The Vice President’s 2013 Dangerous Advice Tour continues unabated, as he’s upgraded from telling women that they should commit assault with a deadly weapon to advocating murder: Continue reading “It’s time for this idiot to resign in disgrace: Clueless Joe Biden tells shooters to fire through the door, committing murder.”
Year: 2013
The Captain’s Journal – by HERSCHEL SMITH
For gunmakers, the political fight over assault rifles and high-capacity pistols is about more than just profits – it’s about the militarization of the marketplace and represents a desperate bid by gunmakers to prop up a decaying business. The once-dependable market for traditional hunting guns has fallen off a cliff. To adapt, the firearms industry has embraced a business strategy that requires it to place the weapons of war favored by deranged killers like Adam Lanza and Jared Loughner into the homes and holsters of as many Americans as possible. “They’re not selling your dad’s hunting rifle or shotgun,” says Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center, a top industry watchdog. “They’re selling military-bred weaponry.” Continue reading “The Most Absurd AR-15 Article Ever”
American Thinker – by Janice Shaw Crouse & Brenda Zurita
Do senators and representatives even know what they just voted for on Thursday when they passed a piece of legislation? The bill included an amendment with egregious problems. The two worst ones are draconian cuts to the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office) and the endorsement of the decriminalization of prostitution for minors.
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) attached his version of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2013 as Senate Amendment 21 (SA 21) to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 2013 (S. 47). Sen. Leahy originally introduced a version of this bill in the 112th Congress where it came up against opposition and died. Evidently aware that it could not stand on its own in the 113th Congress, Sen. Leahy added it to the Violenece Against Women Act (VAWA) and managed to sneak it past both the Senate and the House. Continue reading “Decriminalization of Prostitution for Minors?”
The US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Tuesday that a group of United States-based attorneys, journalists and human rights activists, along with their affiliated organizations, cannot sue to establish the unconstitutionality of a 2008 amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
The decision had nothing to do with the merits of the claim. Rather, the lawsuit was thrown out of court because the plaintiffs could not prove that the interception of their phone calls and emails was “certainly impending,” a legal standard never before imposed to deny someone the right to sue. Continue reading “Police State USA: Supreme Court upholds Secret Wiretaps”
With Washington abuzz over concerns Watergate reporter Bob Woodward was threatened by the White House over his critical reporting, another dispute is playing out involving WND – which is being censored on numerous military bases run by Barack Obama’s Department of Defense.
The exact number of bases isn’t known, but reports have come from Tinker Air Force Base, Kirtland Air Force Base, Hanscom Air Force Base, Hill Air Force Base and several others. Continue reading “Obama’s Defense Department Blocking WND”
One man is brave enough to write what many Americans are thinking. This is reposted in its entirety from the Facebook page of One Million Moms Against Gun Control:
The taboo subject…sigh….guess it is time to start putting our cards on the table.
If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? Continue reading “Will You Fight?”
NY Daily News – by Bill Hutchinson
Nutty ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman has a new best friend — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Rodman, the heavily pierced and tattooed unofficial American ambassador, and the dictator with nuke missiles hung out courtside at a basketball game Thursday in the North Korean capital Pyongyang.
Continue reading “‘Friend for life’: Ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman becomes buds with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un”
Wow, this is really disturbing. We have an Attorney General who was held in criminal contempt of Congress, and who holds the United States Congress that did so, equally in contempt. He says that being held in contempt of Congress is no biggie because he doesn’t respect the 255 House members (including 17 Democrats) who voted in favor of it.
We are not in a good place, America: Continue reading “Holder Shruggs Off Being Held In Contempt of Congress – He Has No Respect For Them, Either”
Running ‘Cause I Can’t Fly – by Andy Borowitz
SHANGHAI (The Borowitz Report)— “In a rare announcement from a notoriously publicity-shy group, Chinese hackers revealed today that they were dropping the United States government from their official list of high-value targets. “We have to allocate our time and energy to hacking powerful organizations,” a spokesman for the hackers said. “Right now, calling the United States government an ‘organization’ would be a reach.” He added that the hackers’ ultimate goal had been to hurl the U.S. government into a state of abject paralysis, “and they seem to have already taken care of that on their own.” Continue reading “Satire: “Chinese Hackers Drop US Government From List of High-Value Targets””
Safety Alert!
