Sunland Park, New Mexico is making the national news as voter fraud in a local election has been exposed and the perpetrators have been arrested and are facing prosecution.  I guess this would be considered a good thing.  If so, the question would have to be asked, why is election fraud in a small town in New Mexico all important, while state election fraud, which is in reality national election fraud as the crime being committed, state by state, is the result of a national poll to determine who the GOP candidate will be, is being ignored.

Has there been evidence of voter fraud in literally every state where a primary or caucus has taken place?  Yes. Are there witnesses?  Yes.  Is there hard evidence, as in documents?  Yes.  Are there citizens willing to file complaint? Absolutely.  Are there any real investigations of these crimes?  Nope.  Will anybody go to jail as a result of this voter fraud?  Absolutely not.
Continue reading “Vote the Criminals Out?”

EU Times  A bizarre Foreign Ministry report circulating in the Kremlin today states that this Friday past (11 May) Russian Envoy Vladimir Vinokurov, the Consulate General of San Francisco, was approached near his hotel room during a visit to Los Angles by an agent of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) identifying himself as Stephen Ivens [photo top left] who warned that he and a former FBI agent named Donald Sachtleben had uncovered evidence of an impending terror attack on US soil stating that those behind the attack were “all insane.”

Before Ivens was able to finish his “message,” this report says, the three American Diplomatic Security (DS) agents, who trail all Russian diplomats in the US, began to “surge” towards Ivens causing him to flee.
Continue reading “FBI Agent Fleeing Massive Manhunt Warns “They’re All Insane””

I heard it for the first time last week from one of the neo-con national socialists.  “We are going to have to get used to eating beans and rice for a while.”  Of course the elitist that uttered these words has never known a hard day in his life and when he says “we” he means you and me, the middle class and poor.

Yesterday I heard another utterance that caused me concern,  “We are all going to have to pay higher taxes, especially that 50% that pay none”, of course again meaning the middle class and those working poor who are living so far beneath the poverty level that they are exempt from income tax.
Continue reading “They’re Asking Us to Tighten our Belts a Little More”

Doug Wead  There is good news and bad news.  The good news comes out of Michigan.  But first, the bad news, let’s get that out of the way and then have some fun.

Remember my warning that there were votes in a locked box taken from the state convention in Arizona?  And that the Ron Paul victory there could be reversed if someone wanted to cheat?  Well they did, and we lost it.  I am gathering the facts and it is stunning, with 100 new ballots appearing out of the Romney ether.
Continue reading “Michigan Shocker! Ron Paul picks up more delegates”

The propaganda machine, in a desperate attempt to regain some small measure of credibility, employed an interesting technique this week, Jeopardy! Power Players.  All this week the number one game show in the United States featured contestants drawn from the ranks of the mainstream propagandists.  This little blitz was carefully orchestrated with clips of the Jeopardy! contest appearing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX.

These propagandists are being billed by Jeopardy! literally as those who shape the thinking of the American public and every effort was made to portray them as intellectuals.  However the questions for the contest were at a high school level and even at that, many of the contestants, like Chris Matthews, embarrassed themselves as their lack of any real intelligence became undeniable.
Continue reading “Power Players in Jeopardy!”

Facebook went public today.  Through this move the value of the company will go to around $100 billion.  Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, at the ripe old age of 28, has amassed $17.5 billion and a thousand more millionaires are to be made.  One fellow will get $100 million for creating the mural for Facebook.

So where did all this wealth come from?  Those trying to justify this gross enrichment of a handful of preselected future ultra elitists, would credit advertising.  Well that is not quite true.  This is what really happened.
Continue reading “The Great Facebook Con”

As Facebook goes public, one of its cofounders, Eduardo Saverin, will be renouncing his citizenship and leaving the United States to avoid paying taxes on the billions he will make.  This is the way of things.  The United States has been reduced to a whore to be used and then tossed aside.

The American taxpayer pays for the development of technologies that are handed over to a select few, who are then allowed to capitalize.  Saverin was evidently a Swiss citizen all along.  He just came to the United States to take his share of our country and leave.
Continue reading “Marco Rubio Defends Facebook’s Eduardo Saverin”

Libertarian Review  This week, Congress is considering two pieces of legislation relating to Iran. The first undermines a diplomatic solution with Iran and lowers the bar for war. The second authorizes a war of choice against Iran and begins military preparations for it. H.Res.568: Eliminating the Most Viable Alternative to War – The House is expected to vote on H.Res. 568. Read the resolution. Section (6) rejects any United States policy that would rely on efforts to contain a nuclear weapons-capable Iran. Section (7) urges the President to reaffirm the unacceptability of an Iran with nuclear-weapons capability and opposition to any policy that would rely on containment as an option in response to Iranian enrichment.
Continue reading “War with Iran Imminent: In Days Not Weeks”

The treasonous sleazebags at Google are removing From the Trenches articles from the searches.  We know Google’s start up was funded by the CIA and that Google works hand in hand with that agency to spy on we the people and to suppress information that shows the international socialist insurgency for the reality it is.  The people who own Google and operate it are nothing but Zionist lapdogs.  They serve Benjamin Netanyahu, the King of Israel and are protected by the traitors within our own government.

