gun banNRA-ILA

The following organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations. In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass anti-gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI “Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.” Many of these organizations were listed as “Campaign Partners,” for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton “assault weapons” ban. All have officially endorsed anti-gun positions. Continue reading “National Organizations With Anti-Gun Policies”

gender_neutral_language_washingtonFox News

OLYMPIA, Wash. –  In Washington state, dairymen, freshmen and even penmanship could soon be things of the past.

Over the past six years, state officials have engaged in the onerous task of changing the language used in the state’s copious laws, including thousands of words and phrases, many written more than a century ago when the idea of women working on police forces or on fishing boats wasn’t a consideration. Continue reading “Washington state considers final gender-neutral language bill”

us air forceSteve Quayle Alerts

Steve,The Drudge Report Headline “EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans,” is old news based on what I’ve been hearing from USAF pilots I know from one of the local bases.

It was explained to me that many of the pilots are seriously considering leaving their careers in the USAF due to the training they have been receiving in the last 4 years! They are in fact being trained to fire their weapons into anything from cities, homes, businesses, and even public demonstrations!!! Continue reading “All Air Force Assets will be used against US Citizens”

GOP_Presser_JVCapitol Confidential – by Jimmy Vielkind

Tired of what they say is the Legislature’s “diminished” status as a “lap dog” for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Republicans in the State Assembly proposed amending the state Constitution to forbid legislative activity after midnight.

Over two dozen legislators gathered for a Tuesday morning press conference to push for the amendment, which would also make it harder for a governor to waive a required three-day waiting period for bills with a “message of necessity.” While this issue has simmered for years, the legislators were spurred by their unhappiness with Cuomo’s push for a gun control measure that was voted on less than 24 hours after it was unveiled. Continue reading “Comparing Cuomo to dictator, GOP pushes for sunlight”

jimmy lee – by Robert McClendon

Before Jimmy Lee Dykes dug a bunker, before he kidnapped 5-year-old Ethan and shot his bus driver dead, he liked to bet on dog races, according to his friend and former neighbor, George Arnold.

Dykes, who was 65 when he died, kept records of the races, boxes of them, sure that one day, if he studied them hard enough he would find a pattern in the results and get rich, Arnold said. Continue reading “Man behind Alabama hostage standoff, Jimmy Lee Dykes: Paranoid, poor and particular”


New York – -( Dear New York Patriot,

We have all seen our inboxes filled with the anguished concerns of patriots across America as our Liberties are challenged a slice at a time.

For many people, the threat to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one they will not let pass by. Here in New York, the SAFE ACT has caused outrage and concern that is bringing gun owners and freedom loving citizens together in concentrated action. Continue reading “‘We The People of New York’ To Take on Gov Cuomo & NY SAFE ACT”

gas-pricesCBS Local News

Prices at the pump have hit a record for this time of year and drivers are shelling out a lot more to fill up their cars.

Lamar Munnerlyn drives his own truck in New York City and said every time gas prices go up, his salary goes down.

“It’s really difficult. I’m losing money all the time,” Munnerlyn told CBS 2′s Dick Brennan. “We have family we gotta feed and everything like that. Gas prices going up every time you turn around.” Continue reading “New York Drivers Facing Sticker Shock At The Gas Station”

Spark_gap_transmitter_diagramI was watching the Discovery Channel’s post-Apocalyptic show, The Colony-Season One, last night and was quite intrigued by the ‘Professor’s’ Spark Gap Transmitter project.  Both he and the lady who is a rocket scientist worked to complete both a transmitter and receiver from spare junk left behind in an 80,000-foot warehouse they now called home.

I began seeing the importance of such a completed project.   The transmitter immediately presented itself as a solution to communications needs for militias around the United States who might be able to communicate with one another by Morse code, if possible.  Such a transmitter would allow militia members to quickly switch stations using the old technology to avoid the bad guys from listening to their communications. Continue reading “Spark Gap Transmitters and Receivers”

mq 1 predator droneThe Atlanta Journal Constitution – by MATT GOURAS

HELENA, Mont. — Lawmakers in at least 11 states are looking at plans to restrict the use of drones over their skies amid concerns the unmanned aerial vehicles could be exploited to spy on Americans.

The American Civil Liberties Union says state legislators are proposing various restrictions on local authorities’ use of the technology. Continue reading “States propose limiting use of drones by police”

gold coinsNewser – by John Johnson

Virginia is apparently for haters of the Federal Reserve: One state legislator wants the state to mint its own coins in case the US dollar collapses. It may sound pie-in-the-sky, but Virginia’s House of Delegates agreed yesterday to set up a $17,000 panel to explore the move, reports the Washington Post. The Virginian-Pilotsees the measure by Republican Bob Marshall as a “conservative shout-out,” but Marshall insists he’s serious. Continue reading “Virginia Wants to Mint Its Own Coins”

michelle-obama-fat-overweight-heavy-oprah-butt-large-posterior-sad-hill-newsSad Hill News

Look, I am 100% convinced if the powers-that-be declared Obama, ‘Supreme Dictator’ as early as tomorrow, our spineless Congress and pathetic GOP would roll-over and welcome the new overlord; not to mention the majority of MSM-raised Americans and weak-kneed Christians that default out-of-context to Romans 13 due to the softness of their trend-embracing ‘pastor’ and/or ‘church’.

