The violence in the Middle East has escalated following the arrival of US Secretary of State Hillary, the baby blood drinker, Clinton.  It is being reported that a bus was bombed in Tel Aviv, injuring ten.  Israel has of course responded by deliberately targeting more civilians in Gaza, killing twenty-seven.

I guess the Israelis needed an event to somehow justify the mass murder they are committing.  You don’t think they would have the Mossad blow up a bus for that purpose, do you?

Hillary Clinton was also injured when Netanyahu bit off the end of her nose, which was inserted so far up his ass that it was protruding from his mouth.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Injured after Bus Bombing in Tel Aviv”

American National Militia – by Alan Korwin

Here it is, folks, and it is bad news. The framework for legislation is always laid, and the Democrats have the votes to pass anything they want to impose upon us. They really do not believe you need anything more than a brick to defend your home and family. Look at the list and see how many you own. Remember, it is registration, then confiscation. It has happened in the UK, in Australia, in Europe, in China, and what they have found is that for some reason the criminals do not turn in their weapons, but will know that you did.
Continue reading “Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out”

Israel has put a hold on its ground attack into Gaza, as a preemptory propaganda campaign has been launched in the face of mounting criticism of the Israeli warmongering.  It would seem many around the world, and most importantly here in the US, have awakened to the reality of Zion and wanton international murder.   Even the mainstream propagandists seem to be dropping hints to the Israelis and the essence that they were charged with war crimes the last time they invaded Gaza.

These statements fly directly in the face of the Zionist hypocrisy put forth yesterday in that the Israelis contended that the Palestinians are using their women and children as human shields in trying to convince we Americans that they are not purposefully targeting civilians.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton, the Last Hope for the People in Gaza….Oh, oh”

Also sent in by REDHORSE

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Nearly 6 months ago, Judge Andrew Napolitano went on record saying that the 1st American to shoot down a drone would be an instant hero. I get the feeling that this was not exactly what he was talking about, but a drone has been shot down nonetheless.

Police are investigating an incident at a Berks County hunting club in which someone on the hunting grounds allegedly targeted a mechanical flying object rather than a living and breathing one.
Continue reading “Hunters Shoot Drone Out Of Sky: “Octocopter” Was Owned By Animal Rights Group”

It is now thirteen days since the election.  The affects of Superstorm Sandy are still omnipresent.  By proxy, the United States is involved in a couple of more wars in the Middle East as Israel opens fire on Gaza and Syria.  And let’s not forget the looming fiscal cliff.  Definitely a crisis on many fronts and where is our newly reelected leader?  Well, as predicted, he has jumped aboard his taxpayer funded air yacht and headed back home to Asia.  You know they love him over there.

Obama spoke to his people in Thailand yesterday, emphasizing the importance they represent in reference to the future of American jobs.  I guess they would be important seeing as how they will be getting those jobs as more of our industry is moved there.  Maybe they can make us some Twinkies.  Lord knows we need Twinkies.
Continue reading “Where in the World is Barack Obama?”

There is a lot being said today about the breakdown of the educational system in the United States and there are many theories as to what is going wrong as the United States falls further and further behind the rest of the world.  I think our education system is being destroyed by design, just as surely as our economic system has and is.  If you take something that works, start changing it, and you see the changes are adversely affecting the function, do you continue to change, or do you go back to what worked?

Billions of dollars are being spent on curriculums which dissuade from reading, writing, and arithmetic and toward multi-culturalism and social order and we wonder what is wrong?
Continue reading “The Socialist Attack on US Education”

The Egyptian people rose up against their oppressive government and America was in full support.  Then in Libya it went a step further as America stepped in to support the so called rebels, initiating a no-fly zone to stop the evil Gaddafi regime from using air power against those who wanted to oust him and establish a new government.

Now in Syria the United States is in full support of the Al Qaeda rebels endeavoring to free themselves from their oppressors.  It is indeed a cry of indignation we are hearing as the US regime pushes for another no-fly zone to keep the brutal Assad government from using 21st century air power against the resisters, armed only with small pieces of field artillery and short range rockets.
Continue reading “Israel, Palestine, Libya, Syria, and Hypocrisy”

Canada Free Press – by Alan Caruba

There’s a very entertaining, but terrifying book by Laer Pearce, “Crazifornia: Tales from the Tarnished State—How California is destroying itself and Why It Matters to America.” I recommend everyone read it because it lays out the template for why California will go belly up and why the nation is at the precipice of doing the same thing.

