It Makes Sense Blog  October 7, 2012. Vicksburg. The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 1930’s Germany. Regardless of their name, the Dept of Homeland Security has just graduated its first class of 231 Homeland Youth. Kids, aged 18-24 and recruited from the President’s AmeriCorp volunteers, they represent the first wave of DHS’s youth corps, designed specifically to create a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA Youth across the country.

Continue reading “Homeland Security graduates first Corps of Obama’s Brown Shirts – Homeland Youth”

Veterans Today  How the Masters of the Universe Infect the Internet

An Ex- Shill

I am writing here to come out of the closet as a paid shill. For a little over six months, I was paid to spread disinformation and argue political points on the Internet. This site, xxx, was NOT one that I was assigned to post on, although other people in the same organization were paid to be here, and I assume they still walk among you. But more on this later.
Continue reading “Diary of an Israeli Shill”

By the time this article comes out the Great Debate will be a part of the history of our once great nation.  Will Romney persevere?  Or will Obama turn the tables?  This debate could very well decide the 2012 Election.  For the five of you out there still stupid enough to buy into this shit in the smallest degree, I hope it is your children who are the first to die in World War III, which, for your information, is already under way, as the US’s proxy Turkey and the Russian proxy Syria are trading lead as you are reading this article.

Barry the Rat Obama has a strike team ready to start hammering Northern Africa in retaliation for the CIA Mossad hit on Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi.  US troops are stationed on the Jordanian/Syrian border.  A Russian commercial flight was forced to land in Turkey where Russian citizens were mistreated and denied access to representatives of their embassy.  Japan is thinking about invading some islands that belong to China.  The US dollar is destined to crash which should put the world in a depression by Christmas, which should lead to a world famine right in the middle of a world war.
Continue reading “Romney and Obama – The Great Debate”

Reality Survival  What type of emergency are you preparing for (economic collapse, terrorist attack, Electro-Magnetic Pulse, natural disaster, hyper-inflation, etc)?  Nobody knows what exactly the future holds; therefore nobody knows specifically how to prepare.  When selecting a weapon, the shotgun seems to prove more versatile than most of the others.  This jack of all trades weapon can do all things from put food on the table (bird shot) to defend against hostiles (buck shot) and put down wild predators (slugs).
Continue reading “Best SHTF Shotgun?”

Well it seems Barack Obama has thrown Hillary Clinton under the bus, who turned around and threw Susan Rice under the bus…poor bus, now it’s got ugly all underneath it.  We of course are referring to the killing of the American Ambassador in Benghazi, our latest Washington scandal.

Apparently there were requests coming out of Tripoli for additional security as those Al Qaeda we had supported over there had taken a notion that they didn’t like us anymore.  Again, apparently these cries for help from the wilderness were ignored by Susan Rice, Hillary the Hut, and Barry the Rat.
Continue reading “Benghazi Debacle: Obama, Clinton, Rice, Let’s have a Sitdown”

America taught the world to be manufacturers. We honored the ingenuity of those who sparked the industrial revolution. We filled our country coast to coast with factories that gave meaningful jobs to the  people.  People who could feed their families till their bellies were overfull and live in a nice place with the wages they were paid.  But we gave it up.

We gave it up by encouraging the factories to leave America behind to set up in other countries with grand tax incentives for leaving their dedicated employees in the lurch.  Gone are the venues of production that gave us a tangible way to dig ourselves out of any economic problem.  We allowed it to slip through our fingers until it was no longer available when we needed it.  We could have stopped it.  We should have stopped it.
Continue reading “What We Gave Up”

The level to which world events are being staged and conducted has reached an apex.  Have you noticed in the past week how the mainstream propaganda seems to have stalled?  When a new production is run, we see it unfold, day by day, as the choreographers have intended.  But right now we are seeing a handful of issues being reported, re-reported, and re-re-reported.  So, did the world stop turning or have we been put in a holding pattern?  Have the elitist in power gone as far as they dare to until after the election?

Any time I see the propaganda machine appearing to be stuck in a rut I begin to wonder what exactly is going on within the think tanks and at the highest echelons for the false reality production.  If you think about it, right now, or at least within a day, we could be looking at a worldwide financial collapse, World War III, a false flag within the United States bigger than 9/11, perhaps all of the above or any combination thereof.
Continue reading “The News Today is the Same as it was Yesterday, Only it Happened Today”

Headlines coming out of the mainstream read, “Fears Syria’s Civil War will spread” and “Will the US be dragged into the conflict”.  I realize the mainstream reporting coming out of the Middle East is scant and one sided to a fault, but do they really believe us to be this naïve?

Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and John Bolton are all but on the ground, kicking and screaming, to be given the go ahead for an invasion into Syria, while the US CIA and Israeli Mossad are implementing black ops in the countries bordering Syria, putting forth a total effort to escalate the internal conflict to outside Syria’s borders.
Continue reading “Will Duplicity Drag the US into Syria?”

Mitt Romney has stated that he will end funding for Public Broadcasting System if he is elected president and the uproar can be heard across our nation.  Truly amazing.  The NDAA with Sections 1021 and 1022, calling for military arrests and indefinite detention for US nationals, is put into law, seemingly without any objection from the general population.  But suggest defunding PBS and immediately the people begin to organize in opposition.

