Premier Obama has signed yet another executive order, this one is Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens, that when coupled with his Executive Order Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation and Executive Order Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities, opens a direct path to bring United Nations regulations to the grass roots of our body politic.

This latest executive order will allow the soviet socialists in our local communities through their committees to adopt and enact United Nations regulations designed to establish absolute United Nations’ control over our every resource.
Continue reading “On May 10th Obama Signed another Executive Order”

The propagandists have been having a hay day in using the same sex marriage issue to divide the American people.  If you think about it, the gay issue can be used to divide us along two lines, one, the issue of gay and straight and then of course along religious lines.  Anyone who attacks the fact that the gay issue is being used as a political shill is automatically suspect of being a bigot.  There is just one thing everyone seems to be overlooking and that is May Day.

On the 1st of May the soviet socialist/communists of the United States came out into the streets in an effort to not only hijack the Occupy Movement, but to actually start a socialist revolution, which as everyone saw was a complete failure.  Why?  Because we Americans reject communism.
Continue reading “Obama Endorses Same Sex Marriage for 1% of the Vote”

It has been discovered in matching driver license records to voter registration records in the State of Florida that so far almost 2,700 people who are in the United States legally, but who aren’t citizens, have registered to vote.  This act is a felony.

The Obama insurgency has attacked every state wherein legislation has been passed for Voter ID.  Every time one of the opponents of these laws comes forward, he or she asserts that the degree of voter fraud is so minute as to be insignificant.
Continue reading “Americans Disenfranchised through Illegal Votes”

The Cheka blue shirt TSA now has 50,000 agents in its ranks.  There are reports of TSA police cruisers being spotted in Denver, Colorado.  Every week there are new incidents of outrage involving the TSA.  The opposition to this unconstitutional national police force is reaching a fevered pitch.  With the latest so called “Underwear Bomber II” plot foiled, the TSA is now looking to expand.

There have been some high profile incidents with the TSA involving party officials like Texas Representative Francisco Canseco and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul prompting calls for reform.  Rand Paul has actually introduced legislation to end the TSA.
Continue reading “TSA Terror in America”

So, it is Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, running neck in neck in the general election.  NO IT IS NOT!!!  Mitt Romney has NOT been nominated as the GOP candidate.  Therefore, he and Obama cannot be running neck in neck in any election.  If Ron Paul continues to gain delegates at the rate he is at present, it is all together conceivable that he, not Romney, could win the nomination on the first round of the convention.

The mainstream media, in its deliberate actions in falsely reporting the GOP delegate count, is guilty of conspiracy to insurrection, as it is an act of treason to remove our representative form of elected government from our Constitution.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Closing the Gap – Stand Ready to Fight and Win”

86 million to 100 million Americans are without a job, 50 million are living in deep poverty, and this is an election year.

Blatant election fraud has been displayed from the first primaries and caucuses to ones that occurred yesterday.  Mitt Romney is being portrayed as the GOP candidate in spite of the fact that Ron Paul is winning the majority of the delegates.

100,000 armed foreign nationals made up of drug cartel members are sitting down on our southern border.
Continue reading “Obama and Romney Pursue Gays”

Israeli-Americans only represent 1.7% of our population, yet they dominate within our government.  At present our beloved Republic is seeing dire straits such as have not been witnessed since the Great Depression.  It has been recently reported in the mainstream that the actual number of unemployed Americans is between 86 million and 100 million.  The 112th Congress took up business 490 days ago and to date, not one piece of jobs legislation has been passed.

As 86 million to 100 million Americans are enduring the worst depravations and absolutely without anything resembling representation, the Israeli government, through their agents in our Congress, introduced on March 3rd, H.R. 4133: United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012.  This bill is presently in committee sporting 263 cosponsors and will go onto the House Floor next week. [Update: 15 more co-sponsors have signed on to this legislation.] [Update 2: 21 more co-sponsors] Continue reading “HR 4133 – Israeli Legislation Scheduled for the House Floor ASAP”

Railroads have always been a key factor in deciding the outcome of wars as they are the means through which the implements of war can be moved from one location to another in mass quantities using the smallest amount of energy.  Foreign corporations now own and have control over much of the US railway system.

The Canadian National Railway is owned by the Canadian government and Canadian Pacific Railway is privately owned by Canadian international elitist investors.  These two lines alone represent a system that cuts through the heartland of the United States.
Continue reading “The Stage is Set for UN Gun Confiscations via Invasion into the US”

It is reported that there are only 11 million illegal aliens in the United States.

