This is actually a follow-up to yesterday’s report on the pushback from “low-level employees” at the Cincinnati office of the IRS, but an important one.  Reuters took a look through the transcripts of an interview with agent Elizabeth Hofacre, who named Carter Hull as an HQ-based attorney who helped craft the questions that harassed conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.  While officials like Lois Lerner, Steve Miller, and Douglas Shulman claimed that no one in Washington knew what was going on in Cincinnati until 2011 at the earliest, a misaddressed e-mail from Hofacre inadvertently notified a number of DC officials a year earlier than previously admitted:   Continue reading “Reuters: IRS officials in Washington knew of targeting in July 2010”

cabin in the woodsThe Organic Prepper

There’s a sense of urgency in the prepping community lately that is at an all time high.  Between the global elite warmongers, the impending financial collapse as the government makes plans to attach pension funds, the new viruses, Monsanto’s GMO seeds running amok and threatening the world’s food supply, and  Big Food’s toxic food-like substances in the grocery stores with no regard for actual nutrition, it is clear that we are going downhill fast. The soothing ”everything-is-just-fine” propaganda is so blatant that even the most die-hard zombie is beginning to see that something is amiss and that a massive change is soon to take place.   Continue reading “When Prepping Just Isn’t Enough”

Would Be Worlds Biggest Oil Merger Agreed at Bilderberg 060613tile8Prison Planet – by Steve Watson

Despite countless examples that prove the contrary, detractors, debunkers and non believers continually argue that the Bilderberg group holds no power, and that it is just a talking shop for elite has-beens. Now yet more evidence has emerged that policy and secret multi-billion deals between business heads and government are formulated at the meeting.   Continue reading “Would-Be World’s Biggest Oil Merger Agreed at Bilderberg”

The Blaze – by Jason Howerton

NEW YORK (TheBlaze/AP) — The government knows who you’re calling.

Every day. Every call.

Former employees of the National Security Agency say the publishing of a court order asking Verizon to hand over all its phone calling records for a three-month period opens a new window on an operation that has been in place for years and involves all major U.S. phone companies.   Continue reading “NSA Whistleblowers’ Startling Claims: Records on 3 Billion Calls Collected Per Day — And It’s Not Just Verizon”

Northern Truth Seeker

I have recently been asked for my take on JB Campbell and his writings…. For years now, I have periodically looked at his articles, and I found them to be very informative and absolutely truthful…. Many may not like what he has to say, but he is spot on in calling out the Jewish criminals and their horrible actions against humanity….   Continue reading “JB Campbell: Anti- American!”

Petroleum World

In a sign Venezuela’s food shortages could be worsening, restrictions on the sale of 20 basic items subject to price controls, including toilet paper and chicken, are set to begin next week in its most populous state, officials said Tuesday.

A spokesman for President Nicolas Maduro’s government said it is incorrect to call the plan rationing because it is meant to fight smuggling of price-controlled food across the border into Colombia. He said there are no plans to extend the program nationally.   Continue reading “Food rationing to begin in oil rich Venezuela”

The DC Caller – by Greg Campbell

It may be easier said than done. The rules for creating new states are outlined in Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which require the approval of the existing state’s legislature and Congress.

Each upstart county plans to let its residents’ vote on the idea, which Rademacher said they want to do at the first opportunity, even though the deadline for questions to appear on the November ballot is Aug. 1.   Continue reading “Eight Colorado counties want to leave the state”

Food lobbyists and Diet PoliceLiving Not Surviving – by Ahmed Serag

A Food lobbyist could be deciding what goes on your dinner plate right this minute. And the Diet Police of tomorrow are getting ready to make sure the decision of a food lobbyist is law. 

