Doug Ross @ Journal

Yesterday @Democracy2014 tweeted this “screenshot of the ‘fixed’ website two pages into it.”   Continue reading “The Awesome Efficiency of the Government: White House Considered Scrapping $500MM Site”

NOW THE END BEGINSBefore It’s News – by Now the End Begins

Duck Dynasty is one of the most watched shows in the history of television. It follows the Robertson family and their business, The Duck Commander.

What most people don’t know is the dark past that only their faith in God helped get them through. The Robertson family has battled drugs, alcoholism, and suicidal tendencies. Through all this pain great things have emerged.   Continue reading “The Dark Side Of Duck Dynasty Exposed”

Before It’s News – by Susan Duclos

Two train derailments, both with fatalities, one on the East Coast and one out West, both in the same weekend. According to a thread on conspiracy sites, the list of train derailments and/or incidents across the globe since April 2013 is considerably longer than people might believe without seeing it. So, go ahead and lookat the individual post (it will open in a new tab or window.)

As for this weekends tragic events, one occured the Bronx, NY on Sunday, which killed four and injured 67 and 11 of the injured are reportedly in critical condition.   Continue reading “Strange Coincidence Kills 7 Injures 67 – East & West Coast Trains Derail”


ALBANY — State police are refusing to release statistical information about the number of new pistol permits in New York or how many assault weapons have been registered under a controversial gun-control law enacted in January.

The SAFE Act forbids the disclosure of gun owners’ names who want to keep the information private and also doesn’t allow a new gun database created by the law to be released publicly.   Continue reading “N.Y. won’t release gun law statistics”

california-gun-confiscation-620x400So why has anyone with a mind even registered their pieces, because when they do they are targets. I have told many people this down through the years. Bet they wish they would have listened now.

Free Patriot – by Brandon Walker

The first police raids to take legally purchased guns commenced in California. The state has the strictest gun laws in the country now, and is definitely not pro Second Amendment in the state.   Continue reading “California Now Confiscating Legally Purchased Guns”

Ene News

China-Korea Cooperation on the Development of Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System of Radionuclides, 2013: In this study we are concerned with long-term oceanic-scale dispersion of Cs 137 released from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. […] the simulation is carried out up to 2041.

(This animation was left on the server and found by randomly typing in guesses for the URL address. Note that the ocean releases used for this model appear to end soon after 3/11. This means the daily release of 400 tons of radioactive water that’s likely been ongoing since the disaster began is not being accounted for.)   Continue reading “Hidden gov’t forecast shows Fukushima contamination spread throughout Northern Pacific Ocean in 5 years”

The Brad Blog – by Brad FRIEDMAN

One of the world’s largest ATM manufacturers and, formerly, one of the largest manufacturers of electronic voting systems, has been indicted by federal prosecutors for bribery and falsification of documents.

The charges represent only the latest in a long series of criminal and/or unethical misconduct by Diebold, Inc. and their executives over the past decade.   Continue reading “Diebold Charged With Bribery, Falsifying Docs, ‘Worldwide Pattern of Criminal Conduct’”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

The ‘coincidences’ now surrounding the death of Paul Walker are aligning and are impossible to overlook . From death rumors to ‘the Family Guy’, the ‘Fast and Furious’ connection and more, does Youtube videographer Paul Gardiner lay down the facts that prove that Paul Walker’s death was an ‘illuminati death’? RIP Paul Walker.   Continue reading “Paul Walker’s Illuminati Death”

ar15-300x200Patriot Net Daily – by CODY GRIFFIN

Whether you are prepping for the zombie apocalypse or the aftermath of a hurricane, self-defense is an important aspect of surviving any disaster.  Everyone has their preference as to what qualifies as the best survival weapon. History has proven the rifle to be the best all-purpose firearm to face a variety of combat and self-defense scenarios.

However, a rifle should only be part of what many preppers refer to as a layered defense system.  It doesn’t matter if you are bugging out or sheltering, your need to arm yourself with a variety of weaponry, self-defense skills and training is the same.  With that said, if you could have only one firearm in a survival situation it should be a quality rifle.   Continue reading “The Top 6 Survival Rifles and Why You Need One”

	The Yellow blankets indicate the deceased and the white sheets are for the living injured. Passengers are tended to after a Metro North Hudson River line train derailed at Spuytin Duyvil train station. Over 45 people were injured and 4 possible fatalities. Five cars went off the rail and one almost went into the river. New York Daily News – by Joe Stepansky , Pete Donohue , Edgar Sandoval , Tina Moore AND Bill Hutchinson

At least four people were killed and 63 injured when a Manhattan-bound Metro-North train derailed Sunday morning in the Bronx, toppling cars and sending passengers flying from their seats.

At least two passengers were ejected from the Hudson line train when it skidded off the tracks at 7:20 a.m. in a sharp bend just north of the Spuyten Duyvil Station.   Continue reading “4 dead, 63 injured after NYC-bound Metro-North passenger train derails in Bronx”

A general view of houses in the town of Vik in southern Iceland.(Reuters/ Ingolfur Juliusson)RT News

Iceland’s government has announced that it will be writing off up to 24,000 euros ($32,600) of every household’s mortgage, fulfilling its election promise, despite overwhelming criticism from international financial institutions.

The measure was introduced by the country’s prime minister, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, the leader of the Progressive Party which won the late-April elections on a promise of household debt relief.   Continue reading “Iceland thumbs nose at international opposition to advance $1.2 billion debt relief plan”

My Nature’s Medicine – by Robert J. Rowen, MD

I’m always looking for natural substances that throw a “monkey wrench” into the peculiar metabolism of cancer cells. It’s vital these substances kill cancer cells and leave normal cells untouched. I’ve told you about some of my discoveries in the past. They include resveratrol, green tea, Seanol, and others. But today I’m going to tell you about another plant that safely starves cancer cells as efficiently as a powerful chemo drug. In fact, it even works on pancreatic cancer cells, which are particularly difficult to kill.   Continue reading “Simple plant kills up to 98% of cancer cells – and stops diabetes”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The uprisings we witnessed two years ago in the Middle East have spread the world around. People are fed up with their bankrupt and corrupt governments who place the burden of their mistakes upon the tax payer. We know it’s the International Bankers who have a firm grip on these nations and bring chaos to the world. The nations of the world are greatly perplexed. Waring one moment while making peace treaties the next. We currently see these peace deals moving forward with Iran and Syria which are two nations the scriptures document being destroyed just before the reign of the Anti-Christ. Continue reading “Bangkok police use tear gas on protesters besieging govt buildings”

Metro-North train derails in The Bronx; ‘multiple injuries’ reportedNew York Post – by Daniel Prendergast and Rebecca Harshbarger

A Metro-North train derailed on the southern tip of the Bronx, pushing at least one car into the water on Sunday morning, witnesses said.

The accident happened at 7:20 a.m. about 100 feet north of the Spuyten Duyvil station, as five of seven cars derailed, according to an MTA spokesman.   Continue reading “Metro-North train derails in The Bronx; ‘multiple injuries’ reported”