Employee protests at McDonald franchises are erupting around the country as the devaluation of our currency is making it more and more impossible to survive on the little that the jobs these establishments offer.  Of course the neo-con elite are stepping up in defense of the international franchises and their multi-billion dollar profits, saying that a job at McDonalds is not intended as a career choice to support a worker, but rather it is being said these are jobs for high school children at the entry level.

Hold the presses.  For the past thirty years, since the elitist Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and our industry began being shut down, we have been told that we are being moved into a service industry economy.  From the get go many argued that this assertion in reality was a cover for the destruction for our standard of living.
Continue reading “McDonald Workers Picketing for Higher Wages”

There are over 7 billion people on Planet Earth and if one were to judge the condition thereof by the reporting in the mainstream, it would appear that there are four or five things going on in the United States that seem to be unchanging in their essence and the rest of the world is frozen in time.  The looming fiscal cliff, which has come up on and off as the main story in our news for the past three years, the Susan Rice/Benghazi scandal, and the drama in the Piddle East are being shoved down our throats ad nauseum.  The propaganda machine seems to be attempting to hold us in a one week loop until we break down and accept the idea of austerity as a fate accompli that in reality has yet to occur.

Are billions of dollars going to be taken out of our economy?  Oh yes.  Is this revenue going to come from those who can least afford it?  Oh, hell yes.  But between the idea and the reality lies the shadow, which is our acceptance of $50 trillion being stolen from us that we are now being told we must replace through our deprivation.
Continue reading “The Fiscal Cliff Propaganda Loop”

We are all witnessing the moral breakdown of our Christian nation as the socialists work tirelessly to pervert the 1st Amendment guarantee for religion to a prohibition thereof.  The 1st Amendment states in part, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.   When the pilgrims came to America, they were seeking to escape religious persecution as the Church of England was government sponsored state religion enforced law.

The very idea that the religious clause in our 1st Amendment would be used to attack Christianity can in no way be imagined to be the intent of our founders.  To this day prayer is still offered in our Halls of Congress and it is rare to find documents from the colonial era that do not contain Christian assertions in their content.  The 1st Amendment was meant to protect Christianity and other forms of religion from government manipulation as the belief in a higher being was the cornerstone upon which our country was founded.
Continue reading “The Next “True” Meaning of Christmas”

Huffington Post – by Joshua Hersh and Sam Stein

WASHINGTON — When Susan Rice’s potential nomination to the post of secretary of state hit another snag this past week, the White House found itself in a quandary.

On Wednesday, a publication affiliated with the Natural Resources Defense Council dug into the ambassador to the United Nations’ financial disclosures, and discovered that she and her husband were heavily invested in several oil companies in western Canada including one, Transcanada, that currently has a project under review at the State Department.
Continue reading “Susan Rice Keystone XL Attacks Put White House In A Bind”

Huffington Post – by David B. Caruso

NEW YORK — A month after Sandy’s floodwaters swept up his block, punched a hole in his foundation and drowned his furnace, John Frawley still has no electricity or heat in his dilapidated home on the Rockaway seashore.

The 57-year-old, who also lost his car and all his winter clothes in the flood, now spends his nights shivering in a pair of donated snow pants, worrying whether the cold might make his chronic heart condition worse.
Continue reading “Health Crisis In Sandy Disaster Zones: Cold, Mold Loom As Hazards In Rockaways, Staten Island, Elsewhere”

The looming fiscal cliff, Obama playing politics with the economy and showing anti-Israel tendencies in opposing strengthening sanctions on Iran, gun control, stimulus, deficit, debt, what are we missing here?  Come on, everyone knows.  The number one issue in the United States…..jobs.  And we will not hear any more about jobs until the next election, which we are never going to make it to because our economy is going to crash right along with the dollar.

How stupid do these international soviet socialists think we are?  I’ll tell you a little something about jobs.  There are less every day as what is left of our industry continues to move to other countries.  What jobs are left are paying less every day as the American standard of living disintegrates and American workers are replaced with peasants from the third world.
Continue reading “What Happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?”

