Infowars  During a recent appearance on the StarTalk Radio Show, Real Time host Bill Maher expressed his desire to see more people killed via abortion, suicides and the death penalty because “the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”

Asked by host Neil de Grasse Tyson what he thought about the death penalty and abortion, Maher re-affirmed his support for both, remarking, “The Pope is consistently pro-life, I am consistently pro-death.”

Continue reading “Bill Maher: “We Need To Promote Death””

Examiner – by Deborah Dupre  Louisiana’s giant sinkhole in Assumption Parish expanded 500 square feet Tuesday morning, according to officials. Earlier Tuesday, amid debating whether earthquakes caused the nearby breached salt cavern to fail, extra seismic activity was recorded, according to USGS monitors observed by this reporter, also noting that in 2010, experts foretold a methane crisis, one saying a methane-caused sinkhole could result from BP’s oil catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.
Continue reading “La. sinkhole was predicted, grows 500 square feet larger after seismic activity”

The mainstream propaganda production 2012 continues to dominate our televisions sets.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, or more precisely in the Trenches, more and more evidence is being brought to light showing that this treasonous government not only is illegitimate today, but has been since its inception.  It was a very complex plan put together by a large group of individuals and as it is multi-faceted, it has taken a large group of individuals to take it apart for examination.

What is being found is one fraud, layered upon another, literally since the first colonial government was formed.  This really should come as no surprise as each step back in history reveals another group of individuals set on the conquest of our country and our enslavement.  Maybe this is what Jefferson meant when he said that a revolution every twenty years would be healthy for our Republic.  That is if the Republic has ever actually existed as anything more than an idea.
Continue reading “Where will the Road to Freedom Lead….Treaties?”

Dallas Voice  A club-goer was arrested early Sunday at the Havana Lounge on Cedar Springs Road for public intoxication, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer after squeezing the officer’s testicles during an arrest.

Cory Weddington III, 19, was kicked out of the club, at 4006 Cedar Springs Road, around 4 a.m. when he was caught drinking, according to a Dallas police report.

Weddington allegedly refused to leave without his credit card, which he told police he left at the bar. Witnesses said they would retrieve his card when the club closed and return it to him. He became agitated and police told him to leave and gave him “several opportunities to leave with his friends,” the report states.
Continue reading “Teen arrested for squeezing police officer’s testicles”

President Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side Chicago back ally socialist insurgent pimp, just signed another Executive Order.  You know, President Obama, who isn’t a Zionist puppet, who will not follow orders from Tel Aviv, who doesn’t really like those Jews all that much anyways.

Say hello to the Executive Order from the President regarding Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions with respect to Iran Continue reading “Say Hello to World War III, Obama Just Signed another Executive Order”

If you are reading this on the internet, you obviously follow, quite closely, current events.  You keep up on the latest stories about the steps being taken to ensure war in the very near future, about the latest scam by the Fed to rake in more money for the already too, too wealthy, and about the degradation of our food into poisons ready to encourage every available cancer cell it can find.

You may have heard that high school students in San Antonio, TX are now being required to wear badges which contain an RFID tracking chip.  Yeah, everyone’s heard that already.  But have you heard that a student who requested a religious waiver (based on these chips being the “mark of the beast”) is being harassed – amounting to religious discrimination – by being denied access to lavatories, the cafeteria and full student privileges.
Continue reading “What’s Your HQ (Humanity Quotient)?”

There are parts of Detroit that are being put off limits to the general public because they have become occupied by the criminal element.

The streets of Chicago are not safe to walk.

In Harlem New York you cannot walk down the streets without being attacked by the police via one of their Stop and Frisk encounters.

A seven month pregnant Seattle woman is tasered and kicked in her stomach by police, causing such trauma that her unborn child defecated in her womb.
Continue reading “When Will the Final Collapse Occur?”

Pakalert Press  First of all, I must admit that I am one of those “Conspiracy Nuts” who loves to read meaning into the back of the US $1 bill like I’m trying to solve a centuries old puzzle. The “All Seeing Eye”, the pyramid, “One World Government“, Masonic symbols, the implications of the Latin words, even the words “In God We Trust” added in 1955…all of it…I’m a big fan of secret meaning.

Just Google “US Dollar Hidden Meaning” and you will find almost EVERY INTERPRETATION you can imagine. Since I don’t know which is true…I tend to believe ALL OF THEM. More fun that way. If you think this is all hogwash and there is no meaning to the back of the $1 bill…”Duh, it’s just a nice picture”…then this article is not for you.
Continue reading “The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die  “Several of my former colleagues were and still are Blackbird employees. They do a lot of recruiting in FBNC,” says a retired special operator, using the acronym for U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s home base of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. “Their business is heavily weighted towards the dark side.”

