Norfolk FlattopsBusiness Insider – by Stephen Collinson, Agence France Presse

President Barack Obama will Tuesday paint a devastating picture of looming government budget cuts, at a fabled shipbuilding yard in Virginia that provides the US Navy’s nuclear powered aircraft carriers.

The trip will intensify the president’s effort to hike pressure on Republicans to agree on tax increases to avert $85 billion in automatic spending cuts this year, which experts warn could stagger the fragile economy. Continue reading “Obama Is Headed To Virginia, Ground Zero Of The Sequestration Cuts”

Be Your Own Leader – by Dana Gabriel

The U.S. and EU have agreed to launch negotiations on what would be the world’s largest free trade deal. Such an agreement would be the basis for the creation of an economic NATO and would include trade in goods, services and investment, as well as cover intellectual property rights. There are concerns that the U.S. could use these talks to push the EU to loosen its restrictions on genetically modified crops and foods. In addition, the deal might serve as a backdoor means to implement ACTA which was rejected by the European Parliament last year. A U.S.-EU Transatlantic trade agreement is seen as a way of countering China’s growing power and is the foundation for a new global economic order. Continue reading “U.S.-EU Trade Deal is the Foundation For a New Global Economic Order”

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to the National Governors Association in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington February 25, 2013. REUTERS/Kevin LamarqueReuters – by Jim Finkle

A senior adviser to President Barack Obama said the White House will soon renew efforts to push cybersecurity legislation through Congress, though he foresaw an uphill battle given the failure of the last attempt.

Daniel said the White House has begun drafting “key legislative principles” for a new bill that it believes can pass both the House and Senate this time. Continue reading “White House will soon revive cybersecurity legislation push”

SWAT officers can be seen at a standoff in Sylmar last year. The LAPD is looking into whether SWAT officers bought large numbers of handguns and resold them for substantial profits.LA Times

The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating whether members of its elite SWAT unit took advantage of their assignments to purchase large numbers of specially-made handguns and resell the weapons for steep profits, according to a report released Friday by the independent watchdog overseeing the department.

The allegations, if true, could be a violation of federal firearm laws and city ethics regulations. Continue reading “LAPD launches probe into alleged resale of weapons by SWAT officers”

Toy GunCBS St Louis KMOX

While St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson is raising funds for a gun buyback program, Pastor Rodney Francis of the Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church wants to catch kids before they even think about wielding a weapon.

His church is planning a toy gun buyback later this summer. Continue reading “Pastor Plans Toy Gun Buyback Program”

GrrrrOilPrice – by Daniel J. Graeber

The Israeli government awarded a local subsidiary of U.S.-based Genie Energy the rights to explore for oil and natural gas in about 150 square miles of the southern section of the Golan Heights. The United Nations last year extended the mandate for the region’s U.N. Disengagement Observer Force mission, one of the oldest peacekeeping missions, for another six months. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said keeping Blue Helmets stationed in the area was essential to peace given the potential for conflict spilling out of the Syrian civil war.

Genie Energy said there may be a significant amount of oil and natural gas in the license area. When Israel set its sights on offshore natural gas, Hezbollah warned that Israel shouldn’t encroach on Lebanese territory. If recent concerns about Hezbollah’s influence are any indication, the Shiite resistance movement may focus its guns onshore amid expanding Israeli energy interests. With former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney serving as an adviser to Genie, however, the implications may go beyond immediate worries over Hezbollah. Continue reading “Cheney-Linked Company to Drill in Occupied Golan Heights”

Fox News Insider

In the latest twist and turn to take place on the issue of gun control in the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court may decide to hear a case that could make it illegal to carry a concealed weapon.