Washington’s Blog

André Rousseau is a Doctor of Geophysics and Geology, a former researcher in the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), who has published 50 papers on the relationships between the characteristics of progressive mechanical waves and geology.

Dr. Rousseau is an expert on measurement of acoustic waves.

Rousseau says that the seismic waves measured on September 11th proves that the 3 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. Specifically, in a new scientific article published by the Journal of 9/11 Studies, Rosseau writes: Continue reading “Seismic Evidence Implies Controlled Demolition on 9/11”

End the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

Apparently the school to prison pipeline is much more significant than I previously thought. Not only are schools forcing children to be tracked and withdrawing them when they refuse to accept such tracking or putting six-year-old kids in handcuffs for alleged temper tantrums, in one school system they are placing special needs students in a kind of solitary confinement they call an “isolation booth.”
Continue reading “Creepy ‘isolation booth’ used in public elementary school to lock up disabled students”

Huffington Post – by Courtney Perks

The embattled owner of four Orange County hospitals has been fined $95,000 by the state for breaching a patient’s privacy in an effort to rebut a news article about the chain’s unusual and lucrative billing practices.

The Department of Public Health fined Shasta Regional Medical Center in Redding earlier this month after the patient’s medical records were disclosed without consent to three news agencies as well as hospital employees. The hospital is owned by Ontario-based Prime Healthcare Services, which also owns Garden Grove Hospital, La Palma Intercommunity, West Anaheim Medical Center and Huntington Beach Hospital.
Continue reading “Prime Healthcare Services, Owner Of OC Hospitals, Fined For Breaching Patient’s Privacy”

Before It’s News – by Truth Excavator

1. Economic Warfare: Big Banks, Imaginary Cliffs, And Genocidal Austerity.

America’s economic life has been deliberately brought to a halt by the psychopathic international oligarchy that controls the Federal Reserve, corporate America, and the U.S. political system. The systematic destruction of the American economy began in the 1970s and it continues to accelerate. There is no question that the deindustrialization of America was preventable. But since the globalists in Washington abandoned America and its people, they saw to it that America’s core industries were destroyed.
Continue reading “Beyond The Phantom Of Terror: Five Real Ways America Is Under Attack”

SHTF Plan – by Daisy Luther – The Organic Prepper

Some people believe that we are hurtling towards physical disaster with our delicate electrical grid. Just how that disaster might occur is open for debate, but we need only look at major power outages over the last few years to see how precarious our grasp on electricity is. It isn’t a matter of “if” the lights will go out, but a matter of “when”.
Continue reading “What Will You Do When the Lights Go Out?”

That which we know as the United States was literally hacked out of a wilderness.  Through trial and error and the natural course of life, we developed procedures that caused the American nationals to excel in the creation of the most powerful nation to ever exist on the planet.  It was our liberty to think and communicate freely that propelled us to the top.  It was our clannish adherence to our founding principles and devotion to family that made us strong.  It was our abundance of natural resources and our access and control thereof that made us prosperous.

How could such a people ever be conquered?  Well, you would have to remove that which made us unconquerable and this is what the communists are working at.  While your average man or woman desires a peaceful life, minding his or her own business, living and letting live, the communists devote their whole miserable lives to agitation and perpetuation of their parasitic ideals.
Continue reading “Women’s Unnatural Role in Combat”

Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

In July of this year it became apparent through a flood of mainstream media reports that the National Security Agency (NSA) was “desperate to hire new hacking talent to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure” yet the NSA is notorious for its surveillance programs on American digital activity.

David Petraeus, former director of the CIA, said at a summit for In-Q-Tel, that he was speculating on the “internet of things” and that “‘Transformational’ is an overused word, but I do believe it properly applies to these technologies . . . particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft.”
Continue reading “CIA-Sponsored Trolls Monitor Internet & Interact With Users to Discredit Factual Information”

Before It’s News – by Barracuda

Study shows mixing oil with dispersant increased toxicity to Gulf’s ecosystems.