Yes. The comments by the teacher were inappropriate considering his environment. But as Big Brother continues to provoke our nation’s anger while sending offenders to ‘diversity training’ or ‘sensitivity training’ (Room 101) as punishment, well perhaps this slice of humor will help preserve what little sanity remains. Continue reading “‘Fat Butt Michelle Obama’ Remark Gets Teacher Suspended”

pandaPANDA Unite – by Emilie Rensink

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The “Washington State Preservation of Liberty Act” introduced on Wednesday condemns and criminalizes the use of the 2012 NDAA‘s provision purportedly authorizing the indefinite detainment of U.S. citizens.

After news of H.B. 1581’s introduction caught wind, an Internet campaign went viral asking activists to contact their Washington state representatives to co-sponsor the legislation. Continue reading “Washington State’s Anti-NDAA Bill Introduced with Viral Support”

drone attacksBefore It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Since Barack Obama recently took it upon himself to label himself ‘dictator’ with free will to kill Americans with drones, isn’t it time that Americans learn how to fight back and kill drones? Where there is a will, there is a way! This excellent article informs Americans who are completely disgusted with the ‘Police State’ our once free nation has become on how to kill UAV’s. If UAV’s are going to be used to kill Americans, Americans need to learn how to fight back. Our GOD given right to defend our own lives is a much higher power than either Barack Obama or the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution or the US Pentagon and their killing machines. These monsters DESERVE to be grounded. Here’s how to do it! Continue reading “How To Kill A Drone: Since Drones Can Kill Americans, Americans Can Kill Drones, Here’s How”

Bank-Vault-EmptyNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

Chicago is infamous for its mob-style governing mentality, and current Mayor Rahm Emanuel is doing what he can to carry on that tradition. Thwarted by a federal appeals court in December which ordered the state legislature to make concealed carry in Illinois happen within six months, Emanuel is attempting to backdoor the ruling by intimidating banks that do business with gun makers.

The nasty little cuss is pressuring two major financial institutions in particular – Bank of America and TD Bank – to back his push for a ban on firearms that resemble military rifles, as well as background checks for all gun purchases. Continue reading “Chicago ‘boss’ declares economic warfare on gun makers, tells banks to deny loans and funds”

police stateTech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

from the your-police-chief-needs-to-talk-less-and-listen-more dept

It’s been frequently posited that the US is slowly becoming a police state, what with the near-constant surveillance of citizens, the “Constitution-free” zone surrounding our borders, theendless hassles of attempting to board a plane, NYC’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” program, and the many security agencies that either were created or greatly expanded post-9/11. Continue reading “Police Chief Deploys Officers With Assault Rifles To Stop & ID Everyone; Says Local Crime Stats Give Him Probable Cause”

chris kyleDaily Paul – by Billy Bernardo

I don’t pretend to be a Chris Kyle expert. I never even heard of him before this past weekend. I just know what I have recently read.

Apparently, the guy’s first kill in Iraq was a woman holding a baby in one hand, a grenade in the other. She obviously cares a lot about whatever she is standing up for. Obviously this is not some Al Queda that came in to fill the vacuum of the Sadam-less Iraq. This is an Iraqi woman, standing up to the invader. Continue reading “Chris Kyle’s first kill, with no regrets”

glass bottlesPatriotic Americans need to start saving all glass bottles.  The uses of glass bottles go beyond the abilities of patriots to be creative!  The bottles work well for: guarding candle flames, wine and beer making, sterile water creation and storage, as candles, for holding medicine, carrying fuel for camping stoves, and as mixing receptacles for making all types of cocktails.  DO NOT discard glass bottles of any size as garbage.


nk nuk testNew York Daily News – by Christine Roberts

New York City appears to be under attack in a bizarre propaganda video released by North Korea Saturday.

The unnerving clip, published on YouTube by the country’s state-run news agency, begins with a young man dreaming about riding aboard a North Korean space shuttle — a rocket similar to the one Pyongyang launched in December. Continue reading “North Korean YouTube video shows mock missile attack on New York City”

courageI read an article today posted to Henry Shivley’s website regarding a patriot who is contemplating the awful thought of having to go to war and the real possibility of protecting his family before himself.

In the article he mentioned removing himself from his home in case the feds might decide to kick his door down in the middle of the night to drag him away to a FEMA camp.  He would decide to not shoot back due to the possibility of his wife and kids being harmed by bullets fired by the invaders.  In effect, he would surrender himself or fall on his sword to protect others.  I applaud this man’s chivalry and desire to protect his wife and offspring first.  Yes, he would be making a wise decision to avoid carnage for those he loves. Continue reading “Fear, Confidence, Courage as Practiced”