It has been confirmed.  The Iowa Caucus was a fraud.  It is now being said that Rick Santorum won Iowa by 34 votes, however this statement cannot be confirmed as the results from eight precincts have somehow disappeared.  The fact is in the final analysis the results of the Iowa Caucus are unknown because the election cannot be certified.

If this election cannot be confirmed how can the delegates be rightfully doled out, especially considering the fact that a majority of the precinct results that got lost were in Lee County which was won by Congressman Paul.  Could it be that so many votes had to be shaved off to stop Paul from winning Iowa that entire precincts had to be removed?
Continue reading “Rick Bilderberg Perry Endorses Newt Bilderberg Gingrich”

President Obama announced today a new tourism policy which will accommodate the streamlining of the visa process for foreigners entering our country for business and recreational purposes.  Obama contends that the ever expanding Chinese, Indian, and Brazilian middle classes should be welcomed into the United States with open arms and that the dollars they will bring will help American businesses and create jobs.

Now let’s look at what is really going on.  Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama, through NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT have dismantled our industrial base and sent it to China, India, and Brazil.  And now he wants to allow the peoples of these countries, who are prospering via our stolen jobs, to be allowed to come into our country for recreation and to perpetuate further dirty business deals designed to further deteriorate our condition.
Continue reading “Barack Obama the Pimp, the US his Prostitute”

A cruise ship laying on its side over in Italy and two bills allowing the government to take over the internet are working quite well as a smoke screen for the select reporting on the mainstream propaganda machine coming up to the primary in South Carolina on Saturday.

It is indeed a strange situation. Ron Paul has pretty much been removed from the mainstream and I believe they have been told to stop reporting on the other candidates because all their exposure is doing is highlighting the hundred and one reasons that the other candidates are completely unacceptable.  There will be a GOP debate on CNN this evening.  It will be interesting to see what the coverage looks like coming up on the hour.
Continue reading “US Government Insurgents Becoming Desperate”

We have often indicated that the treasonous insurgents within our government might very well employ desperate measures when it became obvious to them that the Ron Paul Revolution cannot be stopped.  In the first month of 2012 we are seeing a diabolical police state being put into action.

I watched this piece on FOX News this morning.

Analysts from the FBI, Homeland Security, and the National Counterterrorism Center, which is the nation’s center for threat assessment, reviewed 62 cases and here is what they found.
Continue reading “White House meets with Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement to Discuss Homegrown Terror”

Though Ron Paul clearly won the FOX GOP debate in South Carolina, the rhetoric continues from the propagandists who are saying Paul is just trying to accumulate delegates to influence the Republican platform and has no belief that he will be president.  You see the neo-cons believe the Republican Party is their personal private property.  They completely discount 99% of our population, and indeed, this is the stuff bloody revolutions are made of.

Have you ever asked yourself why NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT moved our jobs and industry out of this country?  Well I’m going to tell you why…because we let it happen.  It is the modus operandi of the bully to oppress and push the limit until he gets his face bashed in.  The terrible things that are being done to the American people are only occurring because we are hesitating to stand up and say “No”.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Wins FOX GOP Debate – Accept It!”

The South Carolina GOP debate was truly an insult to the intelligence.  There was a large crowd which consisted of every neo-con in the state.  These people came from the Masonic lodges, country clubs, defense contractor associations, and of course the omnipresent Shriners.  And you know what?  Whooptidoo.  The people who will decide the election were outside just as surely as they have been put outside throughout our society by the one percent.

Rick Perry made a good showing and only came off as mildly retarded.

Rick Santorum made it clear that he will engage us immediately in new wars if elected.
Continue reading “FOX’s South Carolina GOP Debate – An Insult”

Last Wednesday a video was released showing US Marines urinating on dead Taliban soldiers in Afghanistan, and many who read my articles might expect that I would come out in condemnation of the act.  I cannot.  Why this video was released can only be debated, but if the purpose was to show the United States government as a civil authority that does not condone barbarism, it would have to be considered laughable.

What these young marines did in urinating on corpses was actually quite mild in comparison to other acts that occur in the course of war.  During literally every war the United States has been involved in, and any other country for that matter, there has been barbarism.  Why?  Because that is what war is.  There are now movies showing soldiers in World War II cutting off ears and scrotums for war trophies.
Continue reading “American Soldiers Urinating on Taliban – Outrageous?”

