Huffington Post

Killer bees have been implicated in the tragic death of a Central Texas farmer who accidentally upset a hive of the insects over the weekend.

Larry Goodwin, who had just celebrated his 62nd birthday, disturbed the bees while consolidating brush in Moody, Texas, according to local NBC affiliate KCEN.   Continue reading “Killer Bees Death: Texas Farmer Larry Goodwin Dies After Being Attacked By Swarm”

Electronic Frontier Foundation – by JILLIAN C. YORK

We knew it would happen.  After months of anticipation, Jordanian authorities have initiated a ban on news sites that have not yet registered and been licensed by the Press and Publications Department, effectively blocking more than 300 news websites.  According to local media organization 7iber (which means “ink” in Arabic):   Continue reading “Jordan Takes a Disappointing Turn Toward Censorship”

MonsantoNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

Scientific journals, by their very nature, ought not to be biased towards a particular point of view because such bias can lead that journal’s editorial staff to quash or ignore any legitimate scientific research and data refuting any pre-determined viewpoints.

And yet, as reported online by Earth Open Source, it appears as though the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology may have compromised itself recently by hiring a biotechnology insider who, on the surface, would sure seem to have a pro-industry prejudice.   Continue reading “Science journal hires former Monsanto scientist to decide which papers should be accepted or rejected”

As we enter another week of high crimes being identified as scandals, the fact that the international corporate mafia now operates right out in the open, in defiance of we the people and our laws, has become a reality that none can deny.

Eric Holder is now accused of committing perjury before the House Judiciary Committee.  Perjury before a federal body would land your average American in a federal penitentiary.  So does anyone believe Eric Holder will ever face a charge for any crime he has committed?  Don’t forget that Eric Holder already stands in criminal Contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over public documents to the House Judiciary Committee investigating Fast and Furious.   Continue reading “Eric Holder: One Man’s Crime, Another Man’s Scandal”

CombineBillings Gazette – by Tom Lutey

Montana’s $1.7 billion wheat industry is watching cautiously as foreign buyers react negatively to unauthorized genetically modified wheat discovered in Oregon.

The discovery, confirmed this week by the U.S. Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, prompted import restrictions by Japan on soft white U.S. wheat. Friday, South Korea halted U.S. wheat imports for further testing, while Taiwan announced it was putting U.S. wheat imports under review. The European Union encouraged its members to test certain shipments for wheat genetically modified to survive exposure to the herbicide Roundup, the trait engineered into the wheat discovered in Oregon.   Continue reading “Montana eyes Oregon GMO grain problems”

Bilderberg Meetings

61st Bilderberg conference to take place on 6-9 June 2013 in Hertfordshire, UK

Hertfordshire, 3 June 2013 – The 61st Bilderberg meeting is set to take place from 6 until 9 June 2013 in Hertfordshire, UK. A total of around 140 participants from 21 European and North American countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media have been invited.    Continue reading “Bilderberg 2013 Attendee List”

Image: NYT: White House Wants Holder to Resign News Max – by Audrey Hudson

Presidential aides are privately admitting to a growing frustration inside the White House with Attorney General Eric Holder’s political ineptness in the press leak investigations and are hoping the embattled appointee will resign from office, The New York Times reports.

“The White House is apoplectic about him, and has been for a long time,” said an anonymous Democrat source, identified only as a former government employee who acknowledged the White House staffers in question are his friends.   Continue reading “NYT: White House Wants Holder to Resign”


LANCASTER, Calif. Nearly 3,000 people from some 700 homes were under evacuation orders Monday as a wildfire north of Los Angeles kept growing, feeding on old, dry brush, some of which hadn’t burned in decades.

The blaze had burned about 35 square miles in the mountains and canyons of the Angeles National Forest, destroying at least six homes and damaging 15 more.    Continue reading “Thousands ordered to flee massive blaze outside L.A.”

(Image credit: @willblackwriter)End the Lie – by Richard Cotrell

Is Turkey next for the CIA’s spring cleaning?   It certainly looks that way, from all the clues surrounding the huge riots that have developed seemingly overnight in Istanbul and other large cities.