From The Daily Mail linked below:  ‘He said he wanted to expose something at work’
Continue reading “US Govt Massacres Virginia Family: Blamed On Obama Re-Election After So-Called ‘Killer’ Threatens To Expose US Govt Secrets”

World Truth TV  According to the article, China is recasting all of their gold reserves into small one kilo bars in order to issue a new “gold-backed” currency. Many say this will disrupt global trade and will eventually cause a collapse of the US dollar.

There can be no doubt that the US dollar will soon be history. China is recasting all of their gold reserves into small one kilo bars in order to issue a new ‘gold backed’ global currency. This is surely a strategic part of their recent push to sign new trade agreements with Russia, Japan, Chile, Brazil, India, and Iran. The cat is now out of the bag, the US will be given the ‘bums rush’ by the largest trading nations in the world and the dollar will go down in flames. GATA now estimates that 80% of the gold that investors believe they have in allocated accounts is long gone, the majority of it probably wound up in China.
Continue reading “China Launching Gold Backed Global Currency”

Five dollar a gallon gas may be coming to every state in the union.  And what is the excuse this time?  Well I’m afraid we are back to supply and demand again as another refinery has burned to the ground.  Tell me this.  If your average person owned three houses worth $100,000 a piece and two of them burned down and then it was revealed that there was a million dollars worth of insurance on each house, do you think someone might be looking into the possibility that those houses just might have been burned down for profit?

There has been a glut a crude oil on the market for the past year and in spite of this fact the oil companies have been trying to tell us that the reason our gas prices are through the roof is because we will not let them drill baby drill.  When we pointed out the glut of crude, the refineries started going up in flames.
Continue reading “Big Oil has our Best Interests at Heart”

I am seeing an interesting phenomenon that has been developing just over the last couple of days. The mainstream propaganda machine has come forth with a lie on the unemployment rate that they know is not believed by anyone.   The stock market has been going up; heading towards the point it was at when it crashed in 2008.  We know that this rise in the stock market consists of nothing more than a couple trillion dollars in funny money, ink and paper, and digits in computers.  It is not real and we are about to find out that in reality it is made up of more of the same toxic derivatives that were used to pump the stock market up in 2008.

Yesterday I saw a piece on Fox News that I found very alarming.  It attempted to convince we the igmo people to take money out of our bank accounts and pay off our credit cards.   This is highly unusual for this time of year as we are coming up on the harvest, which is the best the economy in the US gets all year long.  It is this time of year that the campaign to encourage us to charge more takes off.  You know, as in early Christmas shopping.
Continue reading “US Economy in Final Death Throes”

The mainstream propagandists making the case for another Middle East invasion to precipitate World War III kicked back into high gear again on Saturday with the reporting of a man dressed in an Afghan police uniform killing two more NATO soldiers as hundreds of Afghans take to the streets shouting, “Death to America.”

Individual protests are spanning twenty countries worldwide from Gaza to Sydney, Australia, though it is being reported that Egyptian police have cleared the protesters from the streets of Cairo.

The attacks on NATO troops in Afghanistan have now turned to so called “friendlies” shooting down US soldiers while the Taliban have launched another attack on Camp Leatherneck where Prince Harry is stationed.
Continue reading “Will the American People Allow World War III to be Crammed Down our Throats?”

The mainstream propagandists are reporting that there is a new call for one party rule in Washington DC to help the economy.  This statement really took me aback as it is my understanding that there is already one party rule in Washington DC for the economy, and that party would be the Zionist party, who has turned our economy and the wealth of our country over to the Israelis.

I have always wondered just what statements the international insurgents would be making as they incrementally declared the final stages for their dictatorship.
Continue reading “A New Call for One Party Rule”

Scribd  Moscow, Russia

A Russian government official bragged that Barack Obama was a KGB operative and that his presidency had been planned since birth, an American physicist and government contractor reports. Tom Fife, an American computer networking specialist and international businessman, reported the alarming facts about the Kremlin’s connection to Barack Obama. The boast from a Communist Party official reportedly  occurred during a business trip to Russia,16 years before Barack Obama was ushered into the presidency of the United States.
Continue reading “Russian Official: Obama is a Communist KGB Agent”

The Ulsterman Report  Less than a month ago a United States ambassador and three other Americans were killed during a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  For days the Obama administration denied the attacks were terrorist related.  Now intelligence figures from within the American government are letting it be known how the Obama White House has repeatedly ignored and then covered up information and events that put the safety and security of the United States in danger.
Continue reading “BREAKING: CIA Turns On Obama – Indicating Significant Cover-Up”

White Owl Conspiracy

‘During remarks that she made for the 15th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the launch of a new program that according to Clinton will now become the centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy. This new program is known as the Global Health Initiative, and it is being incredibly well-funded at a time when the U.S. government is drowning in debt.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton: Population Control Will Now Become The Centerpiece Of U.S. Foreign Policy”