BitcoinsExtreme Tech – by Ryan Whitwam

Closing down the Silk Road and arresting its alleged operator has left the FBI in uncharted territory. After shuttering the hidden site, law enforcement went to work confiscating the money and materials belonging to supposed drug kingpin Ross Ulbricht, but this usually routine procedure is proving especially troublesome in this case. The cache of more than 600,000 bitcoins in Ulbricht’s personal fortune are still inaccessible to the FBI.   Continue reading “FBI unable to seize 600,000 Bitcoins from Silk Road operator”

Top Secret Writers- by Kathleen Roberts

Why would a bright and promising cardiologist be fired from the University hospital that she had practiced at since 2000?

Apparently, protecting her patients is grounds for dismissal. At least, that is the case at Northwestern University in Illinois.

Despite being promoted to Valve Director in 2006, Dr. Nalini M. Rajamannan was terminated in 2008 after reporting the use of non-FDA approved, experimental medical devices being implanted in patients without their knowledge.   Continue reading “Whistleblower Terminated from Northwestern for Revealing Human Experimentation”

Ron Paul Institute – by Ron Paul

Last week, for the first time since the 1979 Iranian revolution, the US president spoke with his Iranian counterpart. Their 15 minute telephone call was reported to open the door to further high-level discussions. This is a very important event.

I have been saying for years that we should just talk to the Iranians. After all, we talked to the Soviets when they actually had thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at us! The Iranians have none, according to our own intelligence services. I even suggested a few years ago that we should “offer friendship” to them. Unfortunately, so many so-called experts have a stake in keeping tensions high and pushing us to war. They did not want to hear what I was saying. It seems, though, this is beginning to change now with these recent events.   Continue reading “An Opening to Iran?”

The Justice Department is seeking the dismissal of a House lawsuit demanding that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. produce records on Operation Fast and Furious. President Obama has invoked executive privilege in the matter. (Associated Press)Washington Post – by John Solomon

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is blocking the main whistleblower in the Fast and Furious case from publishing a book, claiming his retelling of the Mexico “gun-walking” scandal will hurt morale inside the embattled law enforcement agency, according to documents obtained by The Washington Times.

ATF’s dispute with Special Agent John Dodson is setting up a First Amendment showdown that is poised to bring together liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and conservatives in Congress who have championed Mr. Dodson’s protection as a whistleblower.   Continue reading “ATF tries to block whistleblowing agent’s Fast and Furious book”

The Independent Sentinel – by Sara Nobel

Take a look at these third grade Common Core worksheets [Correction: Common Core-aligned worksheets].*

The first story for third graders takes a twisted social work approach to learning. The next story is about a cheating husband and father, and, again, it’s for third grade.   Continue reading “Common Core Reaches a New Low – Check This Out!”

Gold Bars Bloomberg – by Nicholas Larkin & Debarati Roy

Ben S. Bernanke, the world’s most-powerful central banker, says he doesn’t understand gold prices. If his peers had paid attention, they might have stopped expanding reserves that lost $545 billion in value since bullion peaked in 2011.

Bernanke, who holds economics degrees from Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and led the Federal Reserve through the biggest financial disaster since the Great Depression, told the Senate Banking Committee in July that “nobody really understands gold prices and I don’t pretend to really understand them either.”   Continue reading “Gold Befuddles Bernanke as Central Banks’ Losses at $545 Billion”

Breitbart – by ELIZABETH SHELD

The official Amber Alert page is

The Amber Alert is a national program that alerts the public when a child has been abducted.  The Department of Justice broadcasts specific information about missing children so the public can be on the look out for the child and/or the abductor.    Continue reading “Spite House: Amber Alerts Shut Off, Let’s Move Still Up and Running”

ad8b89eeaf236a213f0f6a706700fd8d.jpgFox News

BALI, INDONESIA –  The U.S. and Russia are set to hold their first high-level talks since sealing a deal to secure and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons and the onset of an apparent warming between Iran and the West.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are to meet on Monday to discuss both issues on the sidelines of an economic summit in Indonesia. They will be comparing notes on progress made since they negotiated the Syria agreement.   Continue reading “US, Russia set for first high-level talks since Syria chemical weapons deal, Iran warming”

To be honest, I have never been interested in zombie movies.  Until “World War Z,” I had only seen three such movies in my life.  And, I’ve managed to get through the last decade without seeing even one of the zombie movies that Hollywood has flooded the theaters with.

