Texas State Troopers in a helicopter (Texas Dept. of Public Safety)Raw Story – by David Edwards

Officials in Texas announced on Thursday that State Troopers would no longer be allowed to open fire on suspects from helicopters after the recent killing of two immigrants.

While announcing the new policy, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw insisted that the ban on aerial shootings had nothing to do with the October 2012 death of two Guatemalan immigrants, who were gunned down by troopers in helicopter while they were hiding in the back of a speeding pickup truck near La Joya. Continue reading “Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters”

fbiYahoo News – by Dashiell Bennett | The Atlantic Wire

Approximately 150 federal and state law enforcement agents launched a massive raid on one of the biggest perpetrators of government fraud in America: The Scooter Store. Yes, that’s right. The nation’s largest provider of single-person electric vehicles and power chairs is the target of a federal investigation, probably because many of the people who ride around their “personal mobility devices” don’t actually need them. Continue reading “FBI Declares War on The Scooter Store”

Retired Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore, far left at lectern, appears Thursday at a news conference at the Chicago Military Academy in Bronzeville.Chicago Tribune – by Lolly Bowean, Chicago Tribune reporter

To reduce the homicides and shootings plaguing Chicago streets, elected officials should consider calling on the state and federal governments for help, even the National Guard if necessary, said a retired Army lieutenant general who spearheaded the military response after Hurricane Katrina. Continue reading “Retired general says National Guard could help curb Chicago violence”

Gun measuresAmerican nationals need to show up at these events armed to confront these parasitic communist infringers.  Then let so called law enforcement show themselves as either patriots or lackeys for the insurgency.

LA Times – by Matea Gold and Melanie Mason, Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — The nonprofit advocacy group that inherited President Obama‘s grass-roots campaign infrastructure faces the first real test of its political might Friday, when it holds a series of volunteer-driven events in support of the president’s gun violence reduction plan. Continue reading “Obama advocacy group plans Day of Action”

Fisker660.jpgFox News

Republican senators complained Wednesday that U.S. taxpayer dollars could end up boosting the Chinese economy, following reports that a Chinese firm is leading the pack of companies bidding for a majority stake in government-backed Fisker Automotive.

The troubled California-based electric car maker, which was backed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of nearly $530 million, for months has been looking for a financial partner. Reuters reported earlier this week that China’s Zhejiang Geely Holding Group is favored to take over, though Fisker is also reportedly weighing a bid from another Chinese auto maker.  Continue reading “Senators raise alarm over another possible sale of taxpayer-backed firm to Chinese”

Man with Down Syndrome Dies While in Police Custody; Medical Examiner Rules the Death a HomicideGawker – by Neetzan Zimmerman

The death of a Maryland man with Down syndrome who was in police custody following his arrest inside a local movie theater has been ruled a homicide by the Baltimore County Medical Examiner’s office.

Robert Saylor of New Market and a health aide had just finished watching Zero Dark Thirty at the Regal Cinemas Westview Stadium 16 on the night of January 12th, when Saylor requested to see it again. Continue reading “Man with Down Syndrome Dies While in Police Custody; Medical Examiner Rules the Death a Homicid”

Lone Star Watchdog

I can tell the anti-gun crowd is getting wackier by the day. They think we buy this garbage hook, line and sinker. These people are chicken necks and absolute morons. If it was not for political brown-nosing of the suck up Police Chiefs, they would not qualify selling Kirby vacuum cleaners. Police Chiefs in these big cities are not elected. They are appointed by the Mayor and prostitute for the Federal Government frequently to get Federal Grant money.

These people are nuts. They think they are making these statements in a vacuum. The more they talk in front of the microphone touting anti gun advice. The more they make an ass of themselves in front of the people. The pro gun arguments are winning the hearts and minds of the people. Continue reading “5 Examples of Bad Advice From Gun Grabbers on How to Defend Yourself Being Disarmed”

obama dronesSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The Department of Homeland Security recently advanced a plan to deploy “public safety” drones in the skies over America, an action Congress authorized last year and called for the deployment of 30,000 drone surveillance vehicles by 2020.

While DHS head Janet Napolitano says the primary mission for domestic drones is for situational awareness in “large public safety [matters] or disasters”, President Obama may have a different idea for how best to implement this next generation of frightening surveillance technology. Continue reading “Obama Moves To Authorize Domestic Drone Strikes: “The Rules Outside Of The United States Are Going To Be Different Than The Rules Inside Of The United States””

GOLD-FIXING/Blacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

The U.S. Treasury just released a new report claiming to have performed an audit of U.S. gold held by the Federal Reserve. To be blunt, the report is a complete joke. The report says that the Treasury’s Office of Inspector General performed an audit of the U.S. Treasury’s schedule of U.S. gold reserves held by the Federal Reserve. In other words the report states that they performed an audit of a paper trail and not the actual gold itself. What good is this so-called audit if all they did was check some numbers listed on a schedule? There is little doubt that this report is part of a deliberate disinformation campaign to mislead people into believing that a real audit of U.S. gold reserves was performed. Continue reading “Treasury’s Audit of the Federal Reserve’s Gold Is Pure Propaganda”

The Pentagon is creating the Distinguished Warfare Medal to recognize UAV pilots.Air Force Times – by Andrew Tilghman

The Pentagon sparked an uproar among troops and veterans when it revealed that a new high-level medal honoring drone pilots will rank above some traditional combat valor medals in the military’s “order of precedence.”

The Distinguished Warfare Medal will be awarded to pilots of unmanned aircraft, offensive cyberwar experts or others who are directly involved in combat operations, but who are not physically in theater and facing the physical risks that warfare historically entails. Continue reading “New high-tech warfare medal draws backlash”

toy gunInfowars – by Steve Watson

A ten year old Virginia boy who was arrested earlier this month for taking a plastic toy gun to school is facing a potentially permanent criminal record over the incident.

The boy, who remains unnamed by the media, hit headlines after Douglas MacArthur Elementary School officials searched his bag and found an orange tipped plastic toy gun, following complaints from parents who said their children had seen the boy playing with the fake firearm on the school bus. Continue reading “Ten Year Old Arrested For Toy Gun Has Probation Officer, Lawyers And Second Court Date”

bloombergChicago Now – by Dennis Byrne

Buying the election, that’s what. You’d think that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s south suburban and Kankakee district has become a New York City borough from the way that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is spreading around campaign contributions there.

Reports Huff Post Politics: Continue reading “What’s New York Mayor Bloomberg’s millions doing in the election to replace Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.?”

bank of americaAg Beat- by Destiny Bennett

Bank of America and the NY Fed

Most people have their own thoughts on what started the recession in 2008, but there’s a general acknowledgement that banks and mortgage lenders were responsible for a large part of it. Under-qualified home buyers were being granted mortgages that they ultimately weren’t able to pay back, causing a huge crash that crippled the economy. Many companies decided to retaliate and seek lawsuits against big banks, thinking they would have a strong case. But as AIG recently found out, the government sided with the lenders, ultimately granting a bailout and dismissing one from a great deal of liability. Continue reading “Bank of America secretly bailed out by Federal Reserve”

Insurance News Report – by Helen Cutner

The new proposal from State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz suggests that owners will need to be covered.

Bill S2353 has just been introduced into the New York State Assembly by Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-Brooklyn), which would make it required for residents of the state to have to obtain liability gun insurance in order to be able to own a firearm.

The bill identifies not only the minimum coverage but also the consequences for failure to buy a policy. Continue reading “Gun insurance bill in New York to require liability coverage”