The officer kicked the 13-year-old’s legs from underneath him.New York Daily News – by Joe Kemp

The family of a 13-year-old Florida boy plans to file a complaint against police after a video posted online shows a cop kicking the teen to the ground while is hands were apparently restrained behind him.

The teenager, Keven Jean Baptiste, said his legs were kicked out from under him after police were called to the Boynton Beach street where he was tossed off a school bus for refusing to close a window.

Jean Baptiste said he has asthma and opened the window because he had trouble breathing after a classmate sprayed perfume.   Continue reading “Florida cop caught on camera kicking 13-year-old boy”

Fox 33

An Ohio teacher is caught on camera grabbing a student in an apparent fit of anger. The student’s parents are enraged and as Tim Miller reports, now they want the teacher fired.

Anthony and Autumn Nelson are still stunned by what happened to their 6-year old son Ian last Wednesday. In a video they provided to WTOL, the Riverdale School kindergartner is walking down the hallway to go to the bathroom. The surveillance camera then shows his teacher, Barb Williams, confront him as he steps out of the bathroom. The teacher grabs Ian and pins him up against the wall. Then grabs him by the face, but it doesn’t end there. She picks him up by his shirt and his head flops back. Hear his dad describes it to WTOL.   Continue reading “Caught on camera: Teacher grabs kindergartner by the face”

Yahoo Shine – by Joanna Douglas

Now that Illinois has become the 50th state to legally allow some degree of concealed weapons, several Chicago designers are ready to cash in on the change, coming up with creative and stylish ways for interested parties to hide their firearms.

According to a Gallup poll released last year, 23 percent of gun owners are women — up 13 percent from 2005. A quick Web search turns up a large variety of handbags designed to conceal weapons, but the new trend adds fashionable apparel to the mix.   Continue reading “Fashion Designers Taking Advantage of Gun Laws”

manExposing the Truth – by M. Caulfield

Officials in Halifax, Canada, have detained a man because he had been giving away money to strangers. Richard Wright had been vacationing in the city and decided to spend some of his time giving away various amounts of money to strangers on the street. When they would thank him, he would often tell them to instead “thank God,” and his daughter Chelsey claims that he was simply attempting to do good for the world.   Continue reading “Man Detained In Psychiatric Ward For Giving Out Hundreds Of Dollars To Strangers”

Mike DefazioCBC

A Saint John man who filled in some potholes with gravel has been ordered by the city to undo the work and has been told he could be fined.

Mike Defazio, who owns Defazio Autobody, says he recently blew a tire on one of several large potholes on Broadway Avenue at Simpson Drive.

“Some of them were eight or 10 inches wide and two feet long and almost a foot deep,” he told CBC News.   Continue reading “Pothole vigilante ordered to remove gravel, could face fine”

A protester walks past a burning tent camp and a fire in the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)Pontiac Tribune

The world has arrived at a critical crossing point. The stage is Ukraine. The army is you. If you’re reading this article you are participating the massive political awakening taking place across the planet since 9/11. The string pullers are panicking because they’ve lost control of their script at it’s climax. The masses flexed their collective muscle last year and stopped the US attempt to bomb Syria using Iraq-syle misinformation backed by the government’s word and their strangle hold on the US mainstream media.   Continue reading “Should NATO Go To War With Russia and China Over Ukraine?”

Burning wreckageSky News

Separatists in Slavyansk said they were fighting back against a “large-scale operation” to retake the city by Ukrainian forces.

A Reuters photographer said he had seen a military helicopter open fire on the outskirts of the town and separatists said two aircraft had been shot down.

Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov confirmed a pilot had been killed.

Posting on Facebook, he wrote: “Against Ukraine’s special forces, terrorists used heavy artillery, including grenade launchers and portable anti-aircraft missile launchers.    Continue reading “Ukraine ‘In Military Assault On Slavyansk’”

Middle school teacher provides ‘full-contact’ lap dance in front of class for birthday boyMaybe this is part of the Common Core curriculum??

Yahoo News – The Daily Caller

Prosecutors in Houston, Texas charged a middle school teacher because she gave a full-on lap dance to a boy for his birthday in front of an entire class of no-doubt impressed preteens.

The teacher, Felicia Smith, staged the lap dance in her classroom at Stovall Middle School on February 26, reports local CBS affiliate KHOU.   Continue reading “Middle school teacher provides ‘full-contact’ lap dance in front of class for birthday boy”

Digital Journal

If you are a gun owner in the United States, you may have experienced ammunition shortages at big box firearms retailers and local gun stores in the past few years. While some industry experts claim the shortages are simply due to a normal increase in consumer demand, Keith Jacobs, the founder of, says “secret gun control” tactics are also to blame.

According to Jacobs, the United States government has created false scarcity in ammunition markets by driving down the supply of ammo through major federal agency ammo purchases.    Continue reading “Are Ammo Shortages in the United States Part of a Federal Secret Gun Control Plan?”

In this file photo Dr. Fatima Kamalia, at her pediatrics practice, prepares an immunization. Ontario children will have to prove the've been immunized for whooping cough, chickenpox and meningococcal disease under new rules.The Star Canada – by Rob Ferguson

Ontario children will have to prove they’ve been immunized for whooping cough, chickenpox and meningococcal disease before reporting for school in September.

Health Minister Deb Matthews announced the change Wednesday, saying a recent outbreak of measles in Ontario has raised concerns about “protecting kids from potentially deadly diseases.”

Continue reading “3 more mandatory vaccines for Ontario schoolchildren”

Information Dissemination – by Galrahn, April 15, 2014

Tom Hill @te3ej has been tracking the Russian Tug Nikolay Chiker for the last few weeks as it made its way down to Cuba with Russia’s premier spy ship the Viktor Leonov CCB-175. Yesterday Tom Hill noted the tug has taken up position just off the coast of Florida – now for two days at 29 18 00.0N, 80 30 00.0W.

While some mock the Russians for always deploying tugs with their Navy, I’ve grown to appreciate it as I have now observe them use the tugs effectively both in soft power operations and now military operations like trapping the Ukrainian fleet. Navy’s can do a lot when they have ships with incredible utility like Fleet tugs, indeed one might ask how the US government screams really loud about climate change, but doesn’t build ships like icebreakers and fleet tugs. Continue reading “Watching the Russians… Off Florida’s Coast”

The Capitol building in Washington DCThe Telegraph – by Zachary Davies Boren

The US government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country’s citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful, a new study from Princeton and Northwestern Universities has concluded.

The report, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, used extensive policy data collected from between the years of 1981 and 2002 to empirically determine the state of the US political system.

Continue reading “The US is an oligarchy, study concludes”

high riverWinnipeg Sun – by LORNE GUNTER

The more that comes to light about the RCMP’s High River gun grab following last spring’s devastating flooding in southern Alberta, the more obvious it is the Mounties became obsessed with taking High Riverites’ guns. Rescuing people was secondary to breaking into homes without warrants and stripping the populous of their legal firearms.

It would appear that the incident is a tragic abuse of police powers against law-abiding citizens.   Continue reading “Kicking down doors of High River gun controversy”

Toronto mayoral candidate Olivia Chow said in an online chat that she agrees with the idea of a municipal handgun ban.This communist is running for mayor of Toronto against the now world famous Rob Ford. As you read the article notice how she says that only the government is allowed to have guns. You know she is off track when even the Toronto city police chief disagrees with her and cites Chicago as a failed experiment in banning hand guns.

The Star – by Daniel Dale

Mayoral candidate Olivia Chow says she supports a Toronto handgun ban.   Continue reading “Olivia Chow endorses Toronto handgun ban”