Protesters stormed the US Embassy in Cairo yesterday, tore down the US flag and burned it in the street, replacing it with a black jihadist’s flag.  Later it was reported that riot police fired on the protesters.

Well let’s see.  The US corporate controlled government backed the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, saying that the goal was to instill democracy so that the people of Egypt could decide their own affairs and thus their own destiny.  It would seem they have decided that they do not want the US in their country and that they do not want to be westernized.
Continue reading “Henry Declares Peace with the Peoples of the World”

Steve Quayle Alerts  My brother and his family live in Jerusalem – he is a minister – his office is close to one of Israel ‘s largest underground military bases.

He called me last night which is very unusual – usually it is email.

He called to tell me that he is sending his family back to the US immediately due to what he is seeing happen within the last week and what he is being told by his military contacts in both the Israel and US military.
Continue reading “Intel From Israel On What’s Getting Set To Happen In The Middle East”

End of the American Dream  If you live in the United States of America, you live in a giant prison where liberty and freedom are slowly being strangled to death.  In this country, the control freaks that run things are obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and recording virtually everything that we do.

Nothing is private anymore.  Everything that you do on the Internet is being monitored.  All of your phone calls are being monitored. In fact, if law enforcement authorities suspect that you have done something wrong, they will use your cell phone microphone to listen to you even when you think your cell phone is turned off.
Continue reading “30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison”

Well it is the eleventh anniversary of 9/11.  Whether there will be another huge false flag today or not is yet to be seen, that is if you are even reading this.  Yesterday, at approximately 10:30 am Pacific time, From the Trenches World Report went down because our domain holder Go Daddy went down, causing millions of sites and email accounts around the world to go down with it.  The outage was blamed on an anonymous hack, but the very term anonymous leads one to wonder who the anonymous party was.

For weeks prior to 9/11 eleven years ago, someone anonymously was attacking the servers of Muslim sites in the US and then when the false flag occurred, these sites were down.  Thus, there were no contradictions being put forth by Middle Easterners to challenge the US government’s version of what had occurred.
Continue reading “Happy 9/11 Day!!”

If we were to pinpoint the one pervasive emotion in society today, it would be fear.  People all around you are fearful of almost everything.  They fear the police.  They fear the IRS, ATF, TSA and all the other “alphabet police”.  They fear losing their job.  They fear loosing their house.  They fear their city or town government.  And they fear the mother of them all – fear of continuing life without enough money to maintain their current lifestyle (or at least the one the remember from a decade ago).  Most people rationalize these fears as normal because “everyone has them”.

We are trained from a very early age to act out of fear.  We fear  our teachers wrath, so we do our homework.  We fear clergymen, for they decide if we go to heaven or hell, so we say all the right prayers.  We fear older children who may bully us so we cross the street to avoid them.  Later on in life we fear the cost and hassle of a ticket, so we fasten our seat belts.  We fear losing our house so we work in a job that means nothing, offers us no personal satisfaction other than just enough money to keep us trying to reach the carrot on the stick.
Continue reading “Fear Itself”

A fifth suspect was arrested in Mexico on Friday for the murder of our Border Agent Brian Terry, who as we all know was killed by a gun provided to the Mexican drug cartels by US Attorney General Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gunrunning scheme.  I guess the US government mafia thinks that if they hang a few Mexican peasants we the people of the United States will be content that justice has been served.

How many US nationals have been prosecuted because a family member gained access to one of their lawfully owned guns and used it to commit a crime?  It is just a further example that the so called laws in the United States are for the peasant population here and that the elite so called citizens of the world are not bound in any way by any law.
Continue reading “Will there be Justice in the Brian Terry Case?”

On March 22, 2003, the United States invaded the sovereign country of Iraq, calling this glorious act of aggression “Shock and Awe”.  Prior to the invasion, Iraq was the most modern and religiously tolerant country in the Middle East.  They had a functioning society, offering opportunity for prosperity to their people.  They had museums that chronicled thousands of years of Middle Eastern civilization, planes, trains, automobiles, doctors, lawyers, and religious tolerance.

And then the daisy cutters fell from the sky.  The US, in condemnation of weapons of mass destruction, used weapons of mass destruction to an excess on the people of Iraq, destroying their infrastructure, their homes, and way of life and killing a million innocents in the process.  Iraq, had to that date, committed no offense against any American.
Continue reading “Zionist Blessing bestowed upon Iraq”

The international socialist insurgency continues to throw out their propaganda smokescreen in the face of a resistance that is growing exponentially.  I was very happy to see a video I found of two men facing down the Gestapo in Rhode Island.  The two refused to identify themselves and demanded to know why they were being detained.  The Rhode Island Gestapo, being Gestapo, put forth their authority which amounted to “We are the police and we can demand from any citizen anything we want.”

When one of the men being detained asked one of the moronic pigs to define the 4th Amendment the response was, “It is the right for search and seizure.”  This is the reason an IQ of below 100 is a prerequisite for joining the force.  This video clearly showed the absence of any knowledge of the law by those purportedly enforcing it.
Continue reading “American Nationals Confront Police State with Total Resistance”

NC Renegade  The reports that Israel has developed a secret weapon that will be used in the upcoming war with Iran has been unveiled. If used, one or more electromagnetic pulses will make this a short but devastating war for Iran. Although the Iranian military has prepared for this contingency by hardening their critical facilities, the rest of the country will suffer the consequences: no electrical power, no communications and no modern conveniences. Most automobiles and buses will be useless and oil production for supporting their economy will be zero.

