JOHANNESBURG (AP) — They bound his hands to the rear of a van, and then sped off, dragging the slender taxi driver along the pavement as a crowd of onlookers shouted in dismay. The man was later found dead.

A gut-wrenching video of the scene is all the more disturbing because the men who abused the Mozambican immigrant were uniformed South African police officers and the van was a marked police vehicle. The graphic scenes of the victim struggling for his life shocked a nation long accustomed to reports of police violence. Continue reading “SAfrican police drag man, who later dies”

American Student Punished for Refusing to Recite Mexican PledgeFox News – by Todd Starnes

A Texas high school student has filed a federal lawsuit against her school and her teachers after she was punished for refusing to salute and recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance.

The Thomas More Law Center filed the suit on behalf of Brenda Brinsdon alleging the McAllen Independent School District violated the 15-year-old girl’s constitutional rights when she was forced to recite the Mexican pledge and sing the Mexican national anthem. Continue reading “American Student Punished for Refusing to Recite Mexican Pledge”

Huffington Post – by MICHAEL GORMLEY

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York sought to combat violence by rushing the nation’s toughest gun control measure into law after the Connecticut school shootings that killed 26 people, but the state is now carving out an exemption to make sure movie and TV producers can stage running gun battles on Manhattan streets.

Movie and TV productions have long been courted by New York and other states with tax breaks in exchange for the jobs and glamour of the industry. Hollywood is also a major campaign fundraising stop for New York politicians. Continue reading “New York Gun Law Exemption Will Allow TV, Movies To Stage Gun Battles”

feinsteinConservative Daily

Fake voters, fake email accounts, fake Twitter supporters, and propaganda: it’s just all in a day’s work for our President, Barack Obama. And now rabid gun control advocate Senator Dianne Feinstein has decided she can stage rigged gun control hearings to buoy her agenda and eliminate our Second Amendment rights.

The Washington Times reported that Feinstein was not happy with the witnesses who testified at the last gun control hearing, and “she plans to hold a separate hearing with witnesses more inclined to back gun control.” Continue reading “Feinstein Attempting To Rig Gun Debate As Fake Supporters Bolster Control Agenda”

Denver Post

AURORA, Colo.—Aurora police say one person has been arrested after several pipe bombs and bomb-making materials were found inside a home.

Spokeswoman Cassidee Carlson says police were responding to a small fire in a basement Tuesday when they found suspicious materials. Authorities also found and removed two explosives from a shed in back. Continue reading “Pipe bombs found at Aurora home”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

According to this breaking CNN Chile story, Hugo Chavez is dead. In fact, he may have been dead for quite some time if this information is correct. However, according to other reports, Hugo Chavez is not dead at all. The Atlantic Wire informs us that CNN Chile got the word of Chavez’s death from one person only, a conspiracy theorist. First, from CNN Chile translated with the Atlantic Wire’s take on the story below the video.: Continue reading “Hugo Chavez Dead? CNN Chile Received Word From ‘Conspiracy Theorist’”

Syracuse News – by Teri Weaver

Syracuse, N.Y. — The New York Pistol and Rifle Association, an arm of the National Rifle Association, is planning to file its lawsuit against the NY Safe Act within 10 days, the association’s president Tom King said today.

King said the group is also planning on asking the courts to stay the implementation of the law.

“We think we have a really good suit,” King said. Continue reading “NY gun proponents expect to file suit against state within 10 days”

*Februray 28, 2013 at Noon at the State Capitol*

Mid Hudson News

ALBANY – Thousands of gun owners and Second Amendment rights advocates are expected in Albany on Thursday for a rally sponsored by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. Continue reading “Thousands expected to rally in Albany in support of legal gun ownership”

policeNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

The recent Waco-style killing of former Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officer Christopher Dorner by a band of bloodthirsty LAPD officers serves as a grim reminder of how completely out of control the police state system can become when faced with outside threats to its own continuity. But Dorner’s premeditated execution without a trial is not the only recent example of this new brand of lawless “justice,” as reports continue to emerge showing that police departments all across the country routinely break protocol, abandon the law when convenient, and put the lives of countless civilians at needless risk. Continue reading “Cops gone wild: Police departments increasingly putting civilian lives at risk by breaking protocol, engaging in ‘wild west’ chases, shooting innocents”

20130224_beretta_factoryThe Black Sphere – by Emily Miller, The Washington Times

Gun-control laws don’t reduce crime, but they do reduce employment. Some governors don’t care and are pushing for more pointless statutes that put their citizens’ jobs on the line. Smarter governors sense the opportunity to poach a few manufacturers from their colleagues. Continue reading “Gun Grabbers Kill Jobs”

gunowners of americaGun Owners of America

It’s Looney Toons on Capitol Hill.