Though it may defy belief, Californians voted to let the state tax them more to 13.3% and they gave Democrats a supermajority in both houses while killing a ballot initiative that would have barred unions from automatically withholding money from worker paychecks for political spending. The public service and other unions own California. Add that to a history ofprogressive politics and you have a recipe for the total disaster that confronts the state and the nation these days.For some thirty years the author has been helping corporations and local government agencies cope with California’s regulatory jungle. As he puts it, “Crazifornia reveals a state that has become so misdirected, ungovernable and untenable that the primary driver of change has become the catastrophe.” Following the recent elections a recent Wall Street Journal editorial opined, “So now Californians will experience the joys of one-party, union-run progressive governance.”
Continue reading “California is Destroying Itself. The U.S. is Next.”

It would seem Hostess will be shutting down operations and going out of business, taking with it another 18,000 American jobs.  There is a lot of propaganda out there in regards as to who is to blame.  The neo-cons national socialists, of course, are blaming the soviet socialist unions for refusing to allow further pay cuts and benefit reductions for the workers.  The soviet socialists, of course, are blaming the national socialists, saying Hostess has been bought up by investment bankers who want to make its facilities into sweatshops.

The truth, I would think, is that the international socialist insurgency at the top does not care whether the company is run by slave labor consisting of US workers or slave labor consisting of foreign workers, just so long as more wealth, hence political power, is removed from American nationals.  And this is not taking the side of the unions because it can be added that the workers could have a lot more in an honest exchange of work for labor if they did not have to support the parasites in the power structure of the union.
Continue reading “Let’s Make a Better Twinkie and Save America”

The effort to divide we the American nationals one against the other had completely fallen apart following the completion of the fraudulent 2012 Election.  The fact that we are heavily armed is no secret and the mainstream in the alternate media had completely lost control of the patriot movement as the people realized that they were going to have to fight as individuals for their lives.

Then out of nowhere here comes the infamous secession petitions, spreading like wildfire across our country, leaving open the opportunity for the mainstream alternate media to create a new faction in an attempt to regain control over the entire movement.  And the ignorant and the cowardly took the bait like a starving catfish as the proclamation came forth, “Retreat, retreat, the state governments will save you if you just give them a chance, and you don’t even have to fight and die as the state is going to do that for you.”
Continue reading “Is the Secession Movement Real?”

As of Nov. 15th, 2012, all 50 states had petitions in place to secede from the “Union”.  Some of the alternative news media have jumped on the wagon, vying for first place to lead the charge.

Fighting the system to “fix” (or resurrect) it, is the same as fighting over who gets the tenderloin steak off a dead and rotting cow.   For many of you I am sure this will be an extremely radical statement.  But if that system lead us to the morass of greed and evil in which we are today, wouldn’t it be better to step aside while it collapses and help lead society to a better paradigm, based more on caring about others than about squeezing the last penny out of some useless consumer product?
Continue reading “Don’t Fight the System”

The mainstream propaganda campaign for the day is so blatant in its intent as to be nauseating. Great fanfare is being made of the CIA soap opera, Operation Stinky Finger – Terror in Benghazi, as the genocide being committed on the people of Palestine is minimized to the point of insignificance.

It is almost laughable watching the propagandists attempting to sensationalize the Palestinians’ pathetic attempt to retaliate against the Israeli bombardments.  The reporter zeroes our attention in on the air raid siren in Tel Aviv as we wait for the explosion, which is a tiny pop about as loud as a fireworks mortar.
Continue reading “Israeli Zionists Lapping up the Blood of Palestinian Children”

The United Nations Security Council has called an emergency session to discuss the escalation of hostilities in Israel.  When I say Israel I actually mean Palestine but the fact is that except for a few reservations/concentration camps, Palestine is a conquered country.  The Israeli government, in an act of international murder, killed the chief of Hamas’ military wing, Ahmed Jabari in an airstrike on Gaza, Wednesday.

