Mr. Conservative – by Warner Todd Huston

There is a new pro-Second Amendment documentary film about to hit select theaters across the country. It is called Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire and features the stories of every day Americans whose rights have been assaulted by out-of-control police agencies.

The film endeavors to clear the lies foisted upon the nation by the Old Media establishment not to mention clarify the law and how it affects we, the people.   Continue reading “The New Gun Rights Documentary That You Need to Know About”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Why did the nation of Israel attack the USS Liberty back on June 8th, 1967 killing 34 Americans? Why have Americans been lied to about this ever since?

Why didn’t America BOMB THE H*LL out of Israel after that happened?There are often claims and lots of information that the nation of Israel was responsible for not only the 9/11 attacks on America but ALSO the Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting as well as other false flag attacks upon America.   Continue reading “USS Liberty Survivor Speaks Out & Shares More About The Israeli Attack”

Dead HikerHow to Survive It – by Jeremy Knauff

Between folklore and television, there is so much false survival information floating around today that most people will probably not make it through a true survival situation. I place a large portion of the blame for this on “couch commandos.” These are the guys (and gals) who own every survival book in existence, but have never applied the techniques in the real world, so their only experience is what “should” work, which they mindlessly repeat to anyone willing to listen. This continues over and over until falsehoods become accepted as gospel, so it’s time to dispel some of these myths.   Continue reading “7 Survival Myths That Will Get You Killed”

Time World – by Simon Shuster

n Thursday evening, the Russian public got the news of President Vladimir Putin’s divorce the same way they have gotten every fact about his private life — spoon-fed to them in tiny, measured and rather tasteless doses.   Continue reading “From Russia, Without Love: Vladimir Putin Divorces Wife Lyudmila”

IRS Purchasing Surveillance Equipment: Hidden Cameras in Coffee Trays, PlantsCNS News – by Elizabeth Harrington

The IRS, currently in the midst of scandals involving the targeting of conservative groups and lavish taxpayer-funded conferences, is ordering surveillance equipment that includes hidden cameras in coffee trays, plants and clock radios.

The IRS wants to secure the surveillance equipment quickly – it posted a solicitation on June 6 and is looking to close the deal by Monday, June 10.  The agency already has a company lined up for the order but is not commenting on the details.   Continue reading “IRS Buying Spying Equipment: Covert Cameras in Coffee Trays, Plants”

randpauldudeCapitalism Institute

Rand Paul has been at the very front lines in the defense of liberty and our constitutional rights for the last couple of years. He’s taken on leadership of both parties, with an emphasis on stopping the president’s constant onslaught of unconstitutional policies.

Now, Rand Paul is saying that he’s going to likely sue the federal government over the Obama-sanctioned theft of our emails, Facebook messages, search histories, credit card information, and more. His goal is to unite internet companies, individuals, and organizations in one massive class-action lawsuit against the feds with millions of Americans standing up.   Continue reading “Rand Paul: Time for Millions of Americans to Sue the Government”

Nyc Bomb PlotHuffington Post – by MATT APUZZO and ADAM GOLDMAN

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration declassified a handful of details Tuesday that credited its PRISM Internet spying program with intercepting a key email that unraveled a 2009 terrorist plot in New York.

The details, declassified by the director of national intelligence, were circulated on Capitol Hill as part of government efforts to tamp down criticism of two recently revealed National Security Agency surveillance programs.   Continue reading “NYC Bomb Plot Details Settle Little In NSA Debate”

The Independent – by SHAUN WALKER

Russia’s parliament will debate a controversial law on Tuesday that could see people arrested for behaviour that is deemed to promote homosexuality.

The bill provides for Russian citizens engaged in the “propaganda of non-traditional sexual orientation” to be fined, while foreigners could be arrested and immediately deported.   Continue reading “Russia set to pass strict anti-gay law that could see foreigners deported for ‘sexual propaganda’”

Biz Journals – by James Jeffrey

A Senate bill to provide economic development incentives for Texas firearm manufacturers failed to pass, despite Gov. Rick Perry throwing his weight behind Texas becoming a refuge for such businesses affected by gun-control efforts in other states.

