President Obama is addressing the AIPAC Policy Conference being held in Washington DC from May 22nd through May 24th.  You may be asking, “What is AIPAC?”  The following insert is from the About page on their site.

AIPAC Achievements

As America’s leading pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC works with both Democratic and Republican political leaders to enact public policy that strengthens the vital U.S.-Israel relationship. With the support of its members nationwide, AIPAC has worked with Congress and the Executive Branch on numerous critical initiatives — from securing vital foreign aid for Israel to passing legislation aimed at stopping Iran’s illicit nuclear program. Some highlights include:

Continue reading “AIPAC and Israel’s Influence in American Politics”

Many states are rejecting federal monies designated for unemployment benefits.  So why would any state refuse?  It is the same old game, only at a different level.  The socialists in the federal government want to give the money under the condition that the states change their individual laws to force the corporations to pay more into unemployment insurance.  The neo-cons want to divert these revenues and turn them into tax cuts for the corporations.  And the 99ers and all other unemployed are left sitting on the sidelines with no say in the matter.

There is a mad grab going on to obtain the last of the US’s real assets before the great bankruptcy occurs and those who are unemployed and those who are going to become unemployed are a liability to the assertion that the middle class should simply acquiesce itself into a state of servitude.  In short these states who are under the control of the neo-cons are saying, “We will take federal monies in the form of tax cuts for the filthy rich, but will reject them if they are to help the unemployed.”
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – States Rejecting Federal Unemployment Monies”

One could almost feel sorry for the mainstream propagandists having to tell two different sets of lies, which are in direct opposition to one another, if they were not the lowest form of life on this planet.  Do they really think we cannot see what they are attempting to do?  On one hand both the neo-con Nazis and the social communists have to say the economy is bad and getting worse.

The neo-cons are saying it in an effort to justify cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare in order to save us from the financial crisis.  While out of the other side of their mouths they have to say the economy is growing and there are plenty of jobs, otherwise how could you possibly justify cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare while further cutting taxes for the rich elite.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Being Lied to From Every Angle”

My next review from our Red Pill Documentary page is Making a Killing, The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging. This film centers on the corrupt psychiatric drug industry in this country, and how these people are sacrificing the wellbeing of their patients in order to make a buck. The documentary is very well made and uses statements from a variety of professionals in the field of psychiatry, as well as statistical data to back its claims.

The film opens with an account of a meeting held in 1967, where leading psychiatrists from around the world planned to create a range of psychiatric drugs that would regulate every aspect of human behavior.  The film goes on to show how 100 million people worldwide are now taking these drugs.
Continue reading “Red Pill Review: Making a Killing, The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging”

I was not going to write an article for today as it seemed a waste of time, seeing as how the world is coming to an end.  Then I considered the fact that the same man predicting the end of the world in 2011 had also predicted the end of the world back in 1994.  Man, was that a hangover.  Anyway, just in casies, here you go.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in secret with Barry yesterday in the people’s White House.  Apparently Netanyahu and the Israeli government are not pleased with Obama’s siding with his Muslim brothers in the Middle East.  Netanyahu will address the people’s Congress today in the people’s Capital Building to direct them as to how to conduct the people’s business in the best interests of Israel.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters and the Rapture”

The nation sat in awe as that two bit murdering whore, Hilary the Hut Clinton, stepped up to the podium and puked socialism on the mic, ending her statement with “Blah, and here’s our President, Barack Obama.”   Our illustrious president, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat was at the top of his game reading first the teleprompter on the right, then the teleprompter on the left, leaving his brain dead television audience with the illusion that he was looking out and connecting with a group of people.

Barry spoke of many wondrous things, like that fellow that lit himself on fire in Egypt.  There was indeed and air of reverence as he proclaimed the people’s rights to work and feed their families, to have a say in their government, representation, and access to the media.  Of course he was talking about the people of Egypt.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – Obama Speaks Out for His People”

We have looked at the issue of the raping of our natural resources in the United States and the fact that once upon a time these resources were the sole property of the people.  FOX Business reported on this subject in reference to precious metals being mined from our public lands.  Gold was up yesterday to about $1500 per ounce.  So how much are we the people getting for our gold that is being taken from our public lands?  Zero, zilch, nada, nothing.

Apparently a law dating back to 1872 is being used to allow foreign mining companies to come to the United States and take gold, silver, and uranium without paying one dime to the American people whose precious metals they are taking.
Continue reading “99ers – Gold Royalties to Pay for HR 589?”

Two semi-tractor trailers that were detained in Mexico contained 513 foreigners bound for the U.S.  410 of them were from Guatemala, 12 from India, 1 from Japan, 1 from China, and 6 from Nepal just to name a few.  This act represents a criminal trans-national organization ferrying infiltrators into the United States literally from all over the world.  Exactly what portion of the invading hordes actually makes it into the U.S. of course cannot be ascertained, but in walking through Wal-Mart I have to believe it must be around 90%.

So what is the deal here?  Are we now going to start giving amnesty to any foreign national that can make it across our southern border?  Or maybe they will only force us to legalize their children from all over the world that they bring with them under the Dream Act, that is in reality a nightmare to every U.S. citizen who is having a portion  of their property taken with every illegal that goes on welfare, enters school, and of course now college.  Not to mention 30 million of our jobs they have already taken.
Continue reading “Foreign Invaders Being Brought in by the Truckload”

The Congressional Budget Office is at it again.  Every month or so they slither out of the darkness and start pushing for a mileage tax.  I swear if they have one scruple it is a lonely son of a bitch.  The mileage tax would work something like this.  Every vehicle, I would have to assume at the owner’s expense, would have to be fitted with a GPS tracking chip.  The tax would be a flat rate, so it would not matter how good of gas mileage your vehicle gets, everyone would get taxed the full amount.  That is everyone would be screwed equally.