It was recently discovered that a so called tax loophole is allowing the illegals in the US to steal billions of dollars by claiming dependent children who live in Mexico. These illegals are filing returns using a tax ID number that was created to make sure the illegals pay income taxes while working in the United States.   So now, these foreigners, who are here illegally, using stolen or fraudulent social security numbers, are filing for refunds using the child credit deduction and naming nieces and nephews who live in Mexico as dependants at a thousand dollars a pop.
Continue reading “How Many Illegal Aliens Are Here Really?”

There exists in the United States a segment of the general population that can trace their lineage to the colonies.  Once upon a time in America, all national lands, not allotted to Indian tribes through treaty, were the sole possession of these nationalists.  Indian tribes today are recognized as having the rights to hunting, fishing, and gathering for subsistence.  These are natural rights that are a continuance of rights retained by the Native population as a part of their bond to the land.

But what of the descendents of the nationals who conquered this continent and were at one time considered to possess the right to take subsistence from the national lands on an equal par with the Indian population?  The fact is whereas the rights of the American Indian population are preserved, the rights of US nationals to the bounty of the land have been turned into conditional privileges.
Continue reading “US Nationals – A People Without a Country”

Public Intelligence Blog  Mitt Romney faces up to five years in jail and a $10,000 fine if he did not live in his son’s unfinished basement in 2010

In January 2010 the former Massachusetts governor proudly cast a ballot for Republican Scott Brown in the special election to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. He didn’t own property in the state at the time, and had registered to vote listing his son’s unfinished basement as his residence. Massachusetts law defines a residence for voter registration purposes as “where a person dwells and which is the center of his domestic, social, and civil life.” Anyone found guilty of committing voter fraud faces up to five years behind bars and a fine of $10,000.  See Romney Voter Fraud Liability?
Continue reading “Mitt Romney Almost Certainly Committed Voter Fraud in 2008 – Could This Be Ron Paul’s Ticket to the High Table?”

Today, Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican regional holiday, is being celebrated throughout the United States.  Cinco de Mayo, translated into the English language, means the fifth of May and commemorates the 1862 Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla, wherein an outnumbered Mexican Army defeated the better armed French who had invaded Mexico in an attempt to collect a debt.

In 2005, the Zionist insurgents in our US Congress passed a concurrent resolution to make this foreign regional holiday a US national celebration for Mexican heritage and pride.
Continue reading “Mexican Nationals Celebrate their Insurgency into the US on Cinco de Mayo”

There were 115,000 jobs created in April.  I did not say, “Jobs created in the US” because six months from now we will find out that 60% of those jobs were created in other countries.

Last year at this time, the so called economic experts said we would need 350,000 jobs per month, just to keep pace with our young people entering the workforce for the first time.  Now today, I heard one of these experts on Bloomberg say, 115,000 jobs is sufficient to keep pace with the new entries.  Last month a report came out that said half of our young people graduating college cannot find employment.  So it would seem that now only half of these unemployed Americans are being counted in the equation.
Continue reading “Unemployment Rate Drops to 8.1% Is Anyone Buying It?”

If we take a look at every grab for power that has been made by the international insurgency just since the beginning of 2012, it cannot be denied that what we are seeing is an attempt at a legislative coup to be followed by martial law.

In 1989 the Berlin Wall came down and communism escaped its confines.  As the world celebrated the Fall of Communism, the international communists went to work.  The spread of communism into the United States was actually a simple matter.

The commies’ 5th column here maneuvered it’s members into the necessary positions, as teachers and administrators, for the purpose of brainwashing our children for the past thirty years in the doctrine that the United States is a democracy rather than the Republic it is. They removed all US history from our school text books and changed history class to social studies, introducing multi-culturalism in the process.
Continue reading “Moscow on the Potomac – The Communists are Making their Move”

Steve Moore, columnist for the Wall Street Journal, has finally figured out this economic puzzle.  He is saying that this is not a depression and the fact is things are not as bad as we thought at all.  What we are experiencing is a “Jobs Recession” and the solution is simple.  Stop paying unemployment insurance.  Dismiss all the unemployed and reset the economy without them.

The economy will boom…for a few months anyway.  And then a new wave of foreclosures will hit.  But this will be an easy fix.  Another bailout, followed by a tightening of credit, followed by more business closures, more 401Ks wiped out and more people left jobless.  Again, not a problem as long as they are not getting unemployment benefits.  What is the big deal?  Simply remove them from the equation and reset the economy.  And so it goes, over and over again like wiping one’s backside on a hula hoop.
Continue reading “Steve Moore “Antoinette” Has the Economic Solution”

On May 1, 2012, our Glorious Leader, Premier Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, signed yet another Executive Order – Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation.  This dictate is designed to standardize regulations between the United States and it’s so called trading partners.

What is a regulation?  A law.  So what is actually being attempted here is a standardization of international law.  It is an absolute violation of the Constitution for the United States to legislate our law outside of our borders.
Continue reading “Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States”