If you’ve ever wondered to yourself how society got to the point where those who accept their God-given gender roles as male and female are now being pushed to the margins of mainstream culture, look no further than the infamous communist revolutionary Karl Marx. His tactical blueprints for transforming a society from free to enslaved actually necessitate the reassigning of normal human behaviors as obscure, a process that includes making up words like “cis-gender,” for instance, which are meant to normalize depraved concepts like “transgender.” Continue reading “How the LGBT agenda pushers invented the term “cis-gendered” to try to make transgenderism appear normal”
Author: Galen
Experts have revealed the myriad ways that your car can spy on your personal habits.
Automakers track your vehicle’s location, how fast you drive, what entertainment you listen to, through internet-connected systems in modern cars.
Newer cars can even record a driver’s eye movements, the weight of people in the front seats, the weather on your street, and where you prefer to eat. Continue reading “How your car is SPYING on you: Experts reveal how automakers can track everything from your weight to the food you eat using in-built sensors”
“If history is deprived of the Truth, we are left with nothing but an idle, unprofitable tale.”
“Monarchy degenerates into tyranny, aristocracy into oligarchy, and democracy into savage violence and chaos.”
“Nor ought we ever to allow any growing power to acquire such a degree of strength as to be able to tear from us, without resistance, our natural, undisputed rights.” Continue reading “Quotes by Polybius, Greek Historian, 200 B.C.”
Williams College is one of at least 100 campuses with a system in place for students to report each other for saying or doing something slightly offensive. These trivially disturbing occurrences are known as “bias incidents”—and at Williams, virtually anything could qualify.
According to the Massachusetts college’s website, “name-calling and stereotyping” are examples of bias. Telling a joke that draws its humor from a stereotype is also wrong. Students shouldn’t use slurs, or the word “gay” as an insult, or display “a sign that is colorcoded pink for girls and blue for boys,” or imitate someone’s “cultural norm or practice.” Continue reading “Williams College Students Can Report Each Other for ‘Making Comments on Social Media’ About Religion or Politics”
A historian has discovered a royal decree issued to Donald Trump’s grandfather ordering him to leave Germany and never come back.
Friedrich Trump, a German, was issued with the document in February 1905, and ordered to leave the kingdom of Bavaria within eight weeks as punishment for having failed to do mandatory military service and failing to give authorities notice of his departure to the US when he first emigrated in 1885. Continue reading “Historian finds German decree banishing Trump’s grandfather”
Federal judge Gloria Navarro slammed the FBI and Justice Department on Monday, Jan. 8, for “outrageous” abuses and “flagrant misconduct” in the prosecution of Cliven Bundy and sons, the Nevada ranchers who spurred a high-profile standoff with the FBI and Bureau of Land Management in 2014. Navarro condemned the “grossly shocking” withholding of evidence from defense counsel in a case that could have landed the Bundys in prison for the rest of their lives. Navarro, who had declared a mistrial last month, dismissed all charges against the Bundys. Continue reading “Fed’s misconduct in Cliven Bundy case stems from Ruby Ridge”
These brave, magnificent, bastards have your back in the times needed the most.
The Central Conference of American Rabbis at the 117th Annual Conference, held in New York City on June 26, 1937, declared for “Exemption of Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism.”
Continue reading “1937 Special Notice to all Jews”
In order to ensure that college students are completely insulated from ever having their feelings hurt, a pair of social workers believes that everyone involved with the educational system should be required to wear name tags once a week for the entirety of a semester that clearly indicates their “preferred gender pronouns.”
University of Washington lecturer Justin Lerner and Simmons College professor Dr. Anjali Fulambarker published their manifesto on this topic in a recent issue of the Journal of Teaching in Social Work, in which they argue that forcing all students to wear gender pronoun name tags will help to sanitize classrooms of “microaggressions” while helping students to “avoid being mislabeled.” Continue reading “Social Justice Warriors want students to wear name tags that describe their “preferred gender pronoun””
The United Nations has one mission above all others – to break down the borders of independent nations and mix cultures all over the planet, in order to bring all of humanity under a New World Order: a single bureaucratic tyranny. And they just made a serious move that has Patriots on edge.
U.N. Secretary General António Guterres has shared his plan to bring about mass migration across the world in the left-wing slimerag The Guardian, according to Breitbart News. Guterres is a former Socialist Party prime minister and a native of Portugal, and took the highest position in the UN on Jan. 1, 2017. Continue reading “LEAKED: New UN Boss Reveals Chilling Plot To Promote Global Mass Migration”
Things to consider before endorsing Oprah for President in 2020.
Oprah is a powerful, successful, and inspiring woman but she is not a responsible leader. Not when it comes to the most serious responsibilities of the media (reporting the truth) and government (the decision to go to war). Continue reading “Oprah’s Iraq War Propaganda”
While she has, in the past, successfully stayed out of the political fray, Dolly Parton is now making headlines as she caves to political correctness and changes the name of her dinner theaters which were formerly titled: Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede.
Apparently, “Dixie” is just too inflammatory to vacationers who might attend her venues. Continue reading “Dolly Parton Caves To Pressure And Drops “Dixie” From The Title Of Her Dinner Theaters”
A discussion on U.S. President Donald Trump’s comments on developing nations and his decision to cancel his planned working visit to the UK in February soon turned to the failures of “shithole” London city mayor Sadiq Khan, as Breitbart London editor in chief Raheem Kassam was interviewed on Britain’s Sky News. Continue reading “Kassam Blasts Sky News: Sadiq Khan’s London is a Sh*thole”
At the height of the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer reportedly arranged a payment of $130,000 to a former porn star, so she’d stay silent about an alleged affair she’d had with Trump.
That’s according to a new story by the Wall Street Journal’s Michael Rothfeld and Joe Palazzolo, published Friday. They write that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen arranged the payment to Stephanie Clifford, who went by the stage name “Stormy Daniels,” so she wouldn’t appear on national television to discuss her history with Trump in October 2016. Continue reading “Wall Street Journal: Trump’s lawyer arranged $130,000 in hush money for an ex-porn star”
Billionaire Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has announced that he will be donating $33 million to create college scholarships for 1,000 DREAMers — illegal immigrants brought into America by their parents.
Politico reports that Bezos, the billionaire CEO of e-commerce giant Amazon and owner of the Washington Post, will be donating $33 million alongside his wife MacKenzie Bezos to create college scholarships for illegal immigrant DREAMers. Bezos donation is being made to TheDream.US, a nonprofit group founded by the former owner of the Washington Post, Don Graham. According to TheDream.US website, the group is “working to help over 4,000 highly motivated DREAMers graduate from college with career-ready degrees. DREAMers are immigrant youth who came to this country at a very young age without documentation.” Continue reading “Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Announces $33 Million in Scholarships for 1000 Illegal Immigrants”