Senate Bill 1467, authored by State Sen. Craig Estes, R-Wichita Falls, would have also provided incentives to firearms accessories and ammunition manufacturers.    Continue reading “Gun manufacturer bill fires a blank”

Edward SnowdenThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Would you be willing to give up what Edward Snowden has given up?  He has given up his high paying job, his home, his girlfriend, his family, his future and his freedom just to expose the monolithic spy machinery that the U.S. government has been secretly building to the world.  He says that he does not want to live in a world where there isn’t any privacy.  He says that he does not want to live in a world where everything that he says and does is recorded.    Continue reading “27 Edward Snowden Quotes About U.S. Government Spying That Should Send A Chill Up Your Spine”

Hotels will have to notify guests of any gun restrictions if a new bill passes.Biz Journals – by James Jeffrey

Hotels will have to adequately notify guests of gun restrictions or face penalties if a bill becomes law.

House Bill 333, authored by State Rep.Ryan Guillen, D-Rio Grande City, requires hotels that restrict the possession, storage or transporting of firearms to notify guests of such policies on their websites or when confirming reservations. Failure to comply will be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $100.   Continue reading “Hotels may have to inform guests of gun-restriction policies”

Top Entertainment PhotosNBC DFW – by Stefan Gorman

North Texas resident and “Star Wars” Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew had a dust-up with Transportation Security Administration agents in Denver when they attempted to confiscate his light saber-shaped cane.

Mayhew was returning to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport from an appearance at Denver ComicCon when TSA agents refused to let Chewie board his plane with his one-of-a-kind cane.   Continue reading “Chewbacca Actor Battles TSA Over Light Saber Cane”

New York Post – by BETH DEFALCO

ALBANY — Them’s fightin’ words!

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is looking to lasso some East Coast business for his low-tax Lone Star State with a new $1 million ad campaign and trip next week to the Big Apple and Connecticut.

Perry has already begun airing ads on NY1 ahead of his June 16 visit.   Continue reading “Texas Gov. Rick Perry launches ad campaign to poach jobs from New York, Connecticut”

images-2Daily Censored – by Stephan Lendman

He’s Obama’s FBI director choice. He’ll replace current rogue head Robert Mueller. In September, he’ll step down.

He’s run the agency since September 4, 2001. He succeeded acting head Thomas Pickering. He assumed office days before 9/11.   Continue reading “New FBI Head James Comey: Police State America is “In Good Hands””

Investment Watchblog

Princeton University evacuates after bomb threat from ‘known caller’

Princeton University evacuated its campus at 10:30am this morning after receiving a bomb threat to multiple buildings on its sprawling New Jersey property, according to the school’s Twitter page.   Continue reading “Bomb threats at Princeton University, Morristown High School, Southwest Airlines, Atlanta airport, Richmond airport, etc…”

News Press – by Melanie Payne and Dick Hogan

Gun store owner W. Alec Dean says he was badly treated at a Staples store in Fort Myers because of the company logo on his shirt and what he calls the office supply company’s anti-gun policy. And, he said, a social media backlash against Staples supports his claim.

Experts say retail stores are often the scene of culture war flare-ups that don’t go away quickly these days – rather, they’re sometimes magnified into national stories by pervasive social media.    Continue reading “Gun store owner rips Staples office supply store”

austinagenda21Truth Stream Media – by Melissa Melton

Large mixed-use development buildings with apartments on top and businesses on the bottom are popping up all over town. Billboards line the highways telling me I should have a “roadmance” (not even kidding) with the new toll roads encircling the city that Texans never really ever wanted; future toll roads subsidizing corporate interests are in the works. Advertisements are pushing high-speed rail as hip and trendy; they are reminiscent of America 2050 goals for the future of our nation involving 11 highly condensed megaregions connected with these same rails (with support from the Rockefeller Foundation, of course).   Continue reading “Austin Leads Agenda 21 Adoption with Smart Grid, International Codes”