With the opportunity of government and the power of money, corporations and individuals can lobby government to impose taxes, laws, regulations, subsidies, bailouts, and special contracts that make specific products winners, and other products losers. Through what will be explained below, you will get the idea of how a food lobbyist could be deciding what’s on your plate, and utilizing the opportunity of BIG government to decide how much it costs and make sure diet police are there for enforcement.   Continue reading “How BIG government Recruits Food Lobbyists to Make Diet Police & Decide What You Eat”

Motherboard – by Daniel Stuckey

If you’ve been reading the headlines about the NSA mining intelligence data from the world’s largest data mongers, and haven’t already burnt down your house with everything you own in it and set sail for a libertarian expat community in Chile, then there are some less dramatic suggestions in store for you. Evading the NSA’s comprehensive surveillance system is no simple task, especially as we only know snippets of the agency’s capabilities. But we’re going to try our best.   Continue reading “The Motherboard Guide to Avoiding the NSA”

Dennys New York CityHuffington Post

A Manhattan condo board is doing everything it can to keep a proposed Denny’s from moving into its building. After all, the board says, wild types visit those sort of establishments.

The condo board of the building, which is located in the city’s Financial District, has gone as far as to file a $10 million lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court to keep stop the restaurant from moving into the building’s retail space, according to the Real Deal, a New York City real estate news site.   Continue reading “Denny’s New York City Plan Backfires After Condo Board Rips ‘Drunk’ Culture, ‘Party Atmosphere’”

James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence.The Guardian – by Glenn Greenwald

We followed Wednesday’s story about the NSA’s bulk telephone record-gathering with one yesterday about the agency’s direct access to the servers of the world’s largest internet companies. I don’t have time at the moment to address all of the fallout because – to borrow someone else’s phrase – I’m Looking Forward to future revelations that are coming (and coming shortly), not Looking Backward to ones that have already come.   Continue reading “On whistleblowers and government threats of investigation”

Common Dreams – by Norman Solomon

Dear Senator Feinstein:

On Thursday, when you responded to news about massive ongoing surveillance of phone records of people in the United States, you slipped past the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. As the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, you seem to be in the habit of treating the Bill of Rights as merely advisory.   Continue reading “The Bill of Rights Exists: An Open Letter to Dianne Feinstein”

Canada Free Press -by Douglas J. Hagmann

Washington, D.C.—Something quite unexpected happened just hours ago, in the dark of night, during a two-day layover in Washington, DC. My son and I are scheduled to take part in a seminar outside of Raleigh, North Carolina this weekend, so we combined our travels to include a side-trip to DC for a business meeting we had previously arranged. It was during this layover that something seemingly ripped from the pages of a spy novel took place.   Continue reading “DHS Insider: It’s About to Get Very Ugly”

Mayor Bloomberg Named "Nanny of the Month" — AgainThe New American- by Jack Kenny

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (shown) has been named Reason magazine’s “Nanny of the Month” for May, marking the third time the controversial thee-term mayor has earned that distinction, the libertarian publication said. The latest “award” is based on the city’s regulation of the sale of toy guns and the $60,000 fine levied against the owner of a Manhattan tourist shop for selling cigarette lighters shaped like tiny pistols.   Continue reading “Mayor Bloomberg Named “Nanny of the Month” — Again”

Russia military parade / APThe Free Beacon – by Bill Gertz

Russia conducted the first flight test of a new inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) that Russian officials say is designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses.

The prototype ICBM was launched yesterday from Moscow’s Kapustin Yar missile range, a spokesman for Russian Defense Ministry told state media.   Continue reading “Russia Conducts Test of New ICBM Designed to Defeat U.S. Defenses”

imageThe Wall Street Journal – by Erica E. Phillips

SANTA MONICA, Calif.—A man opened fire in the streets here Friday in a rampage that also included a house fire, leaving seven dead, including the suspect, and several others injured, police said.

The series of violent events culminated at Santa Monica College, where the suspect was shot and killed by police. Students at the two-year college were escorted from the campus by SWAT officers who swarmed the area, just a few miles from where President Barack Obama was speaking at a fundraising event.   Continue reading “Seven Dead in California Rampage”

Sure, then they’ll take their guns.

NORML – by Paul Armentano

Democrat Gov. John Kitzhaber on Thursday signed legislation, Senate Bill 281, into law to allow patients with post-traumatic stress to be eligible to engage in the therapeutic use of cannabis.

The new Oregon law expands the state’s existing medical marijuana program, initially enacted by voters in 1998, to include post-traumatic stress as a state-qualified illness for which marijuana may be recommended.   Continue reading “Oregon: Governor Signs Measure to Expand State’s Medical Cannabis Program to Include Patients With Post Traumatic Stress”