, Francisco Garzon Amo, won’t talk. He has already suffered the consequences of the Zionist mob, even without saying a word. No one has witnessed him saying anything. Moreover, there is no confirmation of the actual events from his employer. All that is heard is make-believe, other than the fact that this is a real rail accident with actual deaths and injuries.   Continue reading “Proof of Zionist cover-up – Explosion occurred “before” train crash”

Tom Dispatch – by Tom Engelhardt

He came and he went: that was the joke that circulated in 1979 when 70-year-old former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller had a heart attack and died in his Manhattan townhouse in the presence of his evening-gown-clad 25-year-old assistant.  In a sense, the same might be said of retired CIA operative Robert Seldon Lady.

Recently, Lady proved a one-day wonder. After years in absentia — poof! — he reappeared out of nowhere on the border between Panama and Costa Rica, and made the news when Panamanian officials took him into custody on an Interpol warrant.  The CIA’s station chief in Milan back in 2003, he had achieved brief notoriety for overseeing a la dolce vita version of extraordinary rendition as part of Washington’s Global War on Terror.  His colleagues kidnapped Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, a radical Muslim cleric and terror suspect, off the streets of Milan, and rendered him via U.S. airbases in Italy and Germany to the torture chambers of Hosni Mubarak’s Egypt. Lady evidently rode shotgun on that transfer.   Continue reading “Now You See Him, Now You Don’t”

National Defense – by Sandra I. Erwin

Two of the Army’s largest ammunition plants are seeing an influx of funds as the service begins to ramp up production of new explosives that are less dangerous to handle and store than traditional materials.

The Army invested $330 million over the past five years in manufacturing facilities at the Holston Ammunition Plant in Kingsport, Tenn., where large-scale production of the “insensitive” explosive IMX is now in progress. A similar effort is under way at the Radford Ammunition Plant, in southwest Va.    Continue reading “Booming Business at Army Ammunition Plants”

swat-team-690x388WND – by Jack Minor

A key distinction between the U.S. and other nations, even relatively free nations, long has been American restrictions on domestic use of the military, for police actions, law enforcement and keeping things under control.

However, when the local police officer or sheriff’s deputy is equipped with night vision goggles, laser-scope rifles, electronic eavesdropping equipment and body armor and comes up a citizen’s driveway in a military-type personnel carrier with shielded windows and oversize wheels, the prohibitions seem to lose some of their teeth.   Continue reading “SWAT teams new face of police agencies”

Think Progress – by Adam Peck

On Friday, Fox News invited renowned religious scholar and prolific author Reza Aslan onto the air, ostensibly to discuss his latest book on Christianity, ‘Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.’

But instead, host Lauren Green launched into an Islamophobic attack on Aslan’s credentials and expressed incredulity that he, a self-professed Muslim, would be able to write about Christianity in a fair and honest way.   Continue reading “Fox News Anchor Dumbfounded That A Scholar, Who Is Muslim, Had The Audacity To Write A Book About Jesus”

APD_2_20130208183514_JPGTo my Austin, friends. Giving you all a head’s up on this. Be careful in your neighborhood.


AUSTIN (KXAN) – Austin police are investigating a series of armed robberies that happened late Friday into the early morning hours Saturday.

APD said three armed men in their late teens or early 20s robbed people at eight locations across the city. The robberies all happened in parking lots — most of them at apartment complexes.   Continue reading “Heads up. 8 robberies in 8 hours in Austin”

israel-bomb-syria-missileStory Leak – by Anthony Gucciardi 

Just two weeks after it came to light that Israel attacked a Russian missile compound in Syria in an act that may have been related to the massive 160,000 troop Russian ‘combat ready’ drill, new reports have surfaced that Israel has once again bombed Syrian missiles via Israeli air force jets.    Continue reading “Israel Attacks Another Syrian Missile Cache Weeks After Russian Missile Attack”

Press TV

Saudi Arabia reportedly reaches a deal with Israeli army to buy Israeli weapons for militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Israeli Radio reported that Saudi Arabia signed a 50-million-dollar deal with Israeli army to supply the foreign-backed militants with old Israeli military equipment and arms.    Continue reading “Saudi Arabia signs deal with Israeli army to buy weapons for militants fighting Syria govt.”

Vlad Tepes

Dial it up to 1080 for max effect. (the little gear at the bottom right of the YT video. Click and it offers options) One question though. Did Pink Floyd use the symbol you see at 2:07 for The Wall or did North Korea adapt it from Pink Floyd?  Continue reading “If Monty Python used several thousand people in a sketch and did it in Korean…”

pic1-3-522x293The Daily Sheeple – by Chris Carrington

A Texas couple out for a nice afternoon with their horses ended up living through what must have seemed like the plot of a horror movie.  They were attacked by a swarm of bees and were stung more than 250 times between them. The miniature horses they were with were stung so many times they died.

Kirsten Beauregard of Pantego Texas was exercising her horses when a ‘dark cloud’ engulfed her and the animal. She jumped into a pool to escape the onslaught and the horse followed. She said:   Continue reading “Killer Bees in Texas? People Attacked and Livestock Killed by Vicious Swarm”

Syrian Army soldiers in Aleppo (file photo)Press TV

The Syrian Army says it has killed a large number of foreign-sponsored militants in and around Damascus and in the central city of Homs.

On Sunday, government troops carried out operations against the militants in Ghouta and Douma in Damascus countryside. Several militants were killed and many others injured in the operations.    Continue reading “Army kills a large number of militants in Syria”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

About as many people turned up to buy firearms as turned up to turn them in.

A total of 77 guns were turned in, with many of them being BB guns.

About 50 people turned up to buy any guns that were worth more than the gift cards offered by the turn in organizers.    It is very common for people turning in guns to bring two or more guns to be turned in.   Continue reading “WI: Racine Gun Turn in (buy back) a Bust”

08a-White_Cargo(1)Zen Gardner

[Another chapter of humanity’s unsavory hidden history. If it’s truly revelatory and reflects poorly on the controllers du jour (especially the tentacles of the British oligarchy and their minions), it will be expunged from the history books, similar to the fact that the slave trade and piracy were acts by and large carried out by exploitive Khazarian Talmudic Jews and the business-bankster bandits of their day. Most likely this would be hooted down as sensationalist reverse racism, demeaning the plight of the African slaves.   Continue reading “Hidden History: The Irish Slave Trade”

Activist Post – by Eric Blair

The totalitarian tip-toe is tap dancing to tyranny with the proposed Internet censorship bill in the United Kingdom. In the name of keeping children safe from porn, the UK law will impose Internet filters on far more than just porn.

According to Wired:   Continue reading “UK Internet Porn Censor to Also Block Conspiracy Theories”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

Two Detroit police officers have now been arrested for robbing unsuspecting drivers at gun point.

The first incident occurred at a Citgo gas station last Sunday, where the station clerk said two white men in a black Ford F-150 with police lights, pistol whipped customers pumping gas before stealing their cash and cell phones.   Continue reading “Detroit Cops Arrested For Robbing Drivers At Gunpoint”

Protesters attend a demonstration against secret monitoring programmes PRISM, TEMPORA, INDECT and showing solidarity with whistleblowers Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and others in Berlin July 27, 2013 (Reuters / Pawel Kopczynski) RT News

As a US military judge decides the fate of former army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, activists in dozens of cities across the world are calling for the Convening Authority on the case to free the whistleblower.

Protests are taking place in dozens of cities throughout the US and the world, in what has been dubbed the “International Day of Action.”   Continue reading “Protesters in 40 cities take part in Bradley Manning ‘International Day of Action’”