A million muppet march on Washington Mall is being called for on November 3rd.  At issue is $445 million of government funding for PBS.  It is very interesting how different concepts are pulled apart and reassembled in double negatives.  The very idea of public broadcast is independence and freedom from influence.  I guess the thought here is that the government does not influence those it finances.  Do you believe that?
Continue reading “Will World War III Reach Sesame Street?”

Only a handful of families control the banks that control the private issue of all money. Their business is simple:

1.      Through whatever political means obtain the sole rights to issue currency;

2.      Make borrowing easy for everyone and issue loans using fractional reserve   ie. PRINT as much money as is required and charge interest;

3       Promote social welfare and warfare as socially acceptable in all nation states and supply the funding required through bond financing   ie. PRINT as much money as is required and charge the country interest on their debt;
Continue reading “The Coming! FALSE FLAG EVENT and the Control of all Wealth”

Daily Paul – by The South  Yes, you read that correctly; it is true, and is now on the court record; black ink on white paper. Please read on:

A lot of us have been exposing the crime of the UNITED STATES corporation for many years, but until recently, no one has had the proof that all government offices are vacant; no one is home; those supposed government offices/agencies are being occupied by PRIVATE CONTRACTORS and are NOT being occupied by a legitimate government body.

This is equivalent to the ice cream man knocking on your door and extorting taxes from you. He has no lawful authority to do anything other than drive the ice cream truck – he’s not a government official; he’s an ice cream man.
Continue reading “Rod Class gets FOURTH Administrative Ruling “Gov’t Offices are Vacant”- All Gov’t Officials are “Private Contractors””

The mainstream propaganda machine is now moving into its next production which will intensify through the fraudulent election cycle right up until the final crash of our economy.  Behold the new slogans, “Clock ticking towards fiscal cliff; still no fix from DC”, “Report: Fiscal cliff could cause stock market correction”, “Battle over government spending intensifying as election nears”, and “Taxpayers on edge as fiscal cliff nears”.

Well I guess we should be on edge as this is the end of the world as we know it.  If things go ahead as planned, every member of the 99% will have $3600 less to spend in the coming year.  And this is not counting the $2600 penalty for those making too much to get free health care but too little to purchase it privately, thanks to Obamacare.
Continue reading “The Fiscal Cliff – This is the End My Friend”

The New American  – by  Bob Adelmann

The latest executive order (EO) emanating from the White House October 9 now claims the power to freeze all bank accounts and stop any related financial transactions that a “sanctioned person” may own or try to perform — all in the name of “Iran Sanctions.”
Continue reading “Another Obama Executive Order Allows Seizure of Americans’ Bank Accounts”

Well Iran is coming after we the people of the United States again.  This time they are attacking our computer systems, which I find interesting in that as far as technology we are supposed to believe that Iran, that has only reached the stage in technological nuclear development that we were at in the 1940s, has advanced in reference to computers to the point that they represent a threat to our own systems here in the United States.

If the Iranians have made these giant leaps forward, shouldn’t we be extending the hand of friendship in order that they might teach us?  This is a load of malarkey.  The only ones hacking into our computers are the Israelis, which isn’t really that great of feat considering we have turned over our cyber security to them.
Continue reading “Can Israel Save the US from Iran?”

RT News  The Swiss Army is preparing contingency plans for violent unrest across Europe. A nation mostly famous for its banks, watches and chocolate fears it may face a massive influx of European refugees in the near future.

One of the world’s richest nations openly expressed concerns over the possible outcome of Europe’s continuing financial troubles, and is currently conducting army exercises against the possibility of riots along its borders.
Continue reading “Switzerland arming in preparation for European meltdown?”


The proposers that are pushing eugenics and forced sterilization should all be made to LEAD BY EXAMPLE.  This would shut up the Bill Gates Foundation and all the other loudmouth organizations and idiot people such as Bill Maher.

All the people in the world if placed in Australia would each have 1 acre of land. The earth has abundance of land capable of correct use in feeding and caring for its people, there is an ocean of water under the Sahara,  it is only the gross inequity and heavily funded corporations treated as people that lets the world population down.
Continue reading “The Hypocrites”

The treasonous little neo-con pimp, Rand Paul, stepped up front and center yesterday to declare himself a lucrative part of the international socialist insurgency.  Yeah, Rand was just one of the boys giving his expert opinion on how his insurgent brother, Paul Ryan, should handle himself at the debate.  Rand is actually unique in the world of traitors, as, considering that his father is Ron Paul, he knows exactly what he is doing when he steps up to commit treason.

The theory is that during this phony debate, which will have already happened by the time this article comes out, the sleazy old commie degenerate Joe Biden will attack his opponent with the fact that Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney want to go after Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps, to save us from economic disaster, of course.  And this is where the sleazy little Rand Paul comes in.
Continue reading “Rand Paul Speaks out for Zion”

Before It’s News- by Josey Wales  Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite.

Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul’s positions today.

This is proof that there are plans in place by the elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty. I wonder who those elite are. Continue reading “List Of The Elite That Run The Federal Reserve”

Living Lies Garfield Firm

Editor’s Comment: Barry Fagan is pulling out the stops and challenging the CA AG to do her job. I am surprised that those who specialize in administrative law have not used the presumed findings of several Federal and State agencies as to a pattern of conduct that is fraudulent and which requires forgery to proffer in court and perjury to testify as to the foundation that would authenticate the invalid documents. Such administrative findings usually carry a presumption of validity.
Continue reading “Barry Fagan Launches Administrative Counter Attack”