Ostensibly the trouble began over the plans by the Istanbul municipality to redevelop part of Gezi Park close to Taksim (Constitution) Square, situated in the heart of the country’s largest city. Suddenly – and suspiciously – numbers or protestors swelled dramatically and the police, never renowned for their lightness of touch, moved in with full-scale anti-riot tactics.   Continue reading “Riots in Istanbul: Gladio strikes again”

Huffington Post – by MAX SEDDON and LYNN BERRY

MOSCOW — The head of a U.S. congressional delegation said Sunday that its meetings in Russia showed there was “nothing specific” that could have helped prevent the Boston Marathon bombings, but that the two countries need to work more closely on joint security threats.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican who led the six-member delegation, described discussions with Russian parliament members and security officials as productive. Some of the meetings, he said, were made possible by American actor Steven Seagal.   Continue reading “Congressional Delegation Finds Few Boston Attack Clues In Russia”

Gulf News – by Robert Tait

Gaza City: Iran has cut up to £15 million (Dh83.7 million) a month in funding for Hamas as punishment for the movement backing the uprising in Syria, the Palestinian Islamist group’s leaders have admitted.

The two once-close allies have also ceased military cooperation, effectively ending a warm relationship in which Tehran provided weapons, technical know-how and military training to Hamas fighters.   Continue reading “Hamas loses Iran funds for backing Syria rebels”

Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Fox News:

WASHINGTON –  A controversial proposal in New York City to give voting rights to hundreds of thousands of non-citizen immigrants could make them into a key vote in America’s largest city.   Continue reading “New York to Allow Non-Citizens to Vote in Municipal Elections”

Israeli warplanes (two F-16s and one F-15) flying in formation (file photo)Press TV

Five Israeli aircraft have penetrated the Lebanese airspace and flown over several areas of Lebanon in blatant violation of a UN Security Council resolution.

An Israeli drone entered the airspace over the southern village of al-Naqoura, situated 91 kilometers (57 miles) south of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, at 6:45 a.m. local time (0345 GMT) on Sunday, according to a statement issued by the Lebanese military.    Continue reading “Five Israeli military aircraft violate Lebanese airspace”

21st Century Wire

Every crisis gives birth to a new solution – and the technology, GMO and Pharma industries have taken this idea to religious levels.

But what price are we paying for riding along with these industries? Technology is moving so quickly that the population have become one giant commercial experiment in the new global crusade for efficiency and convenience (and profits).   Continue reading “We Are Human Guinea Pigs: DARPA and IBM help launch new low frequency microwave mobile data network”

1992 China (20)Left Hook – by Dean Henderson

Today Hezbollah killed at least 20 members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Lebanese city of Baalbeck. John McCain’s al Qaeda pals had earlier launched rocket attacks on the Lebanese town of Hermel in the Bekaa Valley. [1]

According to the Lebanese National News Agency, simultaneous to the rocket attacks, Israeli warplanes flew several low-altitude flights over the Bekaa Valley. Both the Lebanese government and the UN Interim Force in Lebanon condemned the flights as a violation of UN Resolution 1701.   Continue reading “Russia & Hezbollah Shift Balance in Syria”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

38-year old Mhai Scott was fatally shot and killed by police at a Costco in Virginia for ‘acting strangely’.

Scott reportedly became upset when she ran out of pizza, reported Northern Virginia Bureau Chief Julie Carey. Witnesses said she was waving a knife and scissors, threatening employees.    Continue reading “Woman Fatally Shot By Police At Costco Handing Out Pizza Samples”

NSA Confirms Small Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Completion of Part OneThe Blaze – by Liz Klimas

The National Security Agency confirmed to TheBlaze it held a small ribbon cutting ceremony for its Utah Data Center — also dubbed a “spy center” by the likes of Wired magazine – Thursday.

On May 18, the Salt Lake Tribune previewed the event briefly, writing:   Continue reading “NSA Confirms and Explains Ribbon-Cutting for Giant Utah Spy Center”