In for a penny, in for a pound – the international corporate mafia and their Bilderberg core has now reached the point of no return.  They have spent billions of dollars building their propaganda machine that has been quite efficient for many years at perpetuating the false reality of the left-right paradigm.

Today the American people of the American race have begrudgingly been forced to break free from the false reality as the true reality can no longer be ignored.  The propaganda machine has completely lost credibility, but it is too late to change tactics.  They are now forced to go forward as if we the people are still asleep.
Continue reading “Bilderberg Perry Propagandists Attempting to Create a Grand Confusion”

We are only into the early stages of the decision making process for the 2012 elections and vote fraud is already rearing its ugly head.  Prior to the Iowa Straw Poll, constitutional challenges to the procedures to be used were being put forth.  The Iowa Straw Poll definitely has had an influence on the 2012 election process, as witnessed by the withdrawal from the race of ex-Governor of Minnesota, Pawlenty, after coming in third place.

What was unconstitutional about the straw poll?  Well the fact that it cost $30 dollars to participate eliminated from the voting process all those who could not pay the $30 because they did not have it.  And certainly the people of our country who have been impoverished to the point that they do not have $30 to throw away are going to be a deciding factor in the 2012 Presidential Election.
Continue reading “Will Voter Fraud Decide the 2012 Election?”

Well the days are beginning to grow shorter and within another month the leaves will be falling from the trees as fall sets in.  Okay 99ers, 132 days until Christmas, and like I said, within another month the cold will be returning to the night air.  Every day there are more of us and the lie of our non-existence becomes a greater outrage.

I have been advocating Ron Paul for President as our only avenue to salvation, and I stand by that assertion.  Many of you have pointed out that Ron Paul has not addressed the 99ers and this is true, at least partially.  But then again, what candidate has addressed the 99ers?  The fact is within our government as it stands, the only news we hear that directly relates to us are the calls to get rid of the food stamps that are feeding us and our Social Security which is the only light at the end of the tunnel.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Thirty Trillion Reasons to Vote for Ron Paul”

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has declared that Syrian President, Assad, is no longer viable or credible and that she is on the verge of demanding Assad’s resignation.  Hillary who?  Has she now become the spokesperson for an international dictatorial empire that removes the leaders of sovereign countries by declaration?

On August 11th the Libyan Embassy  in the US was reopened and occupied by the Libyan Al Qaeda rebels, who are now being recognized by the US as the legitimate government of Libya.  So now we have Al Qaeda setting up shop in Washington DC.  Do they believe we the people to be blind, deaf, and stupid?
Continue reading “Syria, Libya, Israel, and Al Qaeda”

Wages are on the rise, help wanted signs are everywhere, and employers are offering additional benefits in an effort to entice employees.  Of course it’s not here.  We are talking about China.  You know, those people across the ocean enjoying what used to be our economy.  You know, the ones manufacturing our raw resources.  Yeah, that’s them.

And what does this mean to us in America?  Well our Chinese Christmas is going to cost more this year in paying the Chinese factory worker more.  In fact way more, because you see our dollar is also continuing its decline.  But not to worry, despite the massive declines in the stock market, the international businesses based in the United States continue to make record profits.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Jobs are Everywhere”

Michele Bachmann won the Ames Straw Poll, which should be no surprise as Iowa is a farming state, hence a farming subsidy state.  I’m sure those Iowa farmers would be happy to have their native daughter in the White House protecting their farm subsidies, while taking food right out of poor children’s mouths to pay for them.

Michele Bachmann is a neo-con and equates to nothing more than a corporate meat puppet.  As far as anyone trying to defend Bachmann in reference to the farm subsidies, note: Bachmann herself received over $250,000 between 1995 and 2006 for her farm in Minnesota.  Of course these welfare farmers are going to support her wholeheartedly.
Continue reading “Iowa’s Native Daughter Wins Ames Straw Poll”

As expected Ron Paul’s overwhelming win in the Iowa debate is being discredited in a hundred ways and Newt Gingrich is the man of the day, according to the mainstream propagandists.  What a government.  Back in 1996 Gingrich was charged with 84 ethics violations, which would be, in the world of the 99ers, 84 felonies, alleging tax evasion.  Nothing a few hundred thousand dollars wouldn’t cure.  And now here he is running for President.  Why the hell not?  Truth be known being a felon is probably a part of the criteria necessary in getting the backing of the international corporate mafia for any bid for President.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Let’s Look at the Presidential Candidates”

In watching yesterday’s GOP debate there can be no question that Ron Paul is as feared on the phony right as he is on the phony left.  It was plain to see that the entire structure of the debate was designed around minimizing Dr. Paul.  And you know what?  Once again it did not work.  FOX News is self proclaimed as a conservative broadcast.  Well they say “Fair and Balanced” but we all know that each and every one of them is a big-business person.  One thing they are clearly getting across in their message is that conservative can now be equated with anti-constitutional.

Today I’m sure Mitt Romney will be declared the uncontested winner with the only other candidate they talk about being Michele Bachmann.  But you know what?  It doesn’t matter.  No one cares.  These propagandists have become so incredible that it is pathetic to watch them try to peddle their crap like an old west snake oil salesman.  These are some of the goofiest people I think I have ever seen in my life and they sit before the camera and try to put themselves forth as statesmen and women.
Continue reading “99er HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Ron Paul Wins Iowa Debate, Hands Down”

Well the situation in our country seems to be completely out of control, sparking lawmakers to start naming the members of the new Supreme Soviet and calling for Congress to return as the situation has become an emergency.  Historically emergencies are ideal times for insurgencies and coups, and this time it is no different.

Everything we are seeing in the mainstream propaganda is staged.  This whole situation is no more an emergency today than it was last year this time.  I believe the new Supreme Soviet is being convened as fast as possible because the people throughout this land see it for exactly what it is.  And there is a growing defiance to its creation and proposed institution.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Super Kommittee Being Formed”