Unless you can employ a law firm, you cannot even so much as complain about Google’s actions, hence they are above any of the laws of we the American people.  Hell, you cannot even write an email to Google.  What other business in the United States is so protected that you cannot even file an administrative complaint with the agency that regulates it?
Continue reading “Google Crime Syndicate Censoring the Web for the International Corporate Mafia”

Well it is that time of year that seems to come around every six months.  Another debt ceiling battle is looming and all the special interest groups are putting their talking heads forward.  House Speaker John Boehner, who got his job in our Congress through the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, has remembered all of his lines as the games kick off.

Boehner said that the phony right will not consider another raise in the debt ceiling unless it is paid for with spending cuts or tax reform.  And what reform is Boehner proposing?  Well he wants the Bush era tax cuts made permanent.  He says that to end the cuts would represent the largest tax hike in history.
Continue reading “The Debt Ceiling Circus Returns to Washington DC”

Alexander Higgins  Wall Street banks have secretly taken over US firearms and ammunition manufacturers and the world’s largest mercenary firms in a stealth build up private military force.

A Daily KOs article reveals that Wall Street banks have used private equity firms to acquire and launch a massive stealth takeover of private security firms, US ammo and gun manufacturers, uniforms, silencers and an army of mercenaries to build what amounts to the world’s largest private army.
Continue reading “Wall Street Banks Secretly Build The World’s Largest Private Army”

Today, May 16, 2012, the United States Premier Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat signed Executive Order Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, declaring a State of Emergency in the United States and activating his new dictatorial powers, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code.

Obama says he is going to exercise these powers on the sovereign country of Yemen and “others”.  This is a seizure of all Yemenis owned properties in the United States and the properties of any American with business ties to any interest in Yemen.  This is an act of war.
Continue reading “Obama Declares State of Emergency through yet another Executive Order”

The information we receive through the mainstream propaganda machine is specifically designed and orchestrated to control us.  This being said, we are left to analyze the available information and come to our own conclusions.

There are over 1,500 fuel rods sitting in a pool above Reactor 4 at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.  This pool is already cracked and leaking and many of these fuel rods are fresh as they were preparing to install them when the earthquake and tsunami occurred.
Continue reading “Fukushima – Opportunity Knocking for the Globalists”

Wisconsin’s Congressman Paul Ryan introduced HR 5652 on May 9, 2012.  Said legislation was passed through the House on May 10, 2012 without a single co-sponsor.  See, the different factions can get legislation passed when it is something they consider important.

This legislation, if made law, would generate $310 billion over the next ten years.  These revenues are designed to offset the mandatory cuts to defense spending that will occur as a result of the trigger mechanism activated when the so called Supercommittee failed to agree on how $1.2 trillion would be cut from budgeted spending.  With the trigger mechanism, by law, the cuts were supposed to be across the board, but what’s in a law?
Continue reading “Paul Ryan Wants Blank Check for Israel”

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu struck a deal last week to bring one of his main rivals, the Kadima Party, into his coalition.  In consolidating his power, Netanyahu is now being called “The King of Israel”.   This being said the United States must be considered nothing more than an Israeli colony as the Israeli Zionists have effectively seized absolute control over our government and our nation’s resources.

Anyone who thinks this so called King of Israel is not intent on conquering the entire Middle East is a fool.
Continue reading “Benjamin Netanyahu, Crowned King of the United States”

The world socialist US insurgency, through its propaganda machine, is working fervently to make the issue that will decide the 2012 election anything but this depression we are in, which grows deeper and deeper day by day.

They have tried making the election about religious freedom versus women’s rights through the propaganda blitz for insurance coverage of contraception and abortion.
Continue reading “Can the US be Divided and Conquered?”

Republican Governor of Maine, Paul Lepage, is spearheading the latest assault on the victims of the 2008 toxic mortgage meltdown, more commonly known as the depression.  You see Lepage wants the 100 million unemployed to get off their lazy asses and get a job, and to help them do so he wants to end unemployment benefits, food stamps, and SSI.

In attacking those on Social Security Supplemental Insurance, he indicated that many long term unemployed were seeking out this benefit rather than going back to work.  The standard for receiving SSI says a person must be debilitated to the extent that he or she cannot be employed in his or her field in the current job market.
Continue reading “Governor Paul Lepage Attacks Victims”

Attorney General Eric Holder is refusing to turn over Justice Department documents to a Congressional Committee investigating Fast and Furious.  It has been said that Congress will seek to hold Holder in contempt if he does not turn over the documents by Memorial Day.  The Obama administration is saying that the Committee’s actions are nothing more than a political attack.

Eric Holder is a lieutenant in the Obama drug cartel.  Look at the facts.  Acting under orders from Holder, who stands at Obama’s right hand, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) shipped rifles, pistols, and hand grenades across our southern border to Mexican drug cartel members.
Continue reading “Eric Holder Guilty of Political Error”