The South Carolina primaries will be held on Saturday and the mainstream propaganda machine is in high gear in trying to influence the voters in that state.  I saw a preacher on CNN who was saying in essence that the people should forget about the economy, the loss of their jobs, foreign wars, and foreign aid and vote for religion.  This preacher said that God is mad at us and the only way to fix the situation is by voting for the candidate that is the biggest religious fanatic.  You know who I am talking about, Rick Santorum.

This preacher demonstrated the very essence of the cause that drives people away from religion.  If you believe in God are not you supposed to work to make life more Godly, as in doing what you have to to stop the wars and end the internal corruption that has degraded the morality of our people?  Hasn’t Dr. Ron Paul offered to correct those things that are going on that would have to be considered un-Godly?
Continue reading “South Carolinians, Help God, Vote for Ron Paul”

Whenever the issue of vote fraud in the United States is brought up, the mainstream media immediately starts a campaign to minimize and remove the subject matter from debate.  Mainstream reporters will say that allegations of vote fraud are unfounded and assert that there have only been a couple of incidents reported in the whole history of the United States.  This is yet another lie designed to maintain the status quo.

Election fraud runs rampant in the United States and we the people are quite aware of the situation.  I guess we have just been desensitized to the ramifications this felonious activity represents.  How many times have you heard someone say, “We have the best government money can buy” or “You can’t fight city hall”?
Continue reading “Democrats Take Plea Deals in Election Fraud Case in Troy, New York”

How many times has it been broadcast within the mainstream propaganda machine that Ron Paul cannot win the presidential election?  We all know where the statement is coming from, not just from the false left and not just from the false right, but indeed absolutely from the one party system.  Let’s look at the statement on its bare face and ask the question, why can’t Ron Paul win?

The propagandists both left and right, are saying Ron Paul cannot beat Barack Obama in a general election.  These same propagandists have reported a hundred times that Independents will decide the general election.  And when you examine the Republican field, Ron Paul dominates where Independents are concerned.
Continue reading “President Ron Paul becomes more Absolute as Mainstream Media Influence Wanes into Obscurity”

The fact that the mainstream media is owned and controlled by the corporate elite cannot be argued.  MSNBC has been an unlikely advocate of Mitt Romney since contention for the GOP ticket began, leading to increased scrutiny of the false left-right paradigm.  It has recently been revealed that MSNBC shares ownership of The Weather Channel with Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.

A lot is being said about Bain Capital and a lot is not being said.  Bain Capital owns Clear Channel Communications which it acquired just before Romney’s first run for President in 2008.  Clear Channel Communications controls a plethora of radio talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Jim Rome, Casey Kasem, Ryan Seacrest, Glenn Beck, Bob (Kevoian) & Tom (Griswold), Delilah, Steve Harvey, Blair Garner, George Noory, John Boy and Billy, Big Tigger, Dr. Dean Edell, Bob Costas, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Mark Levin.
Continue reading “Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital and Potential Profits”

New jobless claims came in at 399,000 for the week, the highest since the end of November.  Wow, what do you know?  The propagandists are saying this is a seasonally adjusted number.  Now wait just a doggone minute.  Let me understand this correctly.  This number is calculated simply by counting the number of people filing new claims.  How can this number be “seasonally adjusted”?  Well there is only one way and that is to report a number that is not true because it is winter.  This would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.

Tell you what I believe.  The real number was probably closer to 500,000 and the Obama gang ordered a lower number, insisting that it remain under 400,000.  This is why it is 399,000.  I guess somehow they think a thousand under 400,000 looks better.
Continue reading “Obama Hits the Campaign Trail with a New Batch of Lies and Fraudulent Numbers”

122,255 votes cast in Iowa’s Republican caucus, 248,485 in New Hampshire’s primary, for a total of 370,740 votes cast, and it is decided, Mitt Romney will be the GOP candidate for the 2012 Presidential Election.  That’s right, 370,740 people have made the choice for 300 million.  Don’t laugh.  This is the false reality being put forth via the mainstream propaganda machine.  They have even began speculating as to who will be Romney’s running mate and matching Romney against Obama in their absolutely accurate opinion polls.