Even before I knew anything about how “they,” the ruling elite, convey their messages through the movies, television, books, etc., via ‘predictive programming,’ I became curiously concerned at the amount of zombie movies in the last decade alone, and when the zombies invaded prime time television, my concern, as well as my curiosity, was piqued.   Continue reading “The Esoteric Message of “World War Z” the Movie”

President Barack Obama during his Friday interview with the Associated Press. (Charles Dharapak/AP)Sports Illustrated

President Barack Obama is the latest to weigh in on the subject of the Washington Redskins’ name. In an interview with the Associated Press on Friday, the President said that if he owned the team, a change in nickname would be considered.

“I don’t know whether our attachment to a particular name should override the real legitimate concerns that people have about these things,” Obama said, adding that team names like “Redskins” offend “a sizeable group of people.”   Continue reading “Obama suggests Redskins name change; team’s lawyer responds defiantly”


NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) Newtown voters have accepted a $50 million grant from the state of Connecticut to build a new Sandy Hook Elementary School, the site of last year’s school massacre.

The unofficial results Saturday were 4,504 for the grant offer and 558 against. The vote was essentially a formality since a task force of Newtown officials decided in May in favor of a plan to tear down the school and build a new one. Sandy Hook students have been attending classes at a school in neighboring Monroe.   Continue reading “Newtown voters accept grant to rebuild Sandy Hook”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

Japan’s government has agreed to give Washington $3 billion to facilitate the downsizing of the U.S. Marine force on Okinawa.

The longstanding American military presence on Okinawa has been a sore point for many Japanese living on the strategic island, which has been under U.S. control since World War II.

Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel met with Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera to sign an amendment to the 2009 Guam International Agreement (pdf), which calls for removing 4,000 Marines from the island.   Continue reading “Japanese Government Agrees to Spend $3 Billion to Boot U.S. Marines out of Okinawa”

Trans-Pacific Partnership talks, Brunei Aug. 2013CTV News

BALI, Indonesia — Talks on a trans-Pacific trade pact are forging ahead with hopes of meeting a year-end deadline, officials said Saturday, despite U.S. President Barack Obama’s absence due to the government shutdown.

Obama had intended to thrash out issues with leaders of the 11 other trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, member countries on the sidelines of the Asian-Pacific regional summit in Bali on Monday and Tuesday.   Continue reading “U.S. pushing Trans-Pacific Partnership agenda despite government shutdown”

My Fox Tampa Bay

BARTOW (FOX 13) – It’s a small sign with a big message, but Bartow residents are now being ordered to uproot their “God Bless America” yard signs.

About 300 of the signs were handed out at First Baptist Church of Bartow following a Fourth of July sermon. But three months later, City of Bartow Code Enforcement says the temporary signs have worn out their welcome.   Continue reading “City bans ‘God Bless America’ signs”

This might as well be an article from the height of the USSR.

The Daily Caller – by Alex Pappas

In a stunning development, some military priests are facing arrest if they celebrate mass or practice their faith on military bases during the federal government shutdown.

“With the government shutdown, many [government service] and contract priests who minister to Catholics on military bases worldwide are not permitted to work – not even to volunteer,” wrote John Schlageter, the general counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, in an op-ed this week. “During the shutdown, it is illegal for them to minister on base and they risk being arrested if they attempt to do so.”   Continue reading “Priests threatened with arrest if they minister to military during shutdown”

Fox News

GRANTS PASS, ORE. –  A 14-year-old boy on a deer hunting trip shot and killed two others in the hunting party at a cabin in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon, then accidentally shot and wounded himself, authorities said Thursday.

Authorities would not say whether they think the shooting of the two men was an accident or intentional, or whether the shooting occurred inside or outside the cabin. They were all part of a group staying at the cabin.   Continue reading “Oregon teen fatally shoots 2 men on hunting trip, sheriff says”

Blacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

Washington DC was temporarily placed on police lockdown following a bizarre incident where a woman was said to have rammed a security barricade near the White House. After ramming the security barricade the woman who had a young child with her was pursued by several Capitol Police cruisers and brutally shot to death by the cops. The incident resulted in an immediate police lockdown of the area with a bunch of government goons roaming around the area with weapons. The corporate media even jumped over the story providing continuous coverage while presenting the incident as a possible terror attack. Although additional details are bound to come out shedding more light on this situation, new reports have revealed that the woman was unarmed. This raises serious questions about the actions of the Capitol Police not to mention the blatant media sensationalism surrounding this event.   Continue reading “Capitol Car Chase And Shooting Happens The Same Day As Major First Responder Drill In DC Area”