Outspoken: President George W Bush said during a three-day 100K bike ride he doesn't feel sorry for injured vets. Here, the former president stands with one of the riders, retired Staff Sargent Matt DeWitt, who lost his arms on duty in IraqApparently Bush has not read this letter.

Daily Mail – by Daniel Bates

He was the most powerful man on the planet for eight years. Now former US president George W Bush has spoken frankly about the  perils of leadership, saying holding on to power for too long can be ‘corrosive’.   Continue reading “‘I’ve come to realise power can be corrosive’: George W Bush admits he might have become carried away with fame”

Forbes – by Avik Roy

Last week, the state of California claimed that its version of Obamacare’s health insurance exchange would actually reduce premiums. “These rates are way below the worst-case gloom-and-doom scenarios we have heard,” boasted Peter Lee, executive director of the California exchange. But the data that Lee released tells a different story: Obamacare, in fact, will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent.   Continue reading “Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%”

vaccineNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

If you post articles to your Facebook wall that warn others about the dangers of vaccines, or Tweet links to the latest studies tying vaccines to autism through Twitter, the vaccine pushers of the world could soon know about it in real time. According to new reports, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed scientists in both the United States and Great Britain have jointly developed a computerized global monitoring system capable of tracking all social media activity around the world that defies mainstream vaccine dogma, and reporting it directly to authorities.   Continue reading “Internet monitoring system to stalk social media users who question safety of vaccines”

New York Post – by DAVID SEIFMAN

Mayor Bloomberg got huffy and puffy today discussing medical marijuana, describing efforts to legalize it as one of the greatest scams in history.

“Medical, my foot,” the mayor said, clearly not referring to an ailment of his own.

“There’s no medical. This is one of the great hoaxes of all time.”   Continue reading “Bloomberg huffs, puffs at plan to legalize pot: ‘Greatest hoaxes of all time’”


The loss of tropical rain forests is likely to reduce the energy output of hydroelectric projects in countries like Brazil that are investing billions of dollars to create power to support economic growth.

That is the conclusion of a group of experts whose findings, released Monday, run counter to the conventional understanding of deforestation’s impact on watersheds.   Continue reading “Fewer Rain Forests Mean Less Energy for Developing Nations, Study Finds”

cap-gunThe D.C. Clothesline – by Dean Garrison

Another story from the files of the outright insane…

Did you own a toy cap gun as a child? I did. Did you play “cops and robbers” when you were young? I did. What on earth is going on in our school system today? Apparently a child who brought a toy cap gun to school, to show his friends, was interrogated for two hours, treated like a real-life criminal, and his parents were only called after he wet his pants according to the Washington Post. His normal “show and tell” action ended in him being suspended for 10 days. If the cap gun were loaded, the school principal allegedly claims, the police would have been called. According to Donna St. George:   Continue reading “5-Year-Old Wets His Pants After 2-Hour-Long Interrogation Over Toy Gun”

Gun Watch – by Weingarten

One Colt Sporter like this one was turned in; another AR15 type rifle went to a private buyer

At the turn in events this May in Phoenix, a premium was offered for the turn in of “Assault Rifles” or “Assault Weapons”. People who turned in those items were to be given double the premium for ordinary firearms, gift cards worth $100 in food.   Continue reading “AZ:”Assault Rifles” of the May 2013 Turn in Events in Phoenix”

STARBUCKS BANS SMOKING No More Coffee and a Cigarette with your Morning PaperThe Guardian Express – by Ryan Ross

Starting Saturday, Starbucks Corporation will enforce a no smoking policy that will force smokers to move 25 feet away from the building premises. Previously being an employee of Starbucks, I am very interested to see the reaction of the customers to this new policy. When working at Starbucks, I would see many customers have their morning fix of caffeine and nicotine while they would read the paper or a book outside.   Continue reading “Starbucks Bans Smoking – No More Coffee and a Cigarette with your Morning Paper”

Live Science – by Stephanie Pappas

The deforestation of the Brazilian rain forest has created a hidden consequence: The seeds of palm trees have evolved rapidly to be smaller.