Under these conditions, the government will collapse as the Iranian people will accept any conditions to restore “civilization”. Also under this scenario, Israel has no need for support from the United States.
Continue reading “Israel’s New Secret Weapon Unveiled”

The American people of the American race seem to be in a state of shock and awe as the two elitist private clubs, the Democratic and Republican Parties, continue their fictional production of the 2012 Presidential Election, and the hypocrisy knows no bounds.

The neo-con national socialists have latched onto the DNC Convention debacle involving the vote to remove God from their platform and assert Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, pretending that the very same bogus teleprompter incident did not occur in the RNC Convention vote to unseat the Ron Paul delegates.
Continue reading “Status Quo Campaign of Shock and Awe”

New jobs created for the month of August came in at 96,000.  The experts estimated that number would be 140,000.  So much for the experts.  June’s Job Report was revised down from 80,000 to 64,000 jobs created.  July’s likewise was revised down from 163,000 to 141,000.  So in two months we have a miscalculation amounting to 38,000 jobs.  If we question these revisions they tell us that they keep changing because it is a fluid situation and they just can’t keep up with it.

Approximately 2 billion shares of stock are traded on the New York Exchange daily.  There are about 6000 different companies on the NYSE and trades are being made all around the world, yet these numbers are calculated accurately to the second.  With these jobs numbers we are looking at the simplest of calculations and yet the discrepancies run into the thousands and they are not discovered until a month later.
Continue reading “August Jobs Report – Another Lie”

RT News  Birthmarks, be damned: the FBI has officially started rolling out a state-of-the-art face recognition project that will assist in their effort to accumulate and archive information about each and every American at a cost of a billion dollars.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has reached a milestone in the development of their Next Generation Identification (NGI) program and is now implementing the intelligence database in unidentified locales across the country, New Scientist reports in an article this week. The FBI first outlined the project back in 2005, explaining to the Justice Department in an August 2006 document (.pdf) that their new system will eventually serve as an upgrade to the current Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) that keeps track of citizens with criminal records across America .
Continue reading “FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America”

Already there is clamoring for metal detectors and security guards.  People shouting for repeal or amendment to the 2nd amendment.  It’s like someone pushes the stupid button and people react like programmed robots.

Pentagraph  NORMAL — A 14-year-old student is in custody in connection with shots fired into a ceiling Friday morning at Normal Community High School, which remains on lockdown while police investigate the incident.
Continue reading “Students in custody after shots fired at Illinois High School; everyone safe”

Well it would seem those still trapped in the false left paradigm have just discovered what those still trapped in the false right paradigm did last week, and that is that these two political parties are actually one and the same.  When it comes down to brass tacks, the Israelis control our government, not the American people.

The fact is, we out here among the great unwashed and disenfranchised have discovered who the Zionists are and that the Christian Zionists in this country are in cahoots with the Zionist cabal in Israel and have been running our government for the past 50 years to the benefit of the Israelis and the detriment of the people of the US.
Continue reading “The One Party Zionist System Revealed at DNC”

Clean Technica  A solar energy water purifier developed in Sweden holds the promise of providing clean, fresh drinking water to the estimated one-sixth of the world’s population that lacks it. The Sollvatten uses the ultraviolet (UV) light in sunshine to kill microrganisms in water, purifying as much as 11 liters of water in 2-6 hours, and can be used two to three times a day.

It’s estimated that lack of clean drinking water puts more than 1 billion people around the world at risk of water-borne bacterial dieseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. Recognizing the increasingly urgent strains being placed on water resources worldwide, the United Nations has declared 2013 the “International Year of Water Cooperation.” Continue reading “Swedish Solar Water Purifier Offers Clean Water to 1/6 of World Population Lacking It”

Veterans Today  It was 1967 when Israeli planes bombed and strafed the USS Liberty for hours, machine-gunning life rafts, peppering the 20 foot “stars and stripes” with machine gun holes, napalming, torpedoes, one of most dastardly sneak attacks on a virtually unarmed ship since Pearl Harbor in 1941.

The US had scheduled a major exercise with multiple AEGIS surface to air “killer ships” many months ago but decided to put off the exercise because of Israeli interference in the US election and the deteriorating relationship with Israel over Iran.
Continue reading “US Navy Warned of Attack by Israel”

Having lived off the grid for the last 7 years, you see ’em come, and you see ’em go.  The dozens of people we’ve seen succeed and the dozens of people we’ve seen fail gave us a keen eye to the attributes necessary to be a survivalist.  Like we’ve told many people before, no matter how prepared you think you are, you’re gonna go through some changes!  So after many years of observation, below are listed the 6 essential traits every survivalist should possess to be successful.
Continue reading “6 Essential Attributes of Successful Survivalists”

I have often wondered as to the thoughts going through the minds of our founding fathers as the inevitable closed in around them.  When I say our founding fathers I do not mean the elitists who would direct others to their deaths, but rather the common folk, whose lives would be changed forever by the upcoming event of our first revolution.

Surely they loved life every bit as much as any one of us does and were wishing they could just live out theirs in peace.  But then, as now, there were greedy power elite who wanted to take the fruits of their labor and make slaves of them.  As I watch this convention nonsense on the stupid box, I wonder about the information the colonists were privy to and the conversations they were having.
Continue reading “Stop the Cycle of Perpetual War”