The future King of England must also humble himself, put on a Kippah, & bow before his Talmudic masters. The Rothschild family subjugated the British isles to the Kahal more than 200 years ago.

3 thoughts on “The future King of England must also humble himself, put on a Kippah, & bow before his Talmudic masters. The Rothschild family subjugated the British isles to the Kahal more than 200 years ago.

  1. Had to look up this word:

    Kahal, noun: The local governing body of a former European Jewish community administering religious, legal and communal affairs.

    Blurb above the tweet says, “The Rothschild family subjugated the British isles to the Kahal more than 200 years ago.” 200 years should have given William enough time to take things back to British rule, but no, so now he is one of them. Will he sit down with any Palestinians to hear how genocide is raining down on them?!!


  2. Another misleading headline. Actually ALL “royal” bloodlines around the world were “taken over” by marrying jewish daughters into them. 200 years ago? No, a bit more than that! As theirs is a matrilineal bloodline that means that ALL royal bloodlines are now jewish royal bloodlines. This “subjugation” they speak of is more stage theater magic ritual than anything else.

  3. But of course! If Congress and the Senate can do it…. And Biden, and Trump, and RFK Jr….. and “Christian” Zionists….

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