The change is the result of a domino effect that begins with human agriculture and hunting, which have devastated large bird populations in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. With these birds, which include colorful toucans and cotingas, locally extinct or barely hanging on, the palm trees have no way to disperse their largest seeds. As a result, seed sizes are smaller in parts of the rain forest where large birds are missing, finds a new study detailed in the May 31 issue of the journal Science.   Continue reading “Brazil’s Atlantic Forest Deforestation Is Causing Rapid Seed Evolution, Study Shows”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Despite Israel’s recent warning to Syria and Russia that any future missile shipments to Syria from Russia will be perceived as a threat and struck, Syria has taken possession of its’ first shipment of Russian S-300 missiles. Stratfor Global Intelligence also now has this breaking story up on their website.

Syrian President Bashar Assad told Hezbolla’s television network Al-Manar on Thursday that his country has already received the first shipment of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles from Russia.   Continue reading “Syria Receives First Missile Shipment From Russia”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

What in the world has happened to America? In Barack Obama’s ‘new America’, according to this video and story from Infowars, the usage of the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ is now considered ‘hate speech’. Additionally, according to the “inclusion” document mentioned below, the government can also limit your freedom of speech and expression, NOT TO MENTION, your thoughts! Excuse me? Welcome to Amerikkka and our Orwellian world.   Continue reading “Obama’s DOJ: Using Husband & Wife Now Considered Hate Speech”

Daily Caller – Josh Peterson

A federal judge in California ordered Google to comply with an FBI national security investigation after the search giant launched a protest against the bureau’s request.

U.S. District Judge Susan Illston rejected Google’s petition to modify or throw out 19 national security letters (NSL) related to federal government investigations due to the broad nature of the petition, CNET reported Friday.   Continue reading “Judge orders Google to comply with FBI national security investigation”

Breitbart – by Joel B. Pollak

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) declined Friday afternoon to meet a Senate Finance Committee deadline for answering detailed questions about the origins of the IRS scandal. The questions had been submitted jointly nearly two weeks ago by Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT).   Continue reading “IRS Ignores Senate Deadline to Answer Questions about Scandal”

Investment Watchblog

Just coming in – will post updates.

PDS (Particularly Dangerous Situation) tornado watch will be issued soon


The NWS Norman has issued a public information statement. Probably the strongest wording I’ve ever seen   Continue reading “NWS to Issue Particularly-Dangerous-Situation (PDS) Warnings over 3 areas shortly. OK City Under High Risk!!”

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

President Barack Obama will soon sign an international arms trade treaty previously rejected by the United States Senate.

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes regulations for international arms sales. Categories of firearms listed in the treaty includes tanks, artillery, and small arms such as handguns. The U.N. General Assemblypassed the treaty on April 2nd with a vote of 153-4, with the United States voting in favor. Obama intends to sign the treaty on June 3rd.   Continue reading “Obama to Sign U.N. Firearms Treaty Rejected by Senate”

A tornado in Moore, Okla., killed 24 people and injured nearly 400 more on May 20. It destroyed 1,200 homes and damaged another 10,000.CBC

A Canadian shipment of relief goods bound for storm-ravaged Oklahoma has been stopped at the Canada-U.S. border in Windsor, Ont.

American officials will not allow the 20,000 kilograms of food, blankets and diapers into the country until every item on board is itemized in alphabetical order and has the country of origin of every product noted.   Continue reading “Canadian relief for Moore tornado victims denied at border”

LA Times – by Patrick McGreevy and Chris Megerian

SACRAMENTO — California lawmakers Wednesday advanced a dozen gun-control measures, including background checks for ammunition buyers, and gave early approval to a tax penalty on the Boy Scouts for barring openly gay leaders.

Legislators also voted for a new $75 charge on real estate transactions to pay for affordable-housing projects.  Continue reading “California lawmakers OK a dozen gun-control measures”

American Thinker – by Todd Keister

In the fallout from the recent revelations about the Internal Revenue Service systematically persecuting conservative political groups and other enemies of President Obama, the establishment is putting on a good show of being shocked by the behavior.  The reality is that the IRS is and always has been a tool of oppression and is routinely used by those in power to destroy their opponents.   Continue reading “The IRS: Destroying Liberty Since before You Were Born”