A home destroyed and abandoned after Hurricane Sandy is seen on Fox Beach Avenue in the Oakwood Beach section of Staten Island in New York City, New York, March 25, 2013. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)RT News

As New York City continues to rebuild and reimburse those residents displaced by Hurricane Sandy at least one man, a US Army veteran, was refused help because of a strict federal law that prevents someone from collecting aid on their property.

Vito Colucci Sr., a Staten Island resident who served in the Korean War, was living with his son’s family in New Jersey when Hurricane Sandy hit at the end of October. Colucci was diagnosed with dementia two years ago and submitted an application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) three days after the storm ravaged his Staten Island home, according to the New York Daily News.    Continue reading “FEMA refuses Hurricane Sandy aid to elderly US Army veteran”

AFP Photo / George RoseRT News

An internal watchdog claims the IRS spent $50 million on ‘inappropriate’ conference funds during a three-year period – news that serves to further embarrass the agency in wake of its targeting of conservative groups.

The Internal Revenue Service allegedly spent nearly $50 million on about 200 employee conferences between 2010 and 2012, during which it frequently provided its workers with presidential hotel suites and allowed them to take dance classes and attend baseball games, according to excerpts from an inspector general’s report slated to be released Tuesday.    Continue reading “IRS wasted $50 mln on luxury hotels, alcohol and baseball tickets”

BernankeLeavingBilderberg2008Raw Story – by Ben Quinn, The Guardian

Heads of big tax-avoiding firms set to attend secretive group’s four-day summit being held near Watford

George Osborne and his Labour shadow, Ed Balls, are on a list of those attending this week’s UK summit of the secretive Bilderberg group alongside the heads of Amazon and Google, both of which are under unprecedented political pressure over their companies’ aggressive tax avoidance policies.   Continue reading “Amazon and Google chiefs join other corporate tax avoiders at annual Bilderberg confab”

Maggots - Photo by Cory DoctorowThe Truth Wins – by Michael T. Snyder

Would you eat a sandwich that contains meat from a chicken that had been fed a steady diet of maggots?  Would you eat a burger that comes from a cow that had been fed lots of gummy worms and expired candy?  Would you eat a burger that is made out of recycled human poop?  Those are just some of the bizarre solutions to the global food crisis that scientists are currently working on.  And without a doubt, we are rapidly approaching a day of reckoning as far as the global supply of food is concerned.    Continue reading “Scientists Plan To Feed Maggots To The Cows And Chickens That We Eat”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Is the new ‘Coca-Cola’ advertisement that is now being broadcast worldwide called “Chairs” an ‘anti-illuminati’ advertisement, as is now being shared by some people, or is it another direct shot in the face of a dumbed down populace and overpowered humanity? Check out the ad; the symbolism is there, it can’t be missed. They clearly hit the nail right on the head in this one. ‘They’ are vastly outnumbered. If only we understood, we only need to ‘stand up’. As for Coca-Cola and their GMO’s & HFCS, I avoid their poison, like the plague. They share their ’4 commitments to fight overweight and sedentary lifestyle’ in this video, yet they poison the populace daily; doesn’t this ad mean something else entirely?   Continue reading “Is Coca-Cola’s Subliminal Ad Message An Anti-Illuminati Advertisement Or Another Direct Blow To The Face Of Humanity?”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

Flashback- January 2013: NBC News “New York lawmakers on Tuesday approved the toughest gun control law in the nation, expanding the state’s existing assault weapons ban and addressing gun ownership by those with mental illnesses in the first major legislative action in response to the Newtown, Conn., school massacre.”   Continue reading “25 Shot In 48 Hours In New York- Bloomberg, Cuomo, How Are Those “Strict” Gun Laws Working For You?”

Before It’s News – by LedaOhio9

It is GREAT to see organizing and preparation taking place (back in 1995) for what is Clearly Approaching.. And I love that this speaker is from Ohio, being an Ohioan myself.

Original Air DateJune 16, 1995   Continue reading “1995 – American Militiaman Warns Congress – Back Off”

Rense.com – by F. William Engdahl

On May 31 world media headlines read similar to this from Reuters: “Monsanto backing away from GMO crops in Europe.” The original source for the story is attributed to a German left daily, TAZ which printed excerpts from an interview with an official spokeswoman of Monsanto Germany.   Continue reading “Monsanto’s Deception Game On GMO In Europe”

John MorseHuffington Post- by Kristen Wyatt

DENVER — Gun-rights activists in Colorado turned in petition signatures Monday to set up the first recall in state history of a state lawmaker after he backed some of the strictest gun control measures to become law in the U.S. this year.

The opponents of Democratic Senate President John Morse said they turned in twice as many signatures as needed Monday to put Morse back on the ballot. Carting white paper boxes of petitions, the gun-rights advocates said Morse will pay for backing a series of gun control measures that were signed into law earlier this year.   Continue reading “John Morse Recall Looms: Gun-Rights Activists Gather Double The Signatures Needed For Recall Of Colorado Senator”

Max Velocity Tactical

My previous post on ‘Gear & Camo’ HERE drew a response about camouflage. This is a very subjective topic and I notice several comments regarding the Vietnam Era Tiger Stripe that I mentioned I was going to try out. I have a few more comments on the camo topic, which I will put down here:   Continue reading “Further thoughts on Camouflage”

Yahoo News – by Douglas Main, Live Science

Shock waves rippled through the overlapping communities of meteorologists and storm chasers over the weekend with the news that veteran tornado-chasing scientist Tim Samaras, his son Paul and chase partner Carl Young died after running into a powerful twister near El Reno, Okla., on Friday (May 31).   Continue reading “Storm-Chaser Deaths a ‘Wake-Up Call,’ Researcher Says”

Mediaite – by Andrew Kirell

The United States isn’t the only country that deals with its share of drone-related controversy. Classified footage from a German drone plane shows the unmanned device just barely missing an Afghan passenger plane reportedly carrying 100 people.

Despite being strictly classified, footage of the “Luna” drone narrow made its way to YouTube and has stirred an uproar within Germany over the country’s use of drones and its Defense Minister’s reluctance to build the Luna’s successor with anti-collision technology.   Continue reading “Terrifying: The Moment A Drone Narrowly Misses Passenger Plane Carrying 100 People”

Information Clearinghouse – by Mike Marqusee

Taunting and tainting opponents with the charge of anti-semitism is a long-standing Zionist ploy, familiar to everyone involved in the Israel-Palestine issue. As their support weakens in the face of evidence-based argument, Israel’s advocates have stepped up their use of the accusation as a means to close down debate, particularly on proposals for boycott, divestment and sanctions.   Continue reading “How a London Court Repudiated Zionist Abuse of the Anti-Semitism Charge”

Jon Rappoport

It’s a scandal.

Monsanto has just announced it’s giving up on most of Europe: people there don’t want GMO food. In America, the struggle is for labeling GMOs.

This is some kind of “fairness doctrine.” Let the US consumer decide what kind of food to buy. Choice. It’s the American way, right?   Continue reading “Europe rejects GMO crops; kinder gentler America seeks labeling”

Stop GE crop field testsGreenpeace

Monsanto’s unapproved genetically engineered (GE) “Roundup Ready” wheat was found growing in a random Oregon field last week.

The farmer doesn’t know how it got there. Neither does anyone else since Monsanto ended field testing this type of wheat eight years ago. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently investigating the extent of the contamination.   Continue reading “Monsanto GE Experiment Out of Control”