Finally, MSNBC is launching the Democratic attack on their right wing nemesis, the Republican Party. You see there has been very little discussion of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars in Tampa, and god damn it, the Israeli people have a right to know that the issue of their Middle East conquest is being addressed by those who would propose to rule over their commonwealth. Likewise the industrial war complex has a right to be secure in knowing that the wealth of the United States will continue to be funneled to them and the international contractors will continue to grow fat on the blood of the American people and our resources.
We are paying $1 million per soldier per year in Iraq and Afghanistan as our middle class continues to shrink and our streets are filled with homeless and hungry people. We must be on the right track as we are being told that we want to keep the status quo, whether it be through Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat the south side of Chicago back alley pimp or Mitt the “I sold America out and have the money stashed in bank accounts around the world that I don’t want to talk about” Romney.
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