Really think Barry Soetoro (Obama) and the gun grabbers will be so blatant to outright ban your guns and ammo? If you think that, then you are way more stupid than they are. Believe it or not, 99% of the supposed pro 2nd amendment crowd has played right into their hands after the latest mass killing in Newtown CT. So much that, I have to really wonder if that is a coincidence or by design.
Check out what most of the “conspiracy” and alternative media sites on the web say about this issue of mass killings and gun control – nearly all are blaming these horrible mass shootings on psychotropic drugs and not guns. It only dawned on me tonight where this is headed, and it’s entirely possible that they will start with the very exact argument the alleged pro 2nd amendment groups are using as a defense to start their gun grabbing. Continue reading “Gun Control Made Easy and Your Enemies Help”