This comes after a Federal Appeals Court in Illinois decided that a person’s right to carry a concealed weapon is not protected under the Second Amendment. Colorado, however, recently refused to reconsider a previous ruling that the state’s ban on concealed carrying is unconstitutional. Because of the contradiction, it’s predicted that the country’s highest court will be forced to rule on the constitutionality of it once and for all. Continue reading “Supreme Court May Be Forced to Rule on Americans’ Right to Carry Concealed Weapons”

Department of Justice

Greg Ridgeway, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
National Institute of Justice

January 4, 2013

On average there are about 11,000 firearm homicides every year. While there are deaths resulting from accidental discharges and suicides, this document will focus on intentional firearm homicides. Fatalities from mass shootings (those with 4 or more victims in a particular place and time) account on average for 35 fatalities per year. Policies that address the larger firearm homicide issue will have a far greater impact even if they do not address the particular issues of mass shootings. Continue reading “DOJ’s Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies”

International Man – by Jeff Thomas

Recently, Ed Steer of Ed Steer’s Gold and Silver Daily received a letter from a reader, Harry Morgan, describing a problem that he encountered in selling ten ounces of silver to a local jewelry store.

Mr. Morgan was successful in selling his silver to the store, but before the transaction could be made, he had to submit to mandatory fingerprinting. He then found that payment for precious metals in excess of $600 must be by cheque, necessitating a deposit into a bank account.’ Continue reading “The Shearing of the Sheeple”

The Daily Caller – by Patrick Howley

The liberal organization Progressive USA Voters, which is housed in the same progressive Denver office building as a chapter of the infamous left-wing astroturf group ProgressNow, is offering an hourly wage of between $9 and $11 to join its gun-control campaign in Chicago, according to a flyer that was photographed and posted to Reddit Friday. Continue reading “Liberal astroturf group offering $9 to $11 per hour to join its gun-control campaign”

Texas Straight Talk – by Ron Paul

While I oppose most gun control proposals, there is one group of Americans I do believe should be disarmed: federal agents. The use of force by federal agents to enforce unjust and unconstitutional laws is one of the major, albeit overlooked, threats to liberty. Too often Americans are victimized by government force simply for engaging in commercial transactions disproved of by Congress and the federal bureaucracy. Continue reading “When they came for the Raw Milk drinkers…”

martial lawBefore It’s News – by Anonymous

It is time to get serious.  Martial Law is the system of rules that become reality when the military takes over the regular administration of justice in a land.  That is to say, Martial Law means the “suspension” of the Constitution.  Curfews, rationing of basic goods, enforced relocations, confiscation of firearms and supplies, and summary arrest/execution by soldiers and paramilitary police wielding assault rifles. Continue reading “What We Must Do when Facing Martial Law”

The Washington Post – by Ed O’Keefe

A bipartisan group of senators is on the verge of a deal that would expand background checks to all private firearms sales with limited exemptions, but significant disagreements remain on the issue of keeping records of private gun sales, according to aides familiar with the talks.

An agreement would be a bold first step toward consideration of legislation to limit gun violence in the wake of the mass shootings at a Connecticut elementary school in December and comes as the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected this week to begin considering new proposals to limit gun violence. Continue reading “Senators near a deal on background checks for most private gun sales”

Oregon Firearms FederationOregon Firearms Federation

Two days after Senate Democrats claimed they would not seek a ban on modern firearms and feeding devices, Democrats in the Oregon House introduced just that.

Seven Senators joined with eight House Reps to introduce a sweeping ban on virtually all modern firearms. Among the Senators is, of course, Ginny Burdick, who claimed on Wednesday “that she is backing off an attempt to push through a bill on gun clips that she drafted following the December shootings at the Clackamas Mall.”   The other sponsors are: Continue reading “Massive Gun Ban Introduced in Oregon”

2nd amendmentLiving not Surviving- by Ahmed Serag

”A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

-AMENDMENT II, Constitution for the United States of America

Today, February 23, 2013, the day after George Washington’s 281st birthday, is America’s National Gun Confiscation Day of Resistance.  Continue reading “National Gun Confiscation Day of Resistance Today”