A total of 10 people were murdered, including Jabari.  Forty-five people are reported injured, 10 of them are in critical condition.  An 11-month-old and a 6-year-old girl were among the dead.  This attack was nothing short of an act of international terrorism.  Hamas is the government in Gaza and Jabari was the commander of the military for that government.
Continue reading “Israel Commits International Murder….. Again”

If you are waiting for the economic collapse, you’re too  late – it’s already happened.  And it’s TWCTM (Those Who Control the Money) who did it.  They pulled the rug right out from under themselves.   We are living in a world of complete economic fantasy, using numbers that are unfathomable, unconscionable, and  un-repayable.

Those of you who already know this, bear with me for the sake of those who don’t, but here’s a quick primer on big-picture economics in the U.S.:  Congress tells the Treasury that it needs some amount of money.  The treasury asks the Federal Reserve Bank (“the Fed” – a privately held company, not a U.S. Government agency) to print/issue an amount of money.  The Treasury issues Treasury  Notes (a.k.a. T-Bills) to cover that amount of money and these Notes are sold to other countries who are, in effect, loaning us that money until the maturity date of the note.  (Lately, though, other countries are less than enthusiastically buying up our T-bills.  The biggest purchaser is now the Fed, themselves.)
Continue reading “The Illusion Laid Bare”

Campaign for Liberty

Farewell to Congress

This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor.  At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36 year period.  My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today:  promote peace and prosperity by a strict adherence to the principles of individual liberty.

It was my opinion, that the course the U.S. embarked on in the latter part of the 20th Century would bring us a major financial crisis and engulf us in a foreign policy that would overextend us and undermine our national security.
Continue reading “Ron Paul’s Farewell Address”

The mainstream propaganda machine, in an all out effort to put the fraudulent 2012 election as far in the past as they can, as fast as they can, has now turned to the ultra soap opera, As the World Turns Rome Burns and the United States Plunges off the Fiscal Cliff, using scenes right out of Peyton Place.  We have affairs and scandals right up into the highest echelons of the socialist insurgent elite.  And yes, it would seem General Petraeus has betrayed us.

Was it the CIA/Mossad hit in Benghazi or the cover-up thereof?  No, it was something much more devious.  This act comes right out of the Clinton Chronicles.  In an attempt to find out what “is” is, we have learned that US CIA Director General Petraeus has been playing stinky finger with a Washington DC socialite, which has the whole nation wondering, does he smoke cigars?
Continue reading “Goldfinger with a Twist – Starring General Betray-Us”

Silver Circle Underground 

Last Saturday evening, two Indianapolis homes exploded, killing two people and damaging 18 neighboring structures. At first, authorities suggested that it was caused by a gas leak or faulty furnace. However, overhead photos of the blast show devastation that looks much more like a bombing. According to CBS News, expert testimony suggests that a furnace could not cause this type of devastation. Also, Chicagoist is reporting that Citizens Energy has performed an investigation looking for gas leaks, and none could be found.
Continue reading “Was the Mysterious Explosion in Indianapolis a Drone Strike?”

Huffington Post – JASON STRAZIUSO

NAIROBI, Kenya — The website’s headlines trumpet al-Shabab’s imminent demise and describe an American jihadist fretting over insurgent infighting. At first glance it appears to be a sleek, Horn of Africa news site. But the site – – is run by the U.S. military.

The site, and another one like it that centers on northwest Africa, is part of a propaganda effort by the U.S. military’s Africa Command aimed at countering extremists in two of Africa’s most dangerous regions – Somalia and the Maghreb.
Continue reading “Somalia News Website Run By U.S. Military Aims To Counter Insurgents”

The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

There are no FEMA camps and anyone who believes that not to be the case is a conspiracy theorist who wears a tin foil hat. The government has no interest in building detention facilities for innocent American citizens who simply have strong political views such as being a Ron Paul supporter, supporting the Constitution, supporting the Second Amendment and advocating for enforcement of the Tenth Amendment. America has the First Amendment and that right is zealously protected by the politicians in Washington DC. Can we please move on to something worthwhile to talk about? Doesn’t our country have enough to worry about rather than to engage in wild-eyed fantasies regarding some remote conspiracy about FEMA camps?
Continue reading “CBS News Admits FEMA Camps Are Real”