Everyone’s heard about the “red herring” Feinstein Gun Ban, which “red state Democrats” will vote down in order to pretend they’re “pro-gun.”

But the bigger danger is that Obama will sign “non-controversial” gun control which is just as dangerous, but no one but us is talking about. Continue reading “Smoke a Joint, Get an ObamaPass – Sell a gun to someone who smokes a joint, get 20 years in jail”

Before It’s News – by Deborah Dupre

There is a media blackout on the lawsuit journalist Tangerine Bolen and seven other plaintiffs against Barack Obama’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Bolen, Executive Director of, says that th NDAA has been called the death of our republican form of government.

Gary Franchi of Next News Network, who interviewed Bolen today, reports, “It contains a provision allowing the president to order the indefinite military detention of anyone accused of offering substantial support to al-Qaeda or ‘associated forces.'” Continue reading “NDAA Lawsuit Media Blackout”

Sarah Palin is shown. | AP PhotoPolitico – by KEVIN CIRILLI

Sarah Palin says America will eventually default on its debt and claims that the federal government is “stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest” to prepare.

“If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done. Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest,” Palin wrote in a Facebook message Tuesday. Continue reading “Sarah Palin: Feds ‘stockpiling bullets’ to use against us”

Avon Lake Patch – by Jason Lea

OUTSIDE CLEVELAND, OH — A 6-year-old boy has been suspended for 10 days and may face expulsion after he brought an airsoft gun to his elementary school on Friday.

The boy told Avon Police that he brought it to Avon East Elementary School because another student had threatened him. Continue reading “First-Grader May Face Expulsion For Bringing Air Gun To School”

Autoblog – by Jonathon Ramsey

That’s no ordinary New York City yellow taxi in the image above; it’s a police cruiser for the New York City Police Department dressed up like an NYC yellow taxi. Captured in a short video on a Manhattan street corner, it is escorting an NYPD van behind it. Continue reading “Check out this sneaky NYPD cop car disguised as a yellow cab”

Hillary Clinton, the most traveled Secretary of State in US history, began her term as Secretary appointed by a person she had opposed in the Democratic Presidential primary in 2008. She and that person had many differences. One difference came up when one of her supporters, Philip Berg, a prominent attorney, and a former Democrat Party chairman in Montgomery County, PA, insisted her opponent, Barack Obama, was born in Kenya and Berg tried to get the matter dealt with in a Federal Court. That did not work out and Hillary became Secretary of State.

She immediately got to work meeting with her counterparts all over the world. Everywhere she went, she and her friends would have a night out on the town. In 2012 camera crews caught some of the action in Columbia where she was attending a Summit of the Americas. There she was referred to as the ‘Secretary of Partying’. One of the crew noted her trip to Estonia, when she was a US Senator, where she participated in a vodka-drinking contest. One of the newspapers covering her misspelled her first name in a headline “SWILLERY” Continue reading “The Legacy of Hillary Clinton: The World’s on Fire – Party On”


A millionaire hip-hop mogul has a bold plan to rid New York City streets of firearms: He wants to offer young gunslingers who turn in their weapons mentorships … and Beyoncé concert tickets.

Michael (Blue) Williams, the head of Family Tree Entertainment, has pitched the city’s first private-sector gun buyback program to NYPD brass and is waiting for Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly’s okay. Continue reading “‘Guns for Greatness’: Gun buyback program would reward New York’s young gunslingers with mentorship and Beyonce concert tickets for The Mrs. Carter Show”

The Organic Prepper

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu (604 BC – 531 BC)

Above is the most popular version of this quote by ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu.  But I’ve always kind of liked the more literal translation, which is, “A journey of a thousand miles must begin where you stand.”  I find it so inspiring that wherever I want to go in life, I can start working towards that goal, right here, right now.  I just have to make the decision to do so. Continue reading “The Preparedness Primer: How To Get Started”

Washington man arrested for suspected DUI due to greentint on tongueExaminer – by MIKAEL THALEN

Kent police have arrested a Puyallup man for supposedly driving under the influence of marijuana, based on the fact that the man’s tongue appeared to have a ‘green film.’

“As soon as the officer came to the vehicle, he asked me to stick out my tongue,” said Simmons to Q13 Fox.

31 year old Mike Simmons, who has no criminal record, said he was put in jail Tuesday for 13 hours and is now in debt $5,000 for fee’s including lawyers and towing due to the incident. He has also been told he can not drive while out on bail. Continue reading “Wash. state man arrested for having ‘green tongue’”