Never in the history of this nation has been there been such a concerted effort to shove a lie down the people’s throats.  What kind of arrogance does it take to think you can just put forth a dictate over the airwaves and enforce it through the adage of “talk to the hand?”
Continue reading “Occupy the Mainstream Media – Public Enemy Number One”

With only 20% of the vote in for the New Hampshire primaries, Romney is giving his acceptance speech as CNN has projected him to win.  This is a fraud of the highest degree.  To predict any outcome with only 20% of the vote calculated is bullshit.

Think of what you have just witnessed.  The mainstream media dictated the percentages through their fraudulent polls and with only 20% of the vote in made those polls the election results.  I guess they can always make the Diebold Voting Machines they are using give the correct number of Dr. Paul’s votes to the other candidates to make it all come out right in the morning.
Continue reading “Blatant Vote Fraud in New Hampshire Perpetrated by Mainstream Propaganda Machine”

Well New Hampshire, you’re up.  There are a lot of patriots among you who want the restitution of our Republic under our Constitution, and be assured the international corporate mafia has already put the fraud in place to change the election results.  Do not be deterred.  If you come out in mass the fraud will have to be a large one and the chances of one of our people catching them with a smoking gun is all the better.

Once again the fraudulent opinion polls are being manipulated to show a large portion of voters undecided.  I do not believe it for a minute.  This number is being held back for the purpose of falsifying the results.
Continue reading “New Hampshire Voters, Step up in Defiance of Tyranny”

We the American people know what has caused the drastic fall of our country.  And as more and more of us become awake and aware of the fact that our demise was, and continues to be, purposefully orchestrated by those who would enslave us, the elitist think tanks are working overtime to devise a strategy that will allow the status quo to finish us off.

The New Hampshire GOP primaries are coming up tomorrow following two debates over the weekend.  It has become clear that the status quo would like a presidential race featuring Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney.  So why would Mitt Romney be acceptable as the new figurehead for the international insurgency against we the people?
Continue reading “Romney and Huntsman have Outsourced your Jobs”

NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT are treaties/laws that pay American based international companies to dismantle American industry and move it out of our country.  This is economic treason and should be front and center in the discussion for the candidates for president in 2012.  These trade agreements represent the corporate takeover of the United States government and rather than address them directly, all the talk is about surviving in spite of them.

Ron Paul is the only candidate that is offering a solution to these unconstitutional legislations.  Under the United States Constitution the job of our government is to jealously protect our industry.  To try and repeal NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT in the face of a treasonous Congress would seem an impossibility.  However, what if these unconstitutional laws were negated simply though enforcement of the Constitution and were replaced with tariffs on the foreign businesses created as a result of the treason?
Continue reading “Yes We Will Elect Ron Paul President!”

Iran has announced a new round of war games to be conducted in the Strait of Hormuz as a British ship comes into the area to join the US and Israel in their own little war games.  It would seem that an invasion of Iran is growing closer each and every day.  It has become painfully obvious that the actors in the United States federal government have now brought their agenda full circle.  The fact is it does not matter what we the people of the United States want as the government has declared itself separate and apart from us.

Presidential candidate Rick Perry said during the debate Saturday night that he would send troops back into Iraq as a civil war is breaking out there as a consequence of American troops being withdrawn.  All of the GOP candidates except for Ron Paul are making it clear, further empire building will be at the top of their agenda if they are allowed to get into our White House.
Continue reading “US, Israel, and Britain Gearing up for Attack in the Strait of Hormuz”

President Barack Obama, saying he could not wait for Congress to act, has announced a $1.5 billion youth jobs program, which is supposed to give young Americans a chance to work, make money, and learn how the system works.  Well for the young people out there reading this article, I will now reveal to you just how that system works.

Coinciding with this new jobs program, which is in reality a bribe to pull American youth away from Ron Paul, there is another youth jobs program.  A visa program, if you will, to bring foreign youth into our country and provide them with jobs.  A whole plethora of corporations have signed up for both of these programs, which will equate to $1.5 billion in subsidized labor.  And here is the real juicy part.  When the corporations give those jobs to foreign youth here on those visas, they won’t have to pay workman’s compensation or payroll taxes, which should make for record profits for these businesses through the summer.
Continue reading “The Truth behind Obama’s Youth Employment Plan”