If the 4.9 million barrels of oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico during the 2010 Deep Water Horizon spill was a ecological disaster, the two million gallons of dispersant used to clean it up apparently made it even worse – 52-times more toxic. That’s according to new research from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes (UAA), Mexico.

The study found that mixing the dispersant with oil increased toxicity of the mixture up to 52-fold over the oil alone. In toxicity tests in the lab, the mixture’s effects increased mortality of rotifers, a microscopic grazing animal at the base of the Gulf’s food web. The findings are published online by the journal Environmental Pollution and will appear in the February 2013 print edition.
Continue reading “Gulf Of Mexico 52x More Toxic From Corexit Clean Up Than The Original Oil Spill Itself”

Business Insider – by Robert Johnson

Leave it to legendary Walter Pincus from the Washington Post to flesh out a Request for Proposal construction project planned for Israel called Site 911.

The oddly named project will cost up to $100 million, take more than two years to complete, and can only be built by workers from specific countries with proper security clearances. Palestinians need not apply.
Continue reading “Why Is The US Building A Secret $100 Million Underground Facility Outside Tel Aviv?”

The UN voted yesterday to make Palestine an Independent Observer State. 138 members of the assembly, including many EU states, Russia, China, India and Brazil voted in favor of recognizing the Palestinians as a non-member observer state. Israel, the US, and seven other states, including Canada, the Marshall Islands and Panama, voted against the resolution. Forty-one nations, including the UK and Germany, abstained.

The Palestinians have been celebrating on the West Bank while Benjamin Netanyahu and his lapdog, Hillary Clinton, are refusing to recognize the new designation.  Now, there is a surprise.
Continue reading “Palestine Recognized – It is not Futile to Resist”

Free Beacon- by Adam Kredo

U.N. ambassador has investments in companies doing business with Iran, disclosure forms show

The portfolio of embattled United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice includes investments of hundreds of thousands of dollars in several energy companies known for doing business with Iran, according to financial disclosure forms.
Continue reading “Susan Rice’s Enrichment Program”

They are calling it the “Nuclear Option”.  Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, has proposed ending filibusters, which are an important tool in keeping the minority or the individual from being run over by the majority.  Once again I have heard the imposter Obama refer to my country as a democracy.  My country is not a democracy.  It is a republic wherein the rights of the individual trump the whims and wants of the majority.

This Nuclear Option is another attempted power grab by the Zion communists and, considering the dictatorship that has already been declared, it makes perfect sense.  Once the Senate has declared majority rule, I guess they can make any further rule changes they want, like doing away with the requirement for a two-thirds majority to override a veto.  Or maybe the two-thirds majority needed to ratify a treaty, like the UN Small Arms Treaty.
Continue reading “Will the Communists Exercise the Nuclear Option?”

President Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat the South Side of Chicago International Socialist Insurgent, having returned from touching base with his international communist co-conspirators in Asia, has went straight to work on the issues important to we American nationals, meeting yesterday at the White House with Mexico’s newly elected President, Pene Nieto, to discuss Mexico’s participation in US gun confiscation and implementation of the North American Union.

Conveniently, and almost as if on cue, headlines in the United States portrayed the violent murder of a Mexican mayor by the drug cartels and the fact that 50,000 Mexicans have been murdered  by the cartels in Mexico as a result of the Mexican drug wars and it is all the our fault, don’t you know.
Continue reading “Obama Plotting with his International Co-Conspirators – The Quiet before the Storm”

Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Dr. William Cooper, pediatrics and preventive medicine professor at Vanderbilt University, claims that Ritalin and Adderall (two pharmaceutical drugs used to treat ADHD) can prevent the mind of hyperactive children from becoming criminals. Cooper contends that these drugs should continue to be administered through adulthood to prevent criminal activity later in life.
Continue reading “ADHD & Criminals: Drug Corporations Want To Create More Lifetime Customers”