CNS News – by Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.

The Miami Police Department is asking residents to turn in their weapons in return for Miami Heat tickets and gift cards.

The gun buyback program is similar to those seen across the country.  Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado hopes that his buyback will prevent gun violence in the area.

“What we’re doing here, we’re beating the odds,” Regalado said. “If one incident is avoided, it’s worth it.”

buyback was held today at Jordan Grove Baptist Church where 50 weapons (mostly hunting rifles and small caliber handguns) were handed over in the first hour.
Continue reading “City Offers Miami Heat Tickets In Exchange For Guns”

mims.jpgKMJ Now

Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims is taking her sworn oath to uphold the law seriously, even if it means confronting Washington D.C.

Sheriff’s from across the country have been sending petition letters to Vice President Joe Biden, in response to the latest executive orders on gun control, which could remove military-style assault weapons from the shelves of retailers.

Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims has joined the effort and says the acts are unconstitutional.
Continue reading “Mims Sends Letter to Biden Over Gun Laws”

Rep Diane Franklin, a Republican for the State of Missouri, has proposed a 1% tax on violent video games, said proceeds to be deposited in the state general revenue fund and appropriated solely for the treatment of mental health conditions associated with exposure to violent video games.

Let’s take a look at this little tax, which is being harped through the mainstream as a good idea.  Our 1st Amendment right to look at, read, or play with any information is as absolute as our right to speak out.  It is inalienable and of course, like the rest of our rights, has already been infringed upon from many angles.  The proposal is for a penalty for those who would play with what the communist government identifies as a bad game.  Is this not an attempt to compel government dictated behavior through a system of rewards and punishments?  If you do as the government says, you are unaffected.  If you do not, you are penalized.
Continue reading “Manipulation through Taxation”

Tea Party Tribune – by Mr. Curmudgeon

While President Obama took to the airwaves in his weekly radio address, urging Congress to “act soon” in passing sweeping gun-control measures, the Phoenix Drug Enforcement Administration announced that it recovered 43 weapons Obama’s Justice Department sold to Mexican drug gangs as part of its infamous Operation Fast and Furious.
Continue reading “‘… To Protect Our Children’”

Reuters – by Jim Forsyth

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has a message for New York gun owners: Come to Texas, and bring your guns with you.

“Texas is better than New York, and New York just gave us another excuse to say that,” Abbott, a Republican, said on Thursday, after ads extolling Texas appeared on several media websites.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, signed sweeping gun-control legislation earlier this week expanding the state’s ban on assault weapons and putting limits on ammunition capacity in the wake of last month’s school shootings in Connecticut.
Continue reading “Y’all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners”

Washington Post- by Greg Miller, Ellen Nakashima and Karen DeYoung

The Obama administration is nearing completion of a detailed counterterrorism manual that is designed to establish clear rules for targeted-killing operations but leaves open a major exemption for the CIA’s campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan, U.S. officials said.

The carve-out would allow the CIA to continue pounding al-Qaeda and Taliban targets for a year or more before the agency is forced to comply with more stringent rules spelled out in a classified document that officials have described as a counterterrorism “playbook.”
Continue reading “CIA drone strikes will get pass in counterterrorism ‘playbook,’ officials say”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Internet Censorship and Facebook Censorship is in full swing. There are many people participating on Facebook who are being blocked from posting the news that is important to them on a daily basis. Even sharing certain posts will have you blocked.  Reports of emails disappearing and websites being shut down are becoming more commonplace. Why is this? Simple, free speech and free press give the citizens of the United States and people of the World too much power over their Governments. Also I present facts on the FB IPO released last May 18th 2012. This is something Mainstream Media is not going public with. Did you know Congress has authorized CIA funding for Facebook?
Continue reading “Facebook Data And Internet Censorship: The Story Banned By Mainstream Media”

ABC News

Accidental shootings at gun shows in North Carolina, Indiana and Ohio left five people injured Saturday, the same day that thousands of gun advocates gathered peacefully at state capitals around the U.S. to rally against stricter firearm limits.

At the Dixie Gun and Knife Show in Raleigh, a 12-gauge shotgun discharged as its owner unzipped its case for a law enforcement officer to check at a security entrance, injuring three people, state Agriculture Department spokesman Brian Long said.
Continue reading “5 Hurt in Shootings at Gun Shows in Ohio, Ind., NC”

The Common Sense Politics Blog

Two issues which have occupied the political spotlight almost constantly during the Obama presidency have been gun rights and illegal immigration.  While our right to own firearms is supposed to be guaranteed by the Second Amendment, dating back to the founding of our nation, we also have laws barring illegal entry by foreign entities into our nation, which is something we share with virtually every other country in existence.  Ironically, the focus of liberals and the current administration is to illegally strip us of our constitutional right to bear arms, while simultaneously refusing to arrest and deport illegal aliens.
Continue reading “Outlawing Guns and Making Illegals Legal”

The Great Northern Prepper

Executive Orders have been issued by Presidents since 1789, so they are not something new, however the use of them has changed over time.

Until 1907 they were not announced to the general public and were undocumented.  The power of “Executive Orders” are not specifically given to the President and the Executive Branch, but have been  ‘derived’ from two sections of the Constitution.

Article 2, Section 1, Clause 1.

“The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America”
Continue reading “What are Executive Orders: A short history”

Sent in by a reader, whose brother is the one holding the sign.

Boston Globe – by Will Weissert |  ASSOCIATED PRESS

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Thousands of gun advocates gathered peacefully Saturday at state capitals around the U.S. to rally against stricter limits on firearms, with demonstrators carrying rifles and pistols in some places while those elsewhere settled for waving hand-scrawled signs or screaming themselves hoarse.
Continue reading “Thousands rally against stricter gun control in US”


BAMAKO, Mali — Without warning other governments, Algeria mounted an assault on Thursday on the heavily armed fighters holding American and other hostages at a remote Sahara gas field facility, freeing captives and killing kidnappers but leaving some hostages dead and foreign leaders scrambling to find out the fates of their citizens.

Hours after the raid, there was no official word on the number of hostages who had been freed, killed or still held captive. Estimates of the foreign casualties ranged from 4 to 35, though one Algerian official said the high figure was “exaggerated.”
Continue reading “Algerian Troops Attack Site to End Hostage Standoff”