Max Velocity Tactical

Have you seen this video:


Bottom line, the guy was probably unarmed, it is after all New York. He is being attacked by multiple assailants on motorcycles, who are chasing him. He has his wife and child in the car. He probably did not know what to do. If armed, start killing them. Continue reading “Self Defense: Maximum Violence”

Inline image 1420 Magazine – by NORML

On this day in history, October 2, 1937:


After a decade of U.S. government scare propaganda that convinced Americans that crazed Mexicans, blacks and fans of jazz clubs were pushing marijuana “reefers” on school children and honest youths, turning them into raving murderers, politicians decided to act.

The U.S. Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act. Growing and selling marijuana were still legal, but only if you bought a $1 government stamp. And that stamp was not for sale.   Continue reading “US Jails Very First Pot Dealer 1937”

Airport 14News 4 Jax

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Jacksonville International Airport was evacuated Tuesday evening because of two suspicious packages found there, according to the Jacksonville Aviation Authority, and witnesses say two men were taken into custody.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office bomb squad was called to the airport at 2400 Yankee Clipper Drive about 6:30 p.m. and the airport was closed.   Continue reading “JIA evacuated, closed due to 2 suspicious packages; witnesses say 2 men in custody”

Common Dreams – by Sarah Lazare

Tons of water exposed to radiation have leaked during a transfer operation at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant, owner TEPCO announced Tuesday. The new leak marks the latest in mounting failures to contain the ever-increasing quantity of water contaminated by efforts to cool the plant’s melted reactors.

Following heavy rains, workers pumped trapped water into a temporary tank, a TEPCO spokesperson stated Tuesday. In the process, workers “found water was spilling from the manhole on top of the tank,” releasing an estimated 4 tons of water into the ground, according to the spokesperson.   Continue reading “Fukushima Failure: Radioactive Water Bursts from Tank”

obama resistance is futileThe Common Sense Show- by Dave Hodges

One does not need to be psychic to know that world’s darkest days are right around the corner. There are events which are forming the perfect storm. We face the likely prospect of WWIII in the Middle East. America stands upon the brink of total economic collapse. The mechanisms for a brutal false flag attack have been put into motion and could happen within the next 45 days. The total obliteration of the Constitution is at hand and the legal mechanisms and rules for living in a post-apocalyptic America are clearly in place. On the surface, it appears that America’s fate is sealed.   Continue reading “The Apocalypse Is Upon Us”

targeted by copsReason – by Ed Krayewski

Benton Mackenzie is 47 and set to die, suffering from terminal angiosarcoma cancer. Mackenzie uses medical marijuana to manage his pain, including a cannabis oil for his skin lesions some doctors say make his experience worth studying for other patients. Mackenzie’s effort to alleviate his pain and improve the quality of his life, however, has put him in the crosshairs of Iowa law enforcement. The Quad-City Times reports on how it started:   Continue reading “Terminal Cancer Patient in Iowa, Entire Family, Face Drug Charges Over His Medical Marijuana Use”

boro-flee.jpgThe New Yorker – by Andy Borowitz [SATIRE]

UNITED STATES (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of Tea Party loyalists fled the United States in the early morning hours today, seeking what one of them called “the American dream of liberty from health care.”

Harland Dorrinson, 47, a tire salesman from Lexington, Kentucky, packed up his family and whatever belongings he could fit into his Chevy Suburban just hours before the health-insurance exchanges opened, joining the Tea Party’s Freedom Caravan with one goal in mind: escape from Obamacare.   Continue reading “Millions Flee Obamacare”

Obama MumsAmmoLand

Charlotte, NC –-( Last week, the FBI released its national crime report for 2012.

By a slight margin, the nation’s violent crime rate decreased in 2012–relative to 2011–making it the lowest it has been since 1970.   Continue reading “Not a Peep from Obama: Violent Crime Reaches 42-Year Low”

The Tap Blog

Odin’s Raven said…See Undeleted Evidence

” Israeli Alex Trajtenberg, insured Westgate Shopping Mall through UK’s Lloyd’s market for about Sh6.6 billion. According to the Business Daily of Kenya (27, Sept. 2013 article “Westgate insurer faces Sh6.6 billion compensation bill”), the insurance deal specifically included a cover against political violence where acts of terrorism fall.   Continue reading “Making money from false terrorism gives their game away”

Live Leak

This is what firearm owners mean when we say we’re criminals the moment we pay for our first firearm.

Brian Aitken is a normal, law abiding citizen; at the time of his arrest he still had student loans, a wife and a young child.

Everything changed when he was arrested and sent to serve time for something which was actually legal.   Continue reading “This Man Lost Everything When He Was Sent to Prison Despite Not Breaking Any Laws”

Irish Times

UN experts charged with starting the process of verifying and eliminating chemical weapons arrived in Syria today for the mission endorsed by the UN Security Council.

A convoy of about 20 United Nations vehicles carrying the experts, equipment and security personnel crossed the border from Lebanon shortly after 1130 GMT, a Reuters television cameraman said.   Continue reading “UN experts begin weapons dismantling process in Syria”

Former child soldiers in the CongoAnti-War – by John Glaser

Ask any policymaker in the White House or Congress, what’s more important than human rights? Their response: “Our government, of course.”

The Obama administration yesterday issued blanket waivers exempting three countries from a federal law banning U.S. military aid to countries that use child soldiers. Think Progress:   Continue reading “Obama Waives Ban on Sending Military Aid to Countries With Child Soldiers” North Carolina – by MT Top Patriot

They are afraid of what we will do to them for what they are doing to us.

It is why they they call the AR15 rifle an “assault weapon”.

Because they are afraid it will be used to assault them for what they have done to this great Republic.

It is why the are attempting to make peaceful redress impossible.   Continue reading “These tyrants are afraid of us”

This Can’t Be Happening – by Dave Lindorff

I no longer recognize my country.

Back in 1997, after two years living in China, and five more living in Hong Kong, during which time, as a correspondent for Business Week magazine, I slipped in and out of China regularly as a journalist to report on developments there, I got a good dose of life in a totalitarian society. When I alit from the plane in Philadelphia where my family and I were about to start a new chapter of our lives, I remember feeling like a big weight had been lifted off my chest.   Continue reading “‘Freedom’s just another word…’ The Police State of America”