Here are some reasons why we don’t allow cell phones in operating areas, propylene oxide handling and storage area, propane, gas and diesel refueling areas.
The Shell Oil Company recently issued a warning after three incidents in which mobile phones (cell phones) ignited fumes during fueling operations. Continue reading “Warning from Shell Oil Co.”
On January 19th, I went to the rally at Senator Joe Manchin’s office in Martinsburg along with about 400 or so other West Virginians. We expressed ourselves emphatically at that rally, and I have followed up with an email to Senator Manchin expressing my deep concern with his apparent willingness to sell out his constituents. I doubt it will do any good, but I did it. Continue reading “An open letter to Senator Jay Rockefeller”
Canada Free Press – by Anna Grayson
London, England-A new wealth tax is being proposed by the leftist wing (The Liberal Democrats) of our coalition government that will come with unprecedented powers to enter our homes and root through our personal possessions to value rings, necklaces, paintings and furniture, anything that might raise more taxes. If we refuse to be inspected or get our own valuations wrong, we would be facing fines, maybe even a jail sentence. Continue reading “Now they want our jewellery, paintings and furniture”
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Maryland Senate approved a comprehensive gun control bill on Thursday that includes a ban on assault weapons and fingerprinting for prospective handgun buyers.
The Democratic-controlled Senate passed the bill 28-19 and sent it on to the House of Delegates, according to the chamber’s website. Continue reading “Maryland Senate passes gun control bill”
Huffington Post – by BEN NUCKOLS
FORT MEADE, Md. — Bradley Manning, the Army private arrested in the biggest leak of classified material in U.S. history, pleaded guilty Thursday to charges that could send him to prison for 20 years, saying he was trying to expose the American military’s “bloodlust” and disregard for human life in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading “Bradley Manning Pleads Guilty To Some Charges In WikiLeaks Case”
Huffington Post – by Jason Linkins
When House Republican leaders yanked the Hurricane Sandy relief bill from the floor back at the beginning of January, the move didn’t sit well with Republicans from the region affected by the superstorm. Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.), feeling sandbagged, got into a heated exchange with House Speaker John Boehner soon after the decision was made to adjourn without taking up the relief bill. Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) told reporters that he was “utterly devastated.” From New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie declaimed that the House had “failed that most basic test of public service,” adding, “Shame on you. … [This] is why the American people hate Congress.” (Curiously, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg greeted the news with something of a bemused shrug.) Continue reading “Peter King Lashes Out At Marco Rubio, Says He’s Playing New Yorkers For ‘Suckers’”
Huffington Post – by SUSANNE M. SCHAFER
SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Carolyne Chelulei came to the United States from Kenya on a student visa for a college education, but now the Army is offering her the chance to stay for good as a citizen.
The 23-year-old is one of several hundred immigrants whose specialized skills, either in languages or in their professional background, make them eligible for a Pentagon program that repays service in uniform with an accelerated path to citizenship. Continue reading “U.S. Army Offers Citizenship Track For Immigrants With Specialized Skills”
Really think Barry Soetoro (Obama) and the gun grabbers will be so blatant to outright ban your guns and ammo? If you think that, then you are way more stupid than they are. Believe it or not, 99% of the supposed pro 2nd amendment crowd has played right into their hands after the latest mass killing in Newtown CT. So much that, I have to really wonder if that is a coincidence or by design.
Check out what most of the “conspiracy” and alternative media sites on the web say about this issue of mass killings and gun control – nearly all are blaming these horrible mass shootings on psychotropic drugs and not guns. It only dawned on me tonight where this is headed, and it’s entirely possible that they will start with the very exact argument the alleged pro 2nd amendment groups are using as a defense to start their gun grabbing. Continue reading “Gun Control Made Easy and Your Enemies Help”
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