I have heard rumors of a fluxuating mileage tax, which would work something like this.  During peak driving hours, say like in the morning and evening when those in the middle class, who are still lucky enough to have a job and are already being taxed to death, are driving to and from work, the rate will be higher.  And I have to believe that those who have not lost their semi tractors and trailers are going to be paying fluxuating rates all through the day and night.  And like all other costs associated with shipping, it will be passed on to the consumer.
Continue reading “Raise Gas Taxes, Are You Kidding?”

Many 99ers have and are wondering why there seems to be two kinds of people in this country; that is those who know who we are and those who do not.  Say hello to the internet filters, or censorship by any other name.  The internet search engines have evidently taken it upon themselves to decide what article you want to read when you type Barack Obama or Ron Paul into your search engine.

In short, this is what they are doing.  If you are one of those unfortunate Americans who are still trapped in the false left-right paradigm, you know what?  Google knows and is going to help you stay stupid.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Web Filters – To What Lengths Will They Go To Stop Us?”

Well it looks like Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee have decided not to run for president.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.  Newt Gingrich thinks the American people need to get to know him better.  I guess there must be something about Newt that wasn’t brought to light during his ethics violations investigation back in 1997.  It shows to go you that ethics or the lack thereof has nothing to do with politics.

There is a definite ebb in the mainstream propaganda as the people are laughing at the culls they are throwing out at us for presidential candidates.  However, there is one thing they can all agree on in the false left-right paradigm and that is that they absolutely do not want Ron Paul to be president.  Both the false left and the false right have tried to attack Ron Paul through orchestrated interviews in which Paul has soundly whipped them in every instance.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – Our Best Chance to Strike a Blow”

Apparently the American tax payers are paying for Senator John Kerry to take a trip to Pakistan in an effort to smooth things over with the Pakistanis, as they seem to be a little put out over our recent violation of their sovereignty, in illegally crossing their border and murdering a few of their citizens that we are referring to as Osama Bin Laden and company.

Kerry will reportedly be trying to mend the fences and reestablish a good enough relationship between the Pakistani and American governments to allow the American tax payer to send the Pakistanis another $3 billion next year.
Continue reading “America’s Relationships in the Middle East”

A recent MSNBC special depicted American children having their identification stolen, some literally from birth.  One couple interviewed said nothing could be done about the problem, as they had been told by law enforcement that they did not have the time to find and punish the perpetrators.  MSNBC went on to find the man who had stolen the couple’s daughter’s identification within two days.  This man had run up a quarter to a half of million dollars in debt in the little girl’s name through making home loans.

So who are these people and how, or better yet why, are they getting away with this?  Well it all became clear when MSNBC went to interview a couple of them.  They spoke English so poorly that they could not be clearly understood.  So MSNBC brought in an interpreter to speak to them in their native tongue, Spanish.  Once one of the thieves got the gist of the inquiry, he went and got into his brand new pickup truck and drove away, saying in broken English that he was going to contact his lawyer.
Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Stealing Your Children’s Identity”

Becoming a 99er is certainly a culture shock.  Within the space of a couple of years, you go literally from riches to rags.  When you first realize that you just can’t to go right out and get another job, you become angry as you see your world falling apart and know you made no mistake to cause your downfall.  After a year with no money you find that you quit looking in shop windows and confine your time in the store to the grocery area as everything else is just out of the question.

As you’re selling off everything you own you are watching the rich Wall Street CEOs, who destroyed your life, prosper like they never have before.  Then you find out that your government, not only does not care about your plight, but has actually participated in orchestrating it.  At this point, some start thinking of suicide and others about murder.  But the truly intelligent started thinking about arresting the criminals, taking the money back, and seeing the thieves punished.  I think most 99ers have come to the healthy conclusion that all talk of unemployment extensions is just that, talk designed to stall.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Another $50 Billion Found to Fund Unemployment Extensions”

Well the 2012 presidential contest seems to be picking up steam as more candidates enter the race, and it would seem there has to be an unspoken agreement within the one party system that no candidate will utter the word, “99ers.”  The new Republicrat presidential field is consisting of Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, and of course that guy that both sides of the false left-right paradigm agree cannot possibly by any stretch of the imagination, win.  And that would be Ron Paul.

The international corporate mafia is definitely afraid of Ron Paul.  Their petty attacks upon his character through their mainstream mouthpieces are blatantly ridiculous in their content.  These pathetic jerks actually think they have the journalistic clout to sell the idea that Ron Paul’s campaign is one of free heroin for every citizen.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Who is Really on our Side?”

It is unbelievable listening to the propagandists on television trying to justify $50 billion in subsidies to the big oil companies.  The oil executives themselves assert that the billions of dollars in record profits they are making are well deserved, as they are just a result of their good business tactics.  Of course when the common peasant, poor or middle class, leaves the gas station in a state of shock, it is a different story.

I’m going to go out on a limb here.  Record prices at the pumps and record profits in the pockets of the oil barons.  Do you know what I think is going on?  I think that money they are piling up is coming right out of our pockets.  I also think that to suggest otherwise is nothing short of ludicrous.  Any way the oil executives say the only way we can get away from this record price gouging is to let them take more of our domestic oil, and sell it to us five cents cheaper. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Need Cheap Gas”