Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

The Russian president saw his opportunity to pluck the fruits of Moscow’s success in backing the Syrian-Hizballah forces’ advances in major battles against rebels, notably at al Qusayr, and position Russian troops face to face with the Israeli army. They would constitute a barrier against any military intervention being mounted against the Assad regime from Israel.

UN Deputy Spokesman Farhan Hak said: “The UN would welcome Russia’s contribution to peacekeeping efforts in the region.”   Continue reading “Putin Offers Russian Peacekeepers In The Golan Heights”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Just a few weeks ago the honorable Congresswoman from San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi, made the stunning claim that health insurance in America would be cheaper than ever before. “Many of the initiatives that he passed are what are coming to bear now, including the Affordable Care Act,” she said at a recent press conference about legislation championed by the President. “The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down in both the public and private sector.”   Continue reading “Watch Nancy Pelosi Lie Through Her Teeth: “I Don’t Remember Saying that Everybody in the Country Would Have a Lower Premium””

Breitbart – by Mike Flynn

A new Fox News poll shows Obama’s disapproval rating among registered voters has spiked to 51%, up from 45% last month. The poll shows an 8-point swing against Obama since April. Another shocking finding, undoubtedly linked to recent scandals, is that 68% of voters think the federal government is “out of control.”

Last month, 47% of voters approved of the job Obama was doing, while 45% disapproved. Disapproval of Obama has jumped 6 points since the latest scandal revelations. Among Independents, only 40% approve of Obama, while 52% disapprove. At this time 4 years ago, 60% of voters approved of Obama and only 30% disapproved.    Continue reading “Poll: Obama Approval Drops, 68% Think Government ‘Out of Control’”

No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money – by John Richardson

The House of Representatives passed an amendment to HR 2217 – the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2014 – that forbids DHS from purchasing any more ammunition until they report to Congress on their previous ammunition purchases. The amendment passed Tuesday with a bi-partisan majority of 234-192. The amendment was proposed, I’m happy to report, by my Congressman, Rep. Mark Meadows (D-NC11).   Continue reading “Make Them Buy Their Ammo At Walmart”

A cyber-security centre in the USGuardian – by Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill

Barack Obama has ordered his senior national security and intelligence officials to draw up a list of potential overseas targets for US cyber-attacks, a top secret presidential directive obtained by the Guardian reveals.

The 18-page Presidential Policy Directive 20, issued in October last year but never published, states that what it calls Offensive Cyber Effects Operations (OCEO) “can offer unique and unconventional capabilities to advance US national objectives around the world with little or no warning to the adversary or target and with potential effects ranging from subtle to severely damaging”.   Continue reading “Obama orders US to draw up overseas target list for cyber-attacks”

IOTO, Japan (AP) — Iwo Jima is a training site like no other. The rugged volcanic crag was one of the most iconic battlegrounds of World War II, and is so isolated and barren it has almost never been inhabited by anyone other than military troops. But from the perspective of U.S. Navy fighter pilots who regularly train on the island’s one functioning airstrip, it is unique in another way.

If a plane finds itself in serious trouble and for some reason that lone airstrip on the island isn’t viable, the only alternative is to eject and ditch in the Pacific. It’s a problem that the U.S. Navy, which is now conducting training on the island to prepare pilots for deployment to the USS George Washington aircraft carrier, has been trying to fix for nearly 25 years.   Continue reading “Amid safety fears, US Navy jets train on Iwo Jima”


PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona sheriff who led the way for local police across the country to take up immigration enforcement is reconsidering his crackdowns — and other law enforcement officials who followed his lead are expected to eventually back away, too.

Joe Arpaio, the sheriff for metropolitan Phoenix, has temporarily suspended all his immigration efforts after a federal judge concluded two weeks ago that the sheriff’s office had racially profiled Latinos in its patrols, Arpaio spokesman Brandon Jones told The Associated Press.   Continue reading “Ariz. sheriff suspends immigration efforts”

	Los Angeles Police officers are shown detaining a man near a shooting at Santa Monica College Friday June 7, 2013 in Santa Monica, Calif.  A gunman opened fire near Santa Monica College, police said, and several people are reported wounded. Witnesses say a man on a street corner fired shots at vehicles, including a bus. Santa Monica police Sgt. Rudy Flores says the shooter is believed to be among the wounded.NY Daily News – by DAVID KNOWLES

The California college has been placed on lockdown, and the reportedly wounded suspect was found in the school’s library and is now in custody. The Secret Service said that the shooting did not impact the President’s travel schedule.

Six people have been shot, at least two fatally, near Santa Monica College on Friday.    Continue reading “Six shot, at least two dead, near Santa Monica College minutes after President Obama’s motorcade passed by”

Silver Doctors

I have been a broker for 20 years. Recently the major broker dealer I work for asked me and my clients to leave due to too high of a concentration in physical metals.

I am now in the process of moving my clients and metals to a new custodian. Here is where things get interesting: Every transfer is being rejected multiple times for the any reason the old major broker dealer can come up with.    Continue reading “20 Year Metals Trader: Every Metals Transfer Request from Major Broker is Being Rejected Multiple Times!”

Post image for ‘We’re Not Going To Tolerate It’: Colorado Sheriffs Unite to Block ‘Unenforceable’ Gun Control LawsLiberty Crier – by binaryloop

In the wake of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado passed some of the strictest gun control measures in the country.

But in recent months, an overwhelming 55 of the state’s 62 county sheriffs have joined a lawsuit aiming to block the measures.   Continue reading “‘We’re Not Going To Tolerate It’: Colorado Sheriffs Unite to Block ‘Unenforceable’ Gun Control Laws”

It may be very un-American of me to say this, but I never liked baseball. I could never sit through two innings, let alone pay attention to an entire game. I don’t care what anyone’s batting average is, or how many strikeouts any pitcher has, and I never did, but when I was a kid, I had an awesome collection of baseball cards.

If you’re wondering why a kid who doesn’t like baseball would collect baseball cards, it’s because I was an aspiring businessman, and baseball cards are the “fiat currency” of America’s young boys. They’re not only traded for other baseball cards, but they can also buy other toys, and favors (goods and services), and also provide a youngster with the prestige of great wealth.   Continue reading “Money”

RT News

At least three people have been wounded in a shooting in the Santa Monica College area, California. The school is on lockdown and students are advised to stay away from the campus.

A “fully armed” suspect has opened fire at cars and a bus in the area, local police said. Witnesses reported hearing at least one shotgun blast and several handgun shots.   Continue reading “Multiple victims as gunman opens fire near Santa Monica College, school on lockdown”


PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — Seeking a fresh start to a complex relationship, President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping are retreating to a sprawling desert estate for two days of talks on high-stakes issues, including cybersecurity and North Korea’s nuclear threats.

Obama’s efforts to press Xi to halt China’s alleged hacking against the U.S. could be overshadowed by revelations that Obama’s own administration has been secretly seizing phone records from millions of Americans.   Continue reading “Obama, Xi Jinping Meeting In California”

San Onofre Power PlantHuffington Post – by MICHAEL R. BLOOD

LOS ANGELES — The troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast is closing after an epic 16-month battle over whether the twin reactors could be safely restarted with millions of people living nearby, officials announced Friday.

Operator Southern California Edison said in a statement it will retire the twin reactors because of uncertainty about the future of the plant, which faced a tangle of regulatory hurdles, investigations and mounting political opposition. With the reactors idle, the company has spent more than $500 million on repairs and replacement power.   Continue reading “San Onofre Power Plant Closing After Epic 16-Month Battle”

Ezekiel Gilbert denied he meant to kill Craigslist escort.My San Antonio – by Michelle Mondo

A Bexar County jury on Wednesday acquitted Ezekiel Gilbert of murder in the death of a 23-year-old Craigslist escort.

Gilbert, 30, embraced defense attorneys Bobby Barrera and Roy Barrera Sr. with tears in his eyes after the not guilty verdict was read aloud by state District Judge Mary Román.   Continue reading “Jury acquits escort shooter”

Over and over again, the elite have managed to try and outsmart us and make the people feel as though they are one step ahead of us. After each passing false flag event, however, we have begun to develop our own kind of formulas and evaluations as to how the elite will tactically proceed after executing their next false flag attack, since we all know that these attacks won’t stop until We the People stand up and put a stop to it ourselves.

So in order to possibly understand their ways, I have been studying Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War and have found some interesting strategic steps that I feel the elite have probably used in the past and that we can study to help us analyze their possible tactics. Just like a disease, in order to fight, slow down and stop a threatening attack from spreading, it’s important that we know the possible stages that it must go through in order to carry out its function. Only then, can we find the means to counter the attack after it is set in motion.   Continue reading “How the elite try to use sheer cunning on the day that they take up command”

Fusion Center locationsThe Examiner – by Gregory Patin

The “shocking” revelation that the NSA requested phone records from Verizon is not surprising to anyone who has been watching the rise of the police state that America has become since 9/11. The only thing new is now that a British newspaper published the story, the U.S. media and congress have to acknowledge it very publicly.   Continue reading “NSA spying